Sex crimes officer gets convicted for sex crime.


I went to the library ordered the book, (Randell Kennedy) waited for about 5 days got the book and read it. I think it supports my thoughts about the Civil War, why the North and South will probably always be divided. The bigotry in Amercia will be here until the sun quits shining.

Good or bad? I guess it depends on who's ox is getting gored, by the looks of the masses. Shows that hypocrisy knows no bounds. In 1960 is when Elmer Gantry was being aired.
When I was on another board a person from the south, said "she had never been treated bad in the south (AA), it was when she came to CA that she was treated the worst", language and such. I told her I did not believe her. That started the stir, it keep on going until I was expunged from the board.

I am born and raised in CA when I went into Marine Corps in 1959 and went to Virginia in 1960 I could not believe the signs and the way people were treated. This is prior to the CRM, and when it did happen, (CRM) I felt that it was the correct thing to happen, it benefited everyone.

I guess I was sheltered in Hollywood, (sure).

I feel the book is probably pretty much on the right track considering the way it was presented. I was not subjected to much of what is referred to in the book (I am white), but I did feel a lot of the hate and turbulence of the 60's and 70's, because of the war and the way the great masses treated the service men and women, and Law Enforcement of the day...

It is unfortunate that the Civil Rights Movement and the War in Vietnam, were occuring at the same time, they overlapped each other and it took us awhile(US citz) to unravel the situation, (it still hasn't come full circle yet).

Whats your take on the book? Also feel free to state what you think about my thoughts. Regards, Gary
Its a good book. I recommend it to everyone.

I don't think the South will always be bigoted. Even now more middle and upper class northeren blacks are moving south. Demographics are changing, and the major southeren cities are turning into "ideaopolises", which tend to be more liberal. It'll be a long, slow haul...but we'll get there.

I think if you want to talk about this you might join in on Kaith's thread, or start another.

Oh...I was ten and lived in Mississippi for about six months. Saw bigotry everywhere, even though the Civil Rights act had been passed. They hadn't taken down the signs in parks over water fountains that said "colored" and "white". It left an impression.

We got a lot of former Marines in this forum, don't we?



The thought that the South will rise again, is more what come's to my mind then being the other way around.

Maybe we (marines) are just more to posting on boards and speaking about the Corps. I see you are into the Korean arts were you stationed there?

What post would that be, he has so many?

At one time in the Dictionary, a "Bigot" was a man with a mustache, I think it is hard to overcome our upbringing, look how difficult it is for some to realize we have been to the moon, and it is not just a Hollywood back drop.

Regards, Gary
We're off topic now, but that's OK with me. This conversation is very important to me as an American. I was born and raised in the south during the 1950's. I remember segregated schools, buses, diners, water fountains ect. This was a horrible time for me. I have zero nostalgia for the 50's. I'm definetly with Studs Terkel on this one. The fifties s#cked! I have the memory of being four years old and taking the bus from Lake Charles to Shreveport to visit an aunt with my mom and waiting for the bus to return home. The day was terribly hot and I was thirsty. We are Indians of mixed blood that could "pass" for white. My mom looked around and couldn't find the "whites only" water fountain so she took me to the "coloreds" water fountain. An old man in a white linen suit and a pamama hat went up to my mom and started berating her for letting her boy drink from the "coloreds" water fountain as if I would get some disease. My mom started shaking and crying and said "get away from me and my boy you hatefull old man!"
Go Mom! I Love you for that.
to swing back on topic a bit...whether or not his sentence was least he's off the streets for now...i think it's criminal to allow a convicted sex offender off with no jail time...

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