

Have the courage to speak softly
MT Mentor
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Sep 15, 2006
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Staffordshire, England

I am getting less and less accomodating about nonsense like this. Even in America, as has been said before, freedom of religion does not mean freedom from criticism or some special status where only those special 'chosen ones' may not be the subject of humour.

Mr. Leno and his network should tell them to take a running jump, especially with regard to statements like:

Petition signatory Simran Kaur says: "Jay Leno must apologise and promise not to make any direct or oblique references to Sikhs or their places of worship."
No one can offend anyone. This is the world we demanded, and it's the world we have. I said this "PC" thing was a slippery slope, along with millions of others; but we were shot down by the hand-wringers. Now we see what happens. Wait until it becomes a 'Crime Against Humanity' to offend anyone.
India doesn't 'do' political correctness, it does however have simmering resentment between the religons which can erupt in all out attacks and deaths. In 1984 there was a slaughter at the Golden Temple when the Indian Army stomed in it a bid to kill or capture Sikhs they considered were dangerous. That action and subsequent reactions left thousands dead.

Like many things in India there is always something deeper here, it's not just about criticising a religion or even 'playing ' a race card. I'm not sure that equating somewhere where thousands of innocent pilgrims were slaughtered which in turn led to thousands more dead is appropriate for a joke, it certainly wouldn't make me laugh, it's like making jokes about Belsen for example or the killing fields on Cambodia, the massacres of the Balkans but there you go for some a laugh is a laugh regardless.
Here's the thing... I didn't see the skit. But if the picture used was the same one in the article, my guess is that someone on Jay Leno's staff was given the assignment "find some fancy hotel/palace looking picture for this bit." And, when that anonymous staffer found this pic, they sent it on without much further vetting. Even if it was a daytime image, I can see someone thinking it might be good for the bit (the building appears to be literally covered in gold). The error was in not looking into what the building was... In a way, it's kind of like if they'd used St. Peter's Basilica, or even the Salt Lake Temple of LDS. They'd have known immediately neither was a wise choice... so why would they use another faith's religious building?

That said... Yeah, get over it. Call him on it, have a laugh at the ignorance displayed, and get over it.
Here's the thing... I didn't see the skit. But if the picture used was the same one in the article, my guess is that someone on Jay Leno's staff was given the assignment "find some fancy hotel/palace looking picture for this bit." And, when that anonymous staffer found this pic, they sent it on without much further vetting. Even if it was a daytime image, I can see someone thinking it might be good for the bit (the building appears to be literally covered in gold). The error was in not looking into what the building was... In a way, it's kind of like if they'd used St. Peter's Basilica, or even the Salt Lake Temple of LDS. They'd have known immediately neither was a wise choice... so why would they use another faith's religious building?

That said... Yeah, get over it. Call him on it, have a laugh at the ignorance displayed, and get over it.

If India could have a laugh they wouldn't be killing each other. Religion is tied up there with people wanting independence, the caste system and various other complications. it's a common thing I believe for westerners to assume that Asians are the same as us when that's far from the truth.

"India is characterized by more ethnic and religious groups than most other countries of the world. Aside from the much noted 2000-odd castes, there are eight "major" religions, 15-odd languages spoken in various dialects in 22 states and nine union territories, and a substantial number of tribes and sects"

They are never going to see the joke in India.