Visit the classes available, talk to the instructor(s) and students, and see which one fits your interests and personality - this is, ultimately, more important than the style; if you don't like how the instructor teaches, or the climate of the class, you won't stay, and nothing else will matter.
Right -- this is the most important thing. You have to meet the Teacher, and the Assistant Instructors if you can, and see the School. Do you want to train with this group of people? This trumps everything, in my opinion.
If you watch the class, and if they are going about doing things, when the Teacher says something, everyone should STOP and be mindful of the Teacher. That is, the Teacher should always be in control of the enviroment. This shows that the students are endowed with good respect, as they should be!
Kenpo is very good for self defense, but requires a more complex understanding to make it really effective.
Pick a hard style like TKD or one of the karate's, and try it for at least 6 months. if nothing else, you will get a good idea of the basics of the arts.
if you like it, fine, stick around till at least BB level before you try out a different art.
This also, is very good advice, in my opinion. My personality is such that I enjoy the "rowdy" feeling of the TaeKwonDo practice. The warmups get me going well. When everyone turns around and yells, then I know, okay, its time to kick HARD, its time to rock and roll, now!!! I feel this energy of the group moving together, I enjoy that a lot.
It is also very expressive, it has kicks that produce BIG power! I like that and the ways and means of the Dojang!
That said, you may also wish to look into the American Kenpo. It has many smaller moves put together in such a way that it is not so much one or two BIG strikes, but many "smaller" strikes all linked up very nicely. It is hard for me to say what this means, but you will see!
In any event, who can say what you will enjoy the most? Only you can say that.
Keep in touch with us and let us know how you get along with this!