Serial rapist to be released in California...


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The pillow case rapist is going to be released from prison very soon . Apparently, from this article, this monster was released from custody before, having been in a state mental facility for dozens of rapes, was released...and went on to rape more women...

Older readers in particular may remember the case of Christopher Hubbart, better known as the “Pillowcase Rapist” in California, who made the news at various times in the 80′s and 90′s. One of the lesser known but still more monstrous predators in the country, one aspect of his fame was that he spent almost no time in an actual prison. Instead, he was put up in hospitals because he was, you know… sick. But the story was even worse than that. Hubbart is in the news again this year because he will once again be walking the streets.

An admitted serial rapist who attacked 38 women in California could be a free man within weeks after the state’s Supreme Court denied prosecutors’ requests to block his release from a state mental hospital.

Christopher Hubbart, a sexually violent predator dubbed the “Pillowcase Rapist,” has spent nearly two decades in mental institutions after admitting to sexually assaulting more than three dozen women throughout California between 1971 and 1982, often putting pillowcases over victims’ heads to muffle their screams. Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey petitioned the state Supreme Court in July to block Hubbart’s release, but the justice’s rejected her request on Wednesday without comment.

Lacey, who has called the 62-year-old Hubbart a “significant threat to public safety,” sought a new hearing on whether Hubbart should be released in Santa Clara County, where he committed his most recent crimes, rather than Los Angeles.
As I mentioned, this story would be bad enough if Hubbart were just some monster that we caught and locked up, but this convoluted story should be the focus of a larger question of how we deal with serial recidivists. After his first spree of 29 rapes in the 70s, Hubbart was put in a “medical facility.” Then, in 1979, he was released when officials determined that he “no longer posed a threat to the public.” He immediately moved north, attacking multiple women in San Francisco and Sunnyvale before being caught – again – and being sent to – you guessed it – a mental hospital. He was paroled a third time in 1990, whereupon he – surprise, surprise – attacked a female jogger and was taken into state care yet again. Now he’s going to be released.

At the age of 62, perhaps they think he’s less of a threat because he can’t run as fast anymore?

The question is...what does the public do with a case like this where the government is simply not going to do its job to protect the women of California. He is older now so will he begin attacking children?

This monster has been.released twice before and never stopped attacking women...and now a third time? and the court is doing nothing to stop his release? what about the state medical personnel? How can they allow this?
Sounds like he couldn't be released if he was convicted under today's laws but that at the time he was judged to be "mentally disordered" and hence releasable when his mental illness had been successfully treated. In principle I agree that if a person is ill that that should be a significant consideration, but in practice we're so far away from understanding and treating and knowing when we have cured most mental illnesses that releasing him seems too great a risk to take. There's always a balance between individual and public freedoms and this should go to the public. Hopefully in the future there'll be a solid way to say if a person is cured of something like this. Today, it appears to me that if you've done it once for whatever reason then the risk of you doing it again is pretty high.
Hose rapists down with gasoline and toss a lit rag at them. I think it will work and it has the added benefit of allowing them to live the last few moments of their despicable lives in the fear, pain, and horror that they inflicted on their victims.

Plus it cuts the rate of recidivism way down.

Just my view.

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