Sensei almost dies

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This thread is very close to being locked and ICs handed out. Stop with the personal back and forth crap. If there is some sort of discussion to be had here, please return to it. Otherwise this thread will be closed.
If you are under the impression that this is unique and a once in a lifetime occurence, you obviously don't know the rules yet. It happens all the time... really, it does!

If it's so mundane why are you posting it up? Did you just like the headline 'How I nearly killed my brother'?
You've just decribed me to a tee... except I'm only half black - my bottom half. LOL

Forces sense of humour is an acquired taste I'm afraid. It is very black, has to be. However combined with the British bit I am very sadly misunderstood here and people think I'm raging or angry.

I am curious though, did your brother get you back for that? Which one of you is the eldest?
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This thread is very close to being locked and ICs handed out. Stop with the personal back and forth crap. If there is some sort of discussion to be had here, please return to it. Otherwise this thread will be closed.
In case MJS's message was unclear -- Martial Talk is a friendly forum. If you can't play nice, there are some other places you may prefer to play.

If you really can't play nice, you may well find yourself unwelcome here.

In other words --


Please keep the conversation polite and respectful.

Super Moderator
Ooh! MT is doing nicknames? Awesome. I call "Golden Retriever of Chaos." %-}


Actually I'm not in the least prickly, non Brits just don't understand my sense of humour I'm afraid.
Nothing I've said on this thread is prickly nor am I 'sensitive'. I have a squaddie sense of humour, it's, cynical, sarcastic and very black.

Forces sense of humour is an acquired taste I'm afraid. It is very black, has to be. However combined with the British bit I am very sadly misunderstood here and people think I'm raging or angry.

True enough. Although when i do get it, I love your sense of humor. :)
He kicks my butt on a regular basis. I'm 7 years his elder.

Can I ask why you just teach children? I teach children as well as adults and enjoy it a lot but many people feel that children should be almost young adults before they start martial arts and many instructors don't like and won't teach children.
Can I ask why you just teach children? I teach children as well as adults and enjoy it a lot but many people feel that children should be almost young adults before they start martial arts and many instructors don't like and won't teach children.
I only like to teach kids and teens. I enjoy watching them progress from timid, shy and often scared youngsters, into secure, proud, and disciplined young adults... Oh, and many of them grow up to be Champions as well. They are all Champions in my eyes.

I take them in as young as 4 and have good numbers in all my classes, up to 14 or 15. I don't really enjoy teaching adults, but I do love to roll with them on a regular basis. So my adult class is often 30 minutes of excercise, warm up and cardio - and 30 minutes of Ne Waza. More like BJJ than actual Judo... lots of armbars, chokes, strangulations, leglocks and so on, not so much throwing techniques.
Can I ask why you just teach children? I teach children as well as adults and enjoy it a lot but many people feel that children should be almost young adults before they start martial arts and many instructors don't like and won't teach children.

Heh true enough. My own sensei said he couldn't teach children because he'd wind up in prison. :p
Heh true enough. My own sensei said he couldn't teach children because he'd wind up in prison. :p
With children, all you need is a little extra patience - That's something I have lots of, for the youngsters, not so much for the adults.
With children, all you need is a little extra patience - That's something I have lots of, for the youngsters, not so much for the adults.

Thats awesome. some like adults, and some children.

I like adults and older children but dislike infants and small toddlers.

Whatever floats your boat I say. :)
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Thread locked since it's become a victim of hopeless, meaningless thread drift.
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