Send all the useless old folks to Mexico!


MT Mentor
How about setting up a new kind of "cultural exchange"? I've said it before and I'm gonna say it again. It's time we put and end to Mexico dumping their surplus labor problem on the US. I say it's time to get really tough and force the ineffectual government of Felipe Calderon to accept a new kind of trade agreement with the US. For every young, hardworking "illegal" they expect us to tolerate or give some kind of amnesty, they have to take one of our useless crotchety old retired folk down there... with full rights and priviledges equal to any Mexican citizen. You know full rights to purchase beach-front property, run businesses, political invovement including voting, running for office, and the whole shebang. The way I see it, we in the US will get a lot of young, hard working people to pay into Social Security and the like, and they will get all those crotchety folks out in Sun City who won't even support our local school bond elections. And what do the crotchety folks get? Well, they can enjoy a bargain rate retirement with access to beaches, golf and and cheap prescription drugs. Plus, if they can vote down there (and they always vote) they'll make some big changes in the way things are run in Mexico. Now that would be interesting!
Mexico is a big holiday place for many Brits, Cancun is a favourite with many people, is it in a different Mexico then? :)
Tell you all what... you all send your parents (that are still alive) FIRST then I'll send mine.
Right now they're old but not useless... even at 84 yrs old.
Im all for sending some geezers.

Actually James, that is my retirement plan. With what they pay teachers here in Arizona, and recent talk about cutting our already meager pensions by 30%, at least I'll be able to eat. Good thing I like tortillas and beans.

And Tez, even in the real Mexico, I've met a lot of Europeans, including Brits. You guys get out and about more than a lot of Americans!
How about setting up a new kind of "cultural exchange"? I've said it before and I'm gonna say it again. It's time we put and end to Mexico dumping their surplus labor problem on the US. I say it's time to get really tough and force the ineffectual government of Felipe Calderon to accept a new kind of trade agreement with the US. For every young, hardworking "illegal" they expect us to tolerate or give some kind of amnesty, they have to take one of our useless crotchety old retired folk down there... with full rights and priviledges equal to any Mexican citizen. You know full rights to purchase beach-front property, run businesses, political invovement including voting, running for office, and the whole shebang. The way I see it, we in the US will get a lot of young, hard working people to pay into Social Security and the like, and they will get all those crotchety folks out in Sun City who won't even support our local school bond elections. And what do the crotchety folks get? Well, they can enjoy a bargain rate retirement with access to beaches, golf and and cheap prescription drugs. Plus, if they can vote down there (and they always vote) they'll make some big changes in the way things are run in Mexico. Now that would be interesting!

Since I fully believe you are not serious or just trying to set yourself up for easy immigration when you retire I will just laugh.

But if you are serious I'm not laughing at all since my 78 year old father, 22 years navy veteran of 2 wars, and ParkinsonĀ’s suffer just had to go to a nursing home and a little over 2 years ago he was still skiing and playing golf.

But then I am assuming you are not serious
But if you are serious I'm not laughing at all since my 78 year old father, 22 years navy veteran of 2 wars, and ParkinsonĀ’s suffer just had to go to a nursing home and a little over 2 years ago he was still skiing and playing golf.

Age sucks. Your father on the other hand sounds awesome. :asian:
How about setting up a new kind of "cultural exchange"? I've said it before and I'm gonna say it again. It's time we put and end to Mexico dumping their surplus labor problem on the US. I say it's time to get really tough and force the ineffectual government of Felipe Calderon to accept a new kind of trade agreement with the US. For every young, hardworking "illegal" they expect us to tolerate or give some kind of amnesty, they have to take one of our useless crotchety old retired folk down there... with full rights and priviledges equal to any Mexican citizen. You know full rights to purchase beach-front property, run businesses, political invovement including voting, running for office, and the whole shebang. The way I see it, we in the US will get a lot of young, hard working people to pay into Social Security and the like, and they will get all those crotchety folks out in Sun City who won't even support our local school bond elections. And what do the crotchety folks get? Well, they can enjoy a bargain rate retirement with access to beaches, golf and and cheap prescription drugs. Plus, if they can vote down there (and they always vote) they'll make some big changes in the way things are run in Mexico. Now that would be interesting!

Wait... you meant that isn't what the US and Canada have already been doing for many years now? I thought it was official policy...
Actually James, that is my retirement plan. With what they pay teachers here in Arizona, and recent talk about cutting our already meager pensions by 30%, at least I'll be able to eat. Good thing I like tortillas and beans.
You're not the only one with their eyes on Latin America!

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