Sen. Clinton's Finance Director Indicted

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rmcrobertson said:
1. Ah yes--the fantasy of the picked-upon, "minority," white guy. Yep, you and our current President.

2. But campaign finance--which President Bush has repeatedly blocked--is. And so is the scale of illegalities. And if we're going to kvetch about not really sticking to the topic that's the topic that's bothering you...

3. Yes, those happy days in Leningrad...Josef, Karl and I, plotting the overthrow of all that's decent. Seriously, folks--you have a very skewed sense of who your enemy is.

4. don't actually have anything to say, eh? Just a quick snipe at Senator Clinton...look, attack the woman's voting record, politics, ideas, whatever...but these snipings a la Michael, start thinking for yourself, eh? 'Cause all one's reading is a straight reiteration of whatever's on Rush's mind this week...and when exactly was it that, "Dittohead," became a good thing?

1. What do you just read the page and pick out your favorite buzzwords, like "minority" and go off on a completely different trip? I've heard of flashbacks but I think you're permanently trippin'.

2. Right. President Bush is not the topic. 1 gold star for rmcrobertson.

3. Yes, firing squads have been my "enemy" for some time.

4. I honestly don't think there is much to say about it. The actions speak for themselves. Perhaps I will have more if it goes to court.
1. Perhaps you might want to read what you write, as well as what others do. Your post said, "I posted because being in the minority on Martial Talk, (ooh - do I qualify for some sort of program?) I knew nobody else would...." followed by, a) this writer's note that you were beginning in a way that has become common, which is to claim "minority," status for oneself as a picked-on white guy, then complain about the affirmative action policies of Sen. Clinton and other liberal democrats, then b) MM: "What do you just read the page and pick out your favorite buzzwords, like "minority" and go off on a completely different trip? I've heard of flashbacks but I think you're permanently trippin'."

2. Cheap shot, but save the Gold Star for the folks who've lost sons, daughters, husbands and wives, and brothers and sisters, in a war that your President Bush lied about, pushed unnecessarily.

3. Yup, you've sussed it--all us liberals and lefties run firing squads. Must be good to be on the side of Christian decency, like Ollie, "Never Met A Fascist Death Squad I Didn't Like," North and G. Gordon, "Shoot the ATF in the Head," Liddy, chasing down America's traitors. And hey, how's it going with looking up Strom Thurmond's career? Clearly, being on the side of moral truth, you'll want to do more than scrape up stuff on Sen. Clinton.

4. Glass houses? Stones? Hurl 'em. But perhaps a sense of proportion would be of value...especially given that this particular campaign finance crookery looks like an inevitable consequence of our utter refusal to run campaigns and finances rationally.

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