

Don't get Chewed!
MTS Alumni
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
a happy place
How many blade handling/training seminars do you attend each year.

Post the ones you like to attend each year, where it is and why you enjoy it.
Specifically blade training seminars that I attend annually? Hmm, probably one or two. Best annual event that features(but not limited to) knife work for me is Southnarc in Cobourg Ont. Nice, stripped down system of knife work, excellent instructor, great location.
frank raud said:
Specifically blade training seminars that I attend annually? Hmm, probably one or two. Best annual event that features(but not limited to) knife work for me is Southnarc in Cobourg Ont. Nice, stripped down system of knife work, excellent instructor, great location.
I haven't yet had the opportunity to train with Southnarc but I have both volumes of his Reverse Edge Method DVD's. His material is excellent and I look forward to training with him in person one of these days.

I attended a seminar presented by Datu Kelly Worden last year and was very impressed with both his [phenomenal] skill level and his ability to impart his knowledge to a wide range of students. I hope to train with him again someday as well.
Last year I went to two; both with Tuhon Gaje, one in Salt Lake City and the other in Dallas. I attended these because I study Pekiti-Tirsia Kali, and wanted to see the man himself. If I can move half as good as that when I'm 67, I'll be a happy, happy man.

Edit: Actually, in addition I attended a bowie seminar by Guro Shaun Eastman. Bowie work is very different than the FMA that I have studied, and I really liked the applications that I was taught. I had a very brief exposure to it through Jim Keating, but it was nice to be able to concentrate on the material.

This year I've been to one with Tim Waid (SLC), and am planning on attending two with Tuhon Gaje. Tim has a very different teaching style than Tuhon, much more of a western analytical approach. He also emphasises slightly different applications than my PTK instructor does, it is always nice to see another instructors approach.

