Seminar that might interest Western MA enthusiests...

My link doesn't appear to be working, so I guess I had to cut and paste the other thread here... :idunno:

It’s always good to have a little martial craft for the holidays…
With egg nog and turkey, and holiday cheer,
This can be a very stressful time of the year,
With shopping, long lines, and traffic jammed places,
And enough Yo-Ho-Ho to want to break peoples faces,
Well you can’t break em'! Santa won’t deliver behind bars,
So instead play with friends at a bare-knuckle fighting seminar!
And then after all of that holiday cheer,
Stick to that resolution for the New Year,
And take some of that hard earned gift cash,
Treat yourself to a great knife seminar Bash!
So, no matter your race or creed, come out and play,
It’s always good to have a little martial craft for the holidays!

:ultracool :rolleyes:
Bare-Knuckle Fighting: This seminar is put on by the Tulisan Eskrima Gild and Master of Defense Paul Janulis. The Gild is dedicated to the propagation of the martial craft. On the street, you will not have the benefit of hand protection or rules if you are attacked. Knowing the dynamics of fighting bare fisted and dirty will help you handle real situations. We will use elements of Filipino and Western fighting arts to apply the dirty tricks from the bare-knuckle fighters of old to today’s environment. Learn strikes, parries, picks, hooks, locks, throws, gouges, butts, purrs, and much more! Not for the thin-skinned…be prepared for some contact!

Date/Time: December 5th, 2004; 12pm-3:30
Cost: Pre-register - $40; $50 @ door
Bring: mouth guard and groin protection

EDC Knife Seminar: Back by popular demand. This event is put on by TEG Corp., a self-defense training company. Master of Defense Paul Janulis will take you through what you need to know if you are going to carry a knife for self-defense, including both legalities and tactics.

Date/Time: January 9th, 2005; 12pm-4
Cost: Pre-register - $50; $70 @ door (repeat attendants call for discount details)
Bring: MUST bring your own LIVE blade. Call for suggestions if you’re not sure what to bring.

Location for both: Superkicks for America, 105 Main St. Rochester, MI 48307
Contact: Paul Janulis; 248-722-1634;

Yo-Ho-Ho …happy holidays, and we’ll see you soon!

Paul Janulis
Master of Defense
Just a quick review on this one.

This was a good time for sure.

Paul went over time as usual, which is good for us, so we got in about 4 hours.

We started with learning actually how to punch so you won't break your hand bare-fisted, and drilled just basic strikes.

That evolved into footwork, and some basic slipping and covering methods.

Then, we worked on our straight blast with a partner, both learning how to throw it, and how to evade it.

Then we added parries and counterstrikes.

We drilled these methods until we were good and sweaty with each other, both with focus mits and without.

Then we elevated the partner work adding some dirty tricks, different striking and low kicking methods, and a couple of breaks and throws.

At the end we sparred with what we had learned.

All around, everyone learned a lot and had a wonderful time!

If you didn't make it out this time around, I highly recommend you come out for the next one!


Tulisan said:
The Bare-Knuckle fighting seminar might be of interest for Western Martial Artists. I have done some research on western pugalism to develop the curriculum for this event.

Info on the event here:


Paul Janulis
Master of Defense
There's quite a lot of good information out there now, including a forum dedicated to Bare Knucle Boxing, the [ClassicPugilism] yahoo group.

There are also half a dozen or so period BKB manuals availabe, most for free on the web.

Peace favor your sword,
Kirk Lawson

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