Self Training...

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Like i said, no disrespect meant, i just rather be called a teenager, or a young man, instead of a child.

surely you can see my point in this.

(just as an example, would you rather me call you a Man/Woman, or an adult, or would you rather me call you an old fart... or something like that. :wink: )

again that was just an example, i'm not really going to call you that. :wink:


Ronin Wolf-master
I encourage everyone to heed the moderator warning.
Ojiisan said:
ITechnically at age 14, you are classified as a child. When you reach the age of 18 you are considered and adult.

I've been an adult for four years? Man, I better grow up.....

As for self training...can it be done? Yes, is it worthwhile? Well, I think Dave Lowry summed it up best in his article on "Lone Wolves". Wolves are pack animals and the "lone wolf" is the one that was ostracized by the pack because there was something wrong with most you know what happens to most lone wolves? They starve to death.

Nobody is going to dissuade you from doing something over the internet, but I encourage you to seek or delay training until an oppurtunity arises to train with a proper instructor. If you do wish to learn from a qualified instructor and continue to "train" yourself you will find that you have most likely compounded the difficulty of your training by the foundation of bad habits you have laid.
Ronin Wolf-master said:
also on another note, how maney people are carrying a sword that are going to start fights have had real training.... almost none. So they are self taught, and i can fght other selftaught people with the same odds of winning, gratned not many people fight with a sword today.. but thats beside the point, thoses that do are typicaly not trained, and thats why they start stuff... no respect, do disapline, no care for life.... and then they pick a fight with someone like me, or like even a real trained person and get there butts beat

I read this and you know what I see? A youth living in a fantasy world where he can imagine destroying all the evil doers he comes across while walking the earth with his blade slung over his back....

Try walking around with a live blade for awhile and see how long you could make it until you are picked up by the cops. Swords are no longer a practical weapon of self-defense, which sadly means that the arts that taught their methods are falling out of favor. I once saw a guy showing his buddy his cane "sword" that took about 10-15 seconds for him to unscrew and draw. They thought it was the coolest thing in the world and after he had resheathed I almost walked up and told him that he had 5 seconds to draw his sword and defend himself before I attacked him. Thinking you'll be waving a blade around defending yourself is ridiculous, dangerous, and immature.
bignick said:
I've been an adult for four years? Man, I better grow up.....

As for self training...can it be done? Yes, is it worthwhile? Well, I think Dave Lowry summed it up best in his article on "Lone Wolves". Wolves are pack animals and the "lone wolf" is the one that was ostracized by the pack because there was something wrong with most you know what happens to most lone wolves? They starve to death.

Nobody is going to dissuade you from doing something over the internet, but I encourage you to seek or delay training until an oppurtunity arises to train with a proper instructor. If you do wish to learn from a qualified instructor and continue to "train" yourself you will find that you have most likely compounded the difficulty of your training by the foundation of bad habits you have laid.

Good point Nick, bad habbits are very hard to break. On a side note, is that a picture of you Nick ? Jesus you are BIG :apv: . I doubt weather that guy with the sword would have taken you up on your offer .
Might I ask the moderators what has their dander up here? I see no objectionable posts by anyone in the conversation. Ojisan referred to our Clint and the Masta as children. Since they are in fact children, surely this is not the cause for concern. Did I miss a post where Clint or the Masta said something naughty?

Feel free to address this via PM if you think it appropriate. here is what I don't understand...

There's this 14 year old...and he is running around beating up his friends with a beveled stick and swinging a sword. Then there is the oxymoron right in the title. Self...Teaching...

How do you teach yourself something you don't know?

There are people who learn a principle and then build on it through intuition. Where did you get these initial flashes of insight? From what a friend told me, the old Japanese stuff used to believe they got their systems through divine guidance. But even these people were accomplished soldiers in their day.

What do you really get out of this besides what Big Nick get to live in a fantasy world? Would the samurai back in the day run around with clubs and fantasize about the times before swords and guns (yes they had guns) where people in really crappy armor swung clubs and shoddy spears at each other? NO because living in a fantasy would get them dead in the here and now ( well...the there and then but I am sure you get it).

Tell you what ronin...if you want to be a real warrior rooted in is something you can do right now...

Train in lots of calesthetics, run every chance you get for long distances, wrestle and box around with your friends and keep the good i'm not going to crap in anyone's hat vibe you have going...

...Then join the military and put all of that spunk (and whatever skills Uncle Sam gives you) to use. Fight for something real...

2 cents spent...
Charles Mahan said:
Might I ask the moderators what has their dander up here? I see no objectionable posts by anyone in the conversation. Ojisan referred to our Clint and the Masta as children. Since they are in fact children, surely this is not the cause for concern. Did I miss a post where Clint or the Masta said something naughty?

Because the tone, and direction had gone off the "on topic and friendly" that we prefer. There's alot of good advice in here, from folks that know, and we'd like to keep it focused on that, rather than have things spiral out of control, issue warnings, suspensions, bans and black plague, y'know? :) It's a 'nudge' to the group, not a "Hey you!" thing.

As to the topic of self-training weapons, I agree with the experienced traditionally trained folks here. I have a number of "sword like wall hangers" that decorate my wall. I don't train with them, too dangerous as they are too fragile. I own a Paul Chen Practical Plus Katana. I also don't train with it yet, as I have had minimal instruction, and have no desire to inflict damage on myself through my own ignorance. I do own several bokken, and a shinai, and train with those, as they are designed for training. I also have several padded weapons from SmakStiks that I use to spar with and try techniques with, in a safe enviroment. Lets just say that I'm not ready for prime time yet, and thats after several years work, both under FMA and JMA instructors, as well as self-training. You can swing it around, maybe ape the movie movements, but unless you have experience you'll miss the important nuances. In a fight, a centimeter may be the difference between a block and injury. You need an experienced eye to guide you. Without it, it's just play, and play gets you hurt.
Ronin Wolf-master said:
also on another note, how maney people are carrying a sword that are going to start fights have had real training.... almost none. So they are self taught, and i can fght other selftaught people with the same odds of winning, gratned not many people fight with a sword today.. but thats beside the point, thoses that do are typicaly not trained, and thats why they start stuff... no respect, do disapline, no care for life.... and then they pick a fight with someone like me, or like even a real trained person and get there butts beat, and no i'm not saying i am as good as yall i'm just saying i have a good chance fighting other self taught people, and alot of people are. :)


I said all of that, because there are cases of people walking around with swords and attacking people and threatening them. Infact last time i heard there is a CVS pharmasist in the hospital cause some punk slashed him with a wallhanger Kat. and was later caught at an apartment complex, and when the officer tried to get him to surender he pulled out his sword, and tried to kill the officer.................... who shot him. :lol:

So yes, it does happen. And where i am, people walk down the road carrying frieken rifels! LOADED! not to menshion one of the older kids who has a criminal rap for attemted murder to his ex. also tried to choke me once..... so yeah, i like to have a sword on. :wink:

and ya know, your not going to convince me other wise that my self training does not work. No its not the best, but i cant afford the best. So i'm not going to bother with it.

and no disrespect intended, but its not for anyone to say except for me and the 2 that brought me into the world. and we all agree. :)

Thank you Kroh for trying to get me into a dojo, but even if i could work out something, there is still the thing of who will take me, and the gas money. i'm sorry but we just dont have it. Thank you though for giving me the idea, maybe in the future if things get better i can check it out.

again no disrespect intended.

Ronin Wolf-master

Ps. I will not fight for this country, because it is "going to hell in a hand basket", and it will be just like all the others. (We are in the last days, just read the Bible. ) Just to answer that. :wink:

Also this is my view on things, take it how ever you see fit. any questions, feel free to PM or e-mail me. again no disrespect intended. just saying my piece
Two cents from the outside ...
I am not going to repeat the many warnings that this young man has received about playing with swords. It is pretty darn obvious that he will do what he wants regardless of the fact that it's dangerous as well as pretty much useless. What I do wish to address is this statement right here that has been made repeatedly by the young man at the heart of this controversy ...
I'm not saying i cant go to training cause of my age, i'm saying i cant, cause i have NO money.None, not one dime that i could use to get me to one, and even if i could work something out to go to the dojo.... there is a thing called GAS.. wich keeps going up. No money = no dojo, meaning do it myself or dont do anything and still have the live sword.... if i dont do anything, i am most likely to get hurt by my sword, cause i wont know anything, so its either do it myself, or dont do anything.
That sir is an excuse. An excuse to do what you want to without taking the responsibility for it. I have a young man at my dojo that is 14 now. I don't usually accept young people because, quite frankly, they usually want to do what they wish, not what's required. This young man convinced me to take a chance with him, and it has worked out well. His parents require him to pay his own way. He has paid $45 per month for about 18 months now. He bought his hakama and keikogi as well as bokken and iaito. He is upgrading to a better iaito since his cheap one has developed gata in the tsuka. He earns his money for class by mowing lawns, walking dogs, raking leaves, and washing cars. He made no excuses, he just made what he wanted happen.

This is what you can do also sir. It is simply a matter of wanting something enough to find a way to make it happen. What you obviously want is to play swords with your friend. Make no mistake, it is playing. While it may be dangerous play, if you're careful you and your friend will live through it. I played some dangerous games when I was young also, and I managed to live through it. Of course a couple of my friends didn't, but no risk no gain right?

What you should not do is mistake what you are doing for anything other than playing. If you really wish to learn the proper use of a Japanese sword, you'll join a dojo. Until then, accept the fact that you are just playing with swords, and the community of those that do practice the Japanese sword arts will not want anything to do with you.

Good luck, stay safe.
Ojiisan said:
Clint's opinion really is of no importance. They are two buddies (children)playing samurai. As for the person calling themself ronin; you can buy a bokuto and plastic saya at e-bogu for about $28. This way you can practice without the possibility of death.

Well it seems like someones just jelouse......
pgsmith said:
Two cents from the outside ...
I am not going to repeat the many warnings that this young man has received about playing with swords. It is pretty darn obvious that he will do what he wants regardless of the fact that it's dangerous as well as pretty much useless. What I do wish to address is this statement right here that has been made repeatedly by the young man at the heart of this controversy ...
That sir is an excuse. An excuse to do what you want to without taking the responsibility for it. I have a young man at my dojo that is 14 now. I don't usually accept young people because, quite frankly, they usually want to do what they wish, not what's required. This young man convinced me to take a chance with him, and it has worked out well. His parents require him to pay his own way. He has paid $45 per month for about 18 months now. He bought his hakama and keikogi as well as bokken and iaito. He is upgrading to a better iaito since his cheap one has developed gata in the tsuka. He earns his money for class by mowing lawns, walking dogs, raking leaves, and washing cars. He made no excuses, he just made what he wanted happen.

This is what you can do also sir. It is simply a matter of wanting something enough to find a way to make it happen. What you obviously want is to play swords with your friend. Make no mistake, it is playing. While it may be dangerous play, if you're careful you and your friend will live through it. I played some dangerous games when I was young also, and I managed to live through it. Of course a couple of my friends didn't, but no risk no gain right?

What you should not do is mistake what you are doing for anything other than playing. If you really wish to learn the proper use of a Japanese sword, you'll join a dojo. Until then, accept the fact that you are just playing with swords, and the community of those that do practice the Japanese sword arts will not want anything to do with you.

Good luck, stay safe.

Actuall Wolfs post was 100% true, let me ask you a question do you know his personal life ? No you don't but guess what I do, so I advise you to NOT say what he is saying is an excuse. Got it, good. Oh also I'm not * Bashing* you I'm just simpling telling you.
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Thank you Clint.

No they are not excuses, i have tried to get into a dojo, or did everyone miss that, dang yall are hard of hearing. I CANT!!!!!! Everyone out here does everything them selves, their yard, their car, their house. i have only had 1 real job and that was after the hurricanes and i got paid 10 an hour, i made about ... close to $100, wich goes to..... my sword. WHY?

ok, so you learn from a man in a kimono, who learned from a man in a kimono... where does it all end, or start? Some where some how..... they figuerd out... sharp edge on this side, swing like this, it cut well, swing like this and it no cut. Personaly, if you cant keep the blade moving, without getting the edge pointed at you... you got a problem, if you cant move your feet and hands and arms all so that they work together, so you dont slice yourself, then you dont need a sword. Again, i've handeled swords, from real ones to wallhanger, to big knives, wich i own several also. 1 accidental cut to my finger, acting on the advice of someone who "knows" about swords, and 1 about 2 or 3 maybe 4 years ago with a pocket knife, all other cuts that have been inlicted to my hands were on purpose. 2 years of sword play, several years 3 or 4 maybe 5 with bladed weapons all together. as long as i follow my rules, i dont get hurt.
And i think i made it pretty clear i was going to do what i wanted in my last post. Until my money situation gets better... I CAN'T GO TO A DOJO!!!!!!! for the last time! :flammad:
yes you all make good points, yes you are right, it is dangerous, yes i very well could kill myself, i could do it even if i was in a dojo. atleat this way i get to keep my $8. (yes thats all the money i have.) it would not pay for the gas to get half way there.

call it play, call it what ever you want. i'm doing it.why, because its my only option if i'm going to learn ANY thing.
and if it is so out dated and no one uses the arts... then why pay hard earned money to learn how to swing a sword?(... its not rocket sience.)

Ronin Wolf-master
Ronin Wolf-master said:
Thank you Clint.

No they are not excuses, i have tried to get into a dojo, or did everyone miss that, dang yall are hard of hearing. I CANT!!!!!! Everyone out here does everything them selves, their yard, their car, their house. i have only had 1 real job and that was after the hurricanes and i got paid 10 an hour, i made about ... close to $100, wich goes to..... my sword. WHY?

ok, so you learn from a man in a kimono, who learned from a man in a kimono... where does it all end, or start? Some where some how..... they figuerd out... sharp edge on this side, swing like this, it cut well, swing like this and it no cut. Personaly, if you cant keep the blade moving, without getting the edge pointed at you... you got a problem, if you cant move your feet and hands and arms all so that they work together, so you dont slice yourself, then you dont need a sword. Again, i've handeled swords, from real ones to wallhanger, to big knives, wich i own several also. 1 accidental cut to my finger, acting on the advice of someone who "knows" about swords, and 1 about 2 or 3 maybe 4 years ago with a pocket knife, all other cuts that have been inlicted to my hands were on purpose. 2 years of sword play, several years 3 or 4 maybe 5 with bladed weapons all together. as long as i follow my rules, i dont get hurt.
And i think i made it pretty clear i was going to do what i wanted in my last post. Until my money situation gets better... I CAN'T GO TO A DOJO!!!!!!! for the last time! :flammad:
yes you all make good points, yes you are right, it is dangerous, yes i very well could kill myself, i could do it even if i was in a dojo. atleat this way i get to keep my $8. (yes thats all the money i have.) it would not pay for the gas to get half way there.

call it play, call it what ever you want. i'm doing it.why, because its my only option if i'm going to learn ANY thing.
and if it is so out dated and no one uses the arts... then why pay hard earned money to learn how to swing a sword?(... its not rocket sience.)

Ronin Wolf-master

and you are not a rocket scientist........and you are not even a beginner. you are a kid walking around in a dark room.
just carry on with what you are doing and leave the real learning to the people that want to learn.
Ronin Wolf-master said:
Thank you Clint.

No they are not excuses, i have tried to get into a dojo, or did everyone miss that, dang yall are hard of hearing. I CANT!!!!!! Everyone out here does everything them selves, their yard, their car, their house. i have only had 1 real job and that was after the hurricanes and i got paid 10 an hour, i made about ... close to $100, wich goes to..... my sword. WHY?

ok, so you learn from a man in a kimono, who learned from a man in a kimono... where does it all end, or start? Some where some how..... they figuerd out... sharp edge on this side, swing like this, it cut well, swing like this and it no cut. Personaly, if you cant keep the blade moving, without getting the edge pointed at you... you got a problem, if you cant move your feet and hands and arms all so that they work together, so you dont slice yourself, then you dont need a sword. Again, i've handeled swords, from real ones to wallhanger, to big knives, wich i own several also. 1 accidental cut to my finger, acting on the advice of someone who "knows" about swords, and 1 about 2 or 3 maybe 4 years ago with a pocket knife, all other cuts that have been inlicted to my hands were on purpose. 2 years of sword play, several years 3 or 4 maybe 5 with bladed weapons all together. as long as i follow my rules, i dont get hurt.
And i think i made it pretty clear i was going to do what i wanted in my last post. Until my money situation gets better... I CAN'T GO TO A DOJO!!!!!!! for the last time! :flammad:
yes you all make good points, yes you are right, it is dangerous, yes i very well could kill myself, i could do it even if i was in a dojo. atleat this way i get to keep my $8. (yes thats all the money i have.) it would not pay for the gas to get half way there.

call it play, call it what ever you want. i'm doing it.why, because its my only option if i'm going to learn ANY thing.
and if it is so out dated and no one uses the arts... then why pay hard earned money to learn how to swing a sword?(... its not rocket sience.)

Ronin Wolf-master

Well said Wolf :-)
I dont have to be a rocket sientist, like i said its NOT rocket sience.

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