Self defense technique for crowded or close quarter situation using a cane


Master of Arts
I have been practice stick fight using a cane for self defense. Problem is stick fight usually involves swinging the stick and it needs a lot of space. I wonder what technique can I use with a cane in situation where there are not enough room to swing the cane freely. One thing I can think of is using both hands for chopping motion almost from vertical down like katana and stop without swinging around. With both hands, I have enough strength to chop down hard and stop before the cane reach the ground and raise it up fast and chop down again.

Of cause, I am practice holding the cane with both hand and poke with the tip of the cane.( even both ends).

Any other suggestions are welcome.


From get tough, if you want to find the text.* I found a video for muiltiple attackers, but i think the principle may hold true. (your making it harder for somoen to grab it and keepign it close to you) For the above pictures, its just two handed cane. (you can use anything the rough dimensions of the cane in lieu of it)

I will look for the video and post it below when i find it, if i can find it and remmeber.

*In short for the middle one, your do the horizontal action across their stomach, then do the vertical strike into their neck.
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From get tough, if you want to find the text.* I found a video for muiltiple attackers, but i think the principle may hold true. (your making it harder for somoen to grab it and keepign it close to you) For the above pictures, its just two handed cane. (you can use anything the rough dimensions of the cane in lieu of it)

I will look for the video and post it below when i find it, if i can find it and remmeber.

*In short for the middle one, your do the horizontal action across their stomach, then do the vertical strike into their neck.
Unless Alan is built like the soldier/policeman in the illustrations above, I would avoid grappling. Use the double-handed thrusts and strikes to create space. Then you can swing with real power and/or escape.

This is the basic idea behind most of my stick and can self-defense sequences. Maintain or create space, swing hard at the legs or down at the collarbone, and then escape. Learn to look for avenues to safety.

Like when I was with a couple of buddies as a teenager and we got jumped by some larger kids from a rival school. We were armed with clubs, nunchuks and a switchblade (all concealed). Instead of using the weapons we were able to distract the other guys and slip into a crowded Circle K that had video surveillance. Worked out well. We called some friends (remember pay phones?) and with superior numbers had the "strength" to get back home without anybody getting clubbed or knifed. ;)
BTW, the handful of cane-defense students I've worked with haven't looked like the guy in those illustrations since Korea or Vietnam! :p
Unless Alan is built like the soldier/policeman in the illustrations above, I would avoid grappling. Use the double-handed thrusts and strikes to create space. Then you can swing with real power and/or escape.

I dont think grappling is mentioned on the page, just if accosted (close range) and you have a stick, do those two movements. (a valid follow through could be a throw though) Also, im just going to use Close Quaters, and group interchangeably. You use two hands because you need more close in movements and to stop the other person(s) grabbing it and taking it as easily or it getting caught. (so secondment to focus on two handed things, as opposed to tradtional fencing style cane) Just think of a mob of people as a living wall, in that it can grab your stick, where as your house isnt going to do that. (if it does that, worse things to worry about, cross the bridge when you come to it)

Rememebred to find the video. (i think he focuses on two handed techniques in it, not watched it all yet)

Second one just for fun.

Because i just remmebered, i saw those defendu movements in a Jujutsu style, somone posted a video somewhere of some people in Hakima or what ever doing a variation of it. (granted the person ran at him, and i know Defendu is heavily Jujutsu based, and has a lot of japanese martial arts influnece in it. ) So they either took it from defendu (the school) or its in their style as well. Granted the attacker also had a weapon which was parried if i remmeber right.

I generally like to fence with sticks, but thats all i have looked into and practised, and it comes naturally. When i say fence, i mean more swing with it, and parry etc, as opposed to two hands thrust them in the throat.
I dont think grappling is mentioned on the page, just if accosted (close range) and you have a stick, do those two movements. (a valid follow through could be a throw though) Also, im just going to use Close Quaters, and group interchangeably. You use two hands because you need more close in movements and to stop the other person(s) grabbing it and taking it as easily or it getting caught. (so secondment to focus on two handed things, as opposed to tradtional fencing style cane) Just think of a mob of people as a living wall, in that it can grab your stick, where as your house isnt going to do that. (if it does that, worse things to worry about, cross the bridge when you come to it)

Rememebred to find the video. (i think he focuses on two handed techniques in it, not watched it all yet)

Second one just for fun.

Because i just remmebered, i saw those defendu movements in a Jujutsu style, somone posted a video somewhere of some people in Hakima or what ever doing a variation of it. (granted the person ran at him, and i know Defendu is heavily Jujutsu based, and has a lot of japanese martial arts influnece in it. ) So they either took it from defendu (the school) or its in their style as well. Granted the attacker also had a weapon which was parried if i remmeber right.

I generally like to fence with sticks, but thats all i have looked into and practised, and it comes naturally. When i say fence, i mean more swing with it, and parry etc, as opposed to two hands thrust them in the throat.
The first video ...well both actually, make some good points. The two-handed grip, or "reinforced" single handed grip with your stick or wrist braced by your other hand are a good idea for power generation and weapons retention.

The old style of single handed stick-fencing adapted from 19th fencing with a blade is generally not so practical with a blunt instrument like a stick. With a percussive (impact) weapon you need to develop more force offensively and pay more attention to people grabbing your weapon.
The old style of single handed stick-fencing adapted from 19th fencing with a blade is generally not so practical with a blunt instrument like a stick. With a percussive (impact) weapon you need to develop more force offensively and pay more attention to people grabbing your weapon.
Its sort of that(what i do), mixed with what ever you would call arnis. ( id call arnis fencing as well honestly) I can see the issues with fencing like that. People also have a disconnected about how well a club can be a weapon due to only say using Rattan. I dont know of anyone who historically would willingly choose a softwood for a weapon, you use the best hardwood you can afford. Its why the notions of meerly "blocking a quater staff" are nonsense, you want to block something 2-5cm's thick made out of ash, oak or hickory or other valid subsitites? I doubt you are doing that without a weapon of equal mass. (or without sacrificing a bone or four) Kind of a disconenct weapons speaking, but canes arent normally made primarily as wepaons so tend to be lighter clubs, id argue and say they may have had the Rattan effect, you overlook how well a wooden stick can be as a weapon due to not using one thats a weapon. (which to be fair, canes are more a self defence item you carry as opposed to a proper weapon, self defence items tend to have convience in mind as much as effectivness)
I dont think grappling is mentioned on the page, just if accosted (close range) and you have a stick, do those two movements. (a valid follow through could be a throw though) Also, im just going to use Close Quaters, and group interchangeably. You use two hands because you need more close in movements and to stop the other person(s) grabbing it and taking it as easily or it getting caught. (so secondment to focus on two handed things, as opposed to tradtional fencing style cane) Just think of a mob of people as a living wall, in that it can grab your stick, where as your house isnt going to do that. (if it does that, worse things to worry about, cross the bridge when you come to it)

Rememebred to find the video. (i think he focuses on two handed techniques in it, not watched it all yet)

Second one just for fun.

Because i just remmebered, i saw those defendu movements in a Jujutsu style, somone posted a video somewhere of some people in Hakima or what ever doing a variation of it. (granted the person ran at him, and i know Defendu is heavily Jujutsu based, and has a lot of japanese martial arts influnece in it. ) So they either took it from defendu (the school) or its in their style as well. Granted the attacker also had a weapon which was parried if i remmeber right.

I generally like to fence with sticks, but thats all i have looked into and practised, and it comes naturally. When i say fence, i mean more swing with it, and parry etc, as opposed to two hands thrust them in the throat.

The video is good, I am taking two hands poking more seriously and concentrate more on two hands clubbing and swinging. With two hands, I can use a heavier cane.

I don't know why people look down on rattan cane. There are different "rattan". Most of the escrima sticks I saw on ebay are thin 7/8" skinless rattan. Those definitely useless, they are only about 6oz. But I bought the 1.1" diameter rattan cane with skin. My canes are like 11oz. It's the weight and the diameter that is important. Those 1.1" rattan cane do NOT flex. I stay away from wood because my bad experience of cracking when I hit the heavy bag.

For heavier cane, I use the United Cutlery cane:United Cutlery 39" Adjustable Walking Black Molded Nylon Shaft Cane 3129 760729312968 | eBay
3 Night Watchman.webp

I modified them, cutting the sharp hook and make them look normal and innocent. The left is padded for hitting the bags, middle one is the one I would carry out with foam pads for better grip. I just bought the one on the right as back up. These are strong canes, I trust this much more so than any wood cane. They are about 17oz after all the modifications, it's not light by any standard. The right one survives beating the bags.
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I have been practice stick fight using a cane for self defense. Problem is stick fight usually involves swinging the stick and it needs a lot of space. I wonder what technique can I use with a cane in situation where there are not enough room to swing the cane freely. One thing I can think of is using both hands for chopping motion almost from vertical down like katana and stop without swinging around. With both hands, I have enough strength to chop down hard and stop before the cane reach the ground and raise it up fast and chop down again.

Of cause, I am practice holding the cane with both hand and poke with the tip of the cane.( even both ends).

Any other suggestions are welcome.
I have fifty years experience in American Kenpo, tracy Kenpo and some Aikido. I have been attacked many times over the years and the best weapon is the pocket stick, for close quarters.
I have been practice stick fight using a cane for self defense. Problem is stick fight usually involves swinging the stick and it needs a lot of space. I wonder what technique can I use with a cane in situation where there are not enough room to swing the cane freely. One thing I can think of is using both hands for chopping motion almost from vertical down like katana and stop without swinging around. With both hands, I have enough strength to chop down hard and stop before the cane reach the ground and raise it up fast and chop down again.

Of cause, I am practice holding the cane with both hand and poke with the tip of the cane.( even both ends).

Any other suggestions are welcome.
Hi you can use the cane as a poking or thrusting weapon for sure. If it’s not straight and has a curved end like a regular cane , there are other options like use the hooked end to hook their arm or neck using that motion as a strike or pull down so you can kick or strike then use like any other stick and strike to shins , ribs, arms side of the neck , center of chest . Practice a figure eight motion, you will see how it fits in to a cane striking motion . I was once attacked by a big dog on a walk one day when he tried to bite me I stuck the curved end of the cane in his mouth and let him chew on it instead of me ha ha. I love dogs but a swift kick under his chin sent him running ! I always use a cane when out walking . Peace!
Hi you can use the cane as a poking or thrusting weapon for sure. If it’s not straight and has a curved end like a regular cane , there are other options like use the hooked end to hook their arm or neck using that motion as a strike or pull down so you can kick or strike then use like any other stick and strike to shins , ribs, arms side of the neck , center of chest . Practice a figure eight motion, you will see how it fits in to a cane striking motion . I was once attacked by a big dog on a walk one day when he tried to bite me I stuck the curved end of the cane in his mouth and let him chew on it instead of me ha ha. I love dogs but a swift kick under his chin sent him running ! I always use a cane when out walking . Peace!
I have been practicing poking and thrusting with the cane lately. I don't practice hooking as I have no one to practice with, it doesn't work to practice alone on this. I practice more swinging the stick with both hands as it's less likely I would lose the cane when hitting something and harder for the opponent to take the stick from me.
In close, I'd focus on in-close strikes. The part between the hands (two-handed, especially when in close) for quick strikes to the face/frontal head. Striking straight up/down (not much application for the latter) with either end. If they lay hands on it, there are throws that actually work better beause they aren't as willing to let go of a weapon, as well as a few locks that can work nicely in the right situation.

I think it's also good to learn to use wrist locking techniques as releases, to get the cane free if they have a grip. While a standing wrist lock is hard to keep, it's much easier to get to just long enough to break down a grip and get back to hitting to make space.
I have been practicing poking and thrusting with the cane lately. I don't practice hooking as I have no one to practice with, it doesn't work to practice alone on this. I practice more swinging the stick with both hands as it's less likely I would lose the cane when hitting something and harder for the opponent to take the stick from me.
Any time the stick is long enough, I much prefer a two-handed grip, especially if they are close in.
These guys have always looked kind of cool.

This really gives me the idea of mixing two hands poking and two hands swinging like katana. Before I kept thinking you fight from farther away with swinging and close distance with poking and all. Actually I can mix two hand poking with swinging even at moderate distance. I actually hold the cane with both hands and attack like I do jab and reverse punch like left right left right punching( but holding the cane and use the end of the cane to hit the opponent.).

I don't have to choose one way or the other, just mix it in. And if the opponent grab my cane, I can kick either using Wing Chung stepping on the knee or actually front kick to the body.

I have been really practicing. One thing I moved away from the video is I pretty much gave up single hand escrima stick fighting. I go with two hands like katana. It is easier to hold onto the stick with both hands, it would be a disaster if I hit and lose the cane. Chances are I won't lose the grip of the stick if I use both hands. More importantly, I can use a heavier cane with two hands and swing as fast as a lighter stick with one hand.

Give me a week or two to practice and I'll make a short video of what I practice so people can make more suggestions.


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