For anyone looking for me, I am now on this Forum so get a hold of me. I am teaching in Grand Blanc at Masters and Champions Monday, JKD Grappling and Kali sessions 12P.M. to 2P.M. Friday Jun Fan JKD Kickboxing 4:30P.M. to 6P.M. and Saturday Muay Thai Kickboxing and JKD Grappling 2:15 to 4:30P.M.
For anyone interested, I teach for Military, Law Enforcement, and Civilian (Street, Sport, and Fitness Conditioning) application. I teach the curriculum handed down from my Instructor, Scott Han, of Lansing, and Guro Dan Inosanto. I also go Tactical for those interested in that type of intruction.
ALSO stay ALERT. October 25th and 26th Master Adam Bell and I are hosting Guro Dan Inosanto's Seminar that weekend. Registration can be done the Inosanto Academy website or by way of the school. Please Contact the school: 810-695KICK or Myself Karl S. Carlysle/Concepts in Motion: 810-348-3421 for any of the program offered at Masters and Champions. Take Care All.