Seeking Karl Carlysle Jeet Kune DO in Flint, MI


Black Belt
Does anyone know if he is teaching in the Flint, MI area? Anyone have contact information for him? I seen him on the Inosanto website but cannot find any other information of contacting him.

Thank you
Hey Gary, Karl and I used to train together a hundred years ago. Last I heard of him he was at masters and champions in Grand Blanc. Good luck!
Hey Gary, Karl and I used to train together a hundred years ago. Last I heard of him he was at masters and champions in Grand Blanc. Good luck!

Thanks Marvin! Funny thing is that I called Adam at Masters and Champions last night and found out he is teaching a JKD class there....just on days I can't take the dang class!!!! GRRRRRR!!! I hate when real life gets in the way of my training! LOL
For anyone looking for me, I am now on this Forum so get a hold of me. I am teaching in Grand Blanc at Masters and Champions Monday, JKD Grappling and Kali sessions 12P.M. to 2P.M. Friday Jun Fan JKD Kickboxing 4:30P.M. to 6P.M. and Saturday Muay Thai Kickboxing and JKD Grappling 2:15 to 4:30P.M.

For anyone interested, I teach for Military, Law Enforcement, and Civilian (Street, Sport, and Fitness Conditioning) application. I teach the curriculum handed down from my Instructor, Scott Han, of Lansing, and Guro Dan Inosanto. I also go Tactical for those interested in that type of intruction.

ALSO stay ALERT. October 25th and 26th Master Adam Bell and I are hosting Guro Dan Inosanto's Seminar that weekend. Registration can be done the Inosanto Academy website or by way of the school. Please Contact the school: 810-695KICK or Myself Karl S. Carlysle/Concepts in Motion: 810-348-3421 for any of the program offered at Masters and Champions. Take Care All.
What's the cost of the seminar with Guro Dan? I haven't seen him in years.

p.s. I know your teacher Scott Han, I met him a few time many, many years ago at Guro Dan Seminars here in Michigan.

Keep "IT" Real,
John McNabney
Karl do you have a breakdown of what Mr Inosanto will be teaching per day of the seminar?
Thanks, Marvin

For anyone looking for me, I am now on this Forum so get a hold of me. I am teaching in Grand Blanc at Masters and Champions Monday, JKD Grappling and Kali sessions 12P.M. to 2P.M. Friday Jun Fan JKD Kickboxing 4:30P.M. to 6P.M. and Saturday Muay Thai Kickboxing and JKD Grappling 2:15 to 4:30P.M.

For anyone interested, I teach for Military, Law Enforcement, and Civilian (Street, Sport, and Fitness Conditioning) application. I teach the curriculum handed down from my Instructor, Scott Han, of Lansing, and Guro Dan Inosanto. I also go Tactical for those interested in that type of intruction.

ALSO stay ALERT. October 25th and 26th Master Adam Bell and I are hosting Guro Dan Inosanto's Seminar that weekend. Registration can be done the Inosanto Academy website or by way of the school. Please Contact the school: 810-695KICK or Myself Karl S. Carlysle/Concepts in Motion: 810-348-3421 for any of the program offered at Masters and Champions. Take Care All.
Does anyone know if he is teaching in the Flint, MI area? Anyone have contact information for him? I seen him on the Inosanto website but cannot find any other information of contacting him.

Thank you

Hi, Gary...Are you still training Wing Chun with Sifu Train? BTW thanks for the help in contacting him--we had a good talk after not seeing each other for about 20 years!

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