Hello ladies and gentlemen,
As i've previously introduced myself, I am now seeking your professional advice and guidance as to 'finding the right martial arts or martial arts mix for me'.
This is obviously a very long, drawn out message. There's a good reason for it.
I know what i'm looking for, as I've developed certain habits and find myself wanting to do certain things in sparring and in real fights, depending on the situation.
Note: I do know that this is something that should NOT be done (giving up strategy, ect); although I do not plan on scheduling a fight with anyone here on "Martial Talk", so i'm really not all that worried about it...
My habits include:
If i'm prepared for the fight and know that I absolutely have to fight someone, then I get into a stance.
My natural or primary stance is mixed with a traditional JuJitsu/BJJ stance, and a standard boxing stance. Sometimes I begin mixing it immediately, but generally I remain in this stance for 1-5 seconds and then mix it with the stance used in Jeet Kune Do (with less bounciness).
A lot of times (if there's enough distance) i'll switch my leads and stances.
Sometimes, I even blend my stance in with much like a Budokaido style stance, a Muay Thai stance, or both together.
I've taken plenty of time to practice many different stances, rather than sticking with one just one, or one's that pertain only to one style of martial arts.
The reason i've adopted this technique is to throw off my opponents observation and to 'scramble' his 'feel' for my stance, given that they have any experience at all. Any 'Bruce Lee' gurus' know that the Legendary Bruce Lee adopted this technique as well, and found it quite effective. He's the one that I took this technique from.
I am abidextrious, so changing leads is no problem to me.
I also change leads after failed strikes for two reasons...
Changing leads and stances throws off your opponent, and changing leads can deliver enough momentum and force into your strikes (hip momentum, like in Shotokan Karate and some strikes in Boxing).
'Watching' or 'getting a feel' for my opponents stance and his movements.
Doing this will give me a quick assessment of whether or not my opponent is a skilled or rather, trained fighter.
While doing this, I take note to be aware of any incoming strikes or moves where he would attempt in grappling with me.
I attempt to stay at eye level with him (if he's within reach. if he's much taller, then I keep my distance as I can until I can find the right opportunity to close the distance and take him down with lethal strikes for short circuiting) with good preparation for a 'sprawl' if he tries to spear/tackle me to the ground.
I also prepare for clinching. Clinching, for me, is actually advantageous.
(I trained with Mark Hatmaker and Saekson Janjira in clinch fighting, they both taught me many things about clinch offense, defense, and takedowns.)
I watch his upper chest and throat area, as well as taking note of his eye movement. Eye movement can be so rapid and deceiving, that I am reluctant at watching his eyes period.. even if he has a weapon...
If he has a weapon and goes for a kick to short circuit me, I step to the outside of the leading foot that he has the weapon in and stomp it while going for the arm/shoulder that the weapon is in, and go in for a certain type of takedown that I will not explain here.
If he goes for a punch/shove/slap, i'll either slip, parry, or block (if necessary) while delivering a sharp, lethal, and forceful blow to short circuit him while delivering considerable damage(around the throat/trachea, eyes, groin, solar plexus depending on how conditioned the opponent is), so I can either finish him off, or open up more attacks to different areas of the body, or takedowns so that I may then finish him off.
If he goes for a kick, i'll generally block and close the distance so his kick will be useless, while delivering a high or mid lethal blow, while using his kick against him by taking his other leg out from under him while maintaining hold of his other leg, keeping him offbalanced.
If he kicks, he gives 50% of his balance to me.
If his kick is at the low section, i'll post or close the distance to either jam his kick into him, or to deflect his kick as best as possible.
Because I have experience in boxing and other forms, I have certain ways in which I would defend against punches and kicks.
My stand-up striking offensive arsenal includes 'mostly' the basics from Boxing, Muay Thai, San Shou, Kenpo, and a little Okinawan Karate.
For example of my stand-up striking offensive:
1)Lethal strikes such as eyerakes, eye gouges, trachea strikes/grips/chokes/crushes, groin strikes/rips/crushes/manipulation techniques, stomping at the knee or ankles/insteps.
2)Basic techniques from boxing, Muay Thai, and Karate such as kneeing, off-balancing strikes to the inner-thigh, kneeing in and out of the clinch, elbowing in and out of the clinch, hammer-fists, palm strikes, forearm strikes, backfists, ect.
I try not to go for mid-high section kicks, due to the fact that it's sacrificing my own balance, and my opponent could use it to his own advantage just as I would to him. When I kick, I try to go for the low area to either knock him off balance, or take out his mobilization.
I try my best to stay on my feet when taking my opponent to the ground.
I don't like ending up on the ground battling the "who's the better grappler/ground fighter" game.
I take my opponent down by using methods in Judo (mainly) with Jujitsu, Karate, and Aikido techniques. I believe some of the techniques i've learned are also from Hapkido. I also use techniques from the clinch that i'd learned from practicing under Mark Hatmaker and Saekson Janjira.. I'm not sure if it's just Muay Thai, Silat, or what; but the techniques are very good, and are very effective.
One thing that i've learned from certain techniques that require more precision (like in Jujitsu and Aikido) and wrist control, is that if you or your opponent is sweating (most likely WILL happen), it's going to be much harder to use those techniques when he's slipping out of your hand almost as easy as a bar of soap.
That's why i've incorporated a lot of Judo and Karate takedowns in my techniques.
Once I take my opponent to the ground, I try to heel stomp or kick him in the throat, ankle, knee, chin or nose, or the back in the head around the cerebrum (just below the knot) or neck. If I have hold of him while I take him down, I use this to my advantage as best as I can by holding onto his limb or using the leverage or position to deliver hard, fast, and lethal strikes while i'm still standing and while he's laying on the ground nearly helpless. An example:
Using the hip-throw technique, I'll hold on to his arm and execute fast, hard, and very sharp strikes to his carotid, trachea, temple areas, and/or break his arm by hyperextending or breaking his neck by a simple technique that I learned in the Army that I will not cover here.
I do not, and will not attempt to get on top of him unless he has a weapon. As I said before, I don't like playing the, "Who's the better grappler/ground fighter?" game.
Takedown techniques is one of my specialties.
I actually prefer "kicking a dog when he's down".
If he has a weapon, I will change my tactics and use a takedown that I can use to disarm him, or use Aikido/Aikijutsu/Jujitsu techniques that not only disarm him, but immobilize or destroy the limb while disarming him.
Closing the distance and grappling with an opponent with a weapon is probably the dumbest thing one can do, in my opinion.
If he has a gun, I'll use gun disarming techniques that I learned in the Army, and some that I learned in Krav Maga.
Not to brag;
But If I can get close enough, I will get him to the ground. I have not faced an opponent that has been able to defend against any of my takedowns, except for a very few that was in the 'high end' of the martial arts world.
One includes a Shaolin Kung Fu Grand Master out of Phoenix, AZ (my former master in the art) that used the 'horse stance' against my attacks.
I even took him down quite a few times, even though he was among those that gave me the most trouble.
I've even sparred with multiple ring/cage fighters that were exceptionally good; but even they have not been able to defend.
I believe the reason for this is because I have such an extensive arsenal on takedowns and techniques that have been derived from many different martial arts that I have used to blend in with each other.
My style of takedowns naturally flows into great technique no matter what stance or defensive posture the opponent is in.
I fight very dirty and have every motivation to either cripple, or kill my opponent. I do not fight fair; because I just don't believe in it.
With all of this being said, I still feel that I need to work on quite a few things.
As anyone knows, hand-to-hand combat is all close quarters. There is no shy way of putting it. The one who has the best close-distance techniques/skill and advantages, wins the fight (unless his opponent gets him good with a weapon, or one of his buddies' gets him with a weapon).
After closing the distance by striking or defending, I'll either use quick (non-sacrificial if multiple opponents) takedown techniques, heavy close-strike techniques like in Kenpo, Karate, and Muay Thai, quick clinch striking and takedown techniques (as long as there is no chance of weapons), and instantaneous crippling/lethal techniques such as neck breaking, taking out the knee and/or ankles, and hard groin shots.
If there are multiple opponents, I'll use this to their advantage by 'taking one hostage' and/or aligning them up in a row where i'll try to pick them off. If there are multiple opponents with guns, i'm going to surrender immediately; thinking one can defend against this situation is absolutely absurd.
Again, some would say that, I do not fight fair nor do I fight clean... but that is what survival is all about. No fight is fair, no fight is clean.
Ring or not, there's always a victor and someone is always getting their *** beat. If he's not going to show me any mercy; then why the Hell would I show him any? I won't. Yes, I do believe in Karma and understand that 'what comes around, goes around' which is probably why he got what he deserved. Just my beliefs..
This does not mean that I use what I know to bully others by any means, so exclude that notion right away.
I feel that I have some decent weapon defense, but that is one thing more than anything, that I feel I should work on.
My knife, rifle and bayonet skills are very good.
I'm looking for the right martial art or the right 'mix' of martial arts (MMA).
What i'm looking for in a martial art or 'mix' is:
1)Lethal techniques: eye rakes, gouges, trachea chokes, biting (if must), temple strikes, disabling and stunning techniques, limb breaking, and submissions
2)Good and powerful stand up techniques: kicking, punching, proper headbutting, elbows
3)Great standup defensive techniques against hand strikes/punches/ect, kicking, kneeing, clinching, headbutting, elbows
3)Great takedown techniques for offense and defense, with takedown defenses.
4)Great ground game; something I can use to gain the advantage just enough to get back up on my feet. The ground has it's hazards in real life.. such as gravel, rocks, pavement, ect..
4)Weapon defenses with disarms, lethal disarms, ect.
5)Lethal and non-lethal weapon offensive techniques. I prefer the knife.
" Keep in mind that i'm looking for something that's going to serve me well in the battlefield when i'm back in the Army as a frontline Infantryman, in law enforcement, and in the street. "
I have thought about doing the following:
Using my experience in traditional Jujitsu
Using my experience in Judo
Using my experience in Muay Thai
Using my experience in BJJ
Learning some more Karate (perhaps Shotokan?)
Learning more Kenpo
Learning more San Shou
Learning some more FMA (Kali/Escrima)
Learning some Aikido/Aikijutsu
I've also begun looking at Jeet Kune Do as well.. except the only thing i've seen on it are from Bruce Lee films.................
If I could find a style that has all of those same attributes blended in with it, or a few styles that are much like these that I can blend together, that will narrow down my search and I won't have to ask so many questions!
Finally, I will no longer be a noob, and I may begin my training!
Before anyone gives any input, take note of the hazards and certain reccomendations:
As everyone knows, street fighting mainly includes the dangers of weapons, multiple attackers, and the surrounding terrain (gravel, pavement, ect).
I'd like to work more on my stand up technique as well. I still don't have the best stand-up striking technique/defense, in my opinion.
I don't have to explain ALL of the dangers on the battlefield, although I will explain one thing:
On the battlefield, hand to hand combat is STILL a must have skill that our military is STILL not teaching our troops properly! Part of the reason for this, is because there is generally less of a need for it; but then again, there is STILL a great need for it!
There's still hazards that can present great dangers on the modern battlefield...
You're with your squad on a patrol. Your squad gets broken up due to mortar fire, IED blast, or RPG fire and you're a lone soldier who got stranded. You get rushed by a few local civilians or insurgents with or without weapons (knives and sticks) and your weapon was either destroyed or lost during the attack. You either get your *** killed, or you fight hand to hand.
Another example:
You somehow get caught off-guard and get 'snatched' by a group of insurgents who take you hostage. You either fight back or get shot in the head. They take you to an unknown location where they also strip you of your gear and your clothes. An opportunity presents itself where you can fight your way out hand to hand and escape. You either fight your way out, or become a POW for the rest of your life......
NOTE: These are both situations that DO happen on the modern battlefield, it isn't fictional. You have a choice to act, or die.
Hand to hand training is a skill and an attribute that can and most likely WILL save your life!
What do you do?
The primary advantages of hand to hand combat on the battlefield (given that your gear isn't stripped from you) are:
1. Body Armor - Body armor is a protectant against most ballistics, debris, and bullets. This can also be protectant against knives, sticks, thrown objects, kicks, and punches. Body armor can and will serve you well when defending most of your bodily organs.
2. Helmet/K-Pod/ACH - Your helmet can and will also serve you well, just as body armor would for the same reasons.
These 'advantages' can also be disadvantageous, due to the fact that they may slow you down.
The reason that they are so 'advantageous' is because again, they protect most of your bodily organs from most hand to hand and melee attacks. This reduces your enemies' amount of targets and opportunities for attack.
With all of this being said, I would like for all of you to make your professional assessment and give me your professional opinions on how I should be studying, how I should be practicing, and the different types of martial arts that you believe would be the right fit for me.
Simply saying, "just find the right one for you" doesn't make any sense to someone who isn't a "martial arts dictionary" and doesn't know what all is out there!
So please, I ask, help.
I apologize for such a long, drawn out, thread. It's very difficult to explain everything with little words in the way that i've tried before.
Perhaps it takes this much to get the results that i'm looking for:
an explanation on what exactly it is that i'm looking for; that specific style or mix of styles or martial arts.
Thank you for your time and consideration!!!
Best Regards,
Aries Kai
As i've previously introduced myself, I am now seeking your professional advice and guidance as to 'finding the right martial arts or martial arts mix for me'.
This is obviously a very long, drawn out message. There's a good reason for it.
I know what i'm looking for, as I've developed certain habits and find myself wanting to do certain things in sparring and in real fights, depending on the situation.
Note: I do know that this is something that should NOT be done (giving up strategy, ect); although I do not plan on scheduling a fight with anyone here on "Martial Talk", so i'm really not all that worried about it...
My habits include:
If i'm prepared for the fight and know that I absolutely have to fight someone, then I get into a stance.
My natural or primary stance is mixed with a traditional JuJitsu/BJJ stance, and a standard boxing stance. Sometimes I begin mixing it immediately, but generally I remain in this stance for 1-5 seconds and then mix it with the stance used in Jeet Kune Do (with less bounciness).
A lot of times (if there's enough distance) i'll switch my leads and stances.
Sometimes, I even blend my stance in with much like a Budokaido style stance, a Muay Thai stance, or both together.
I've taken plenty of time to practice many different stances, rather than sticking with one just one, or one's that pertain only to one style of martial arts.
The reason i've adopted this technique is to throw off my opponents observation and to 'scramble' his 'feel' for my stance, given that they have any experience at all. Any 'Bruce Lee' gurus' know that the Legendary Bruce Lee adopted this technique as well, and found it quite effective. He's the one that I took this technique from.
I am abidextrious, so changing leads is no problem to me.
I also change leads after failed strikes for two reasons...
Changing leads and stances throws off your opponent, and changing leads can deliver enough momentum and force into your strikes (hip momentum, like in Shotokan Karate and some strikes in Boxing).
'Watching' or 'getting a feel' for my opponents stance and his movements.
Doing this will give me a quick assessment of whether or not my opponent is a skilled or rather, trained fighter.
While doing this, I take note to be aware of any incoming strikes or moves where he would attempt in grappling with me.
I attempt to stay at eye level with him (if he's within reach. if he's much taller, then I keep my distance as I can until I can find the right opportunity to close the distance and take him down with lethal strikes for short circuiting) with good preparation for a 'sprawl' if he tries to spear/tackle me to the ground.
I also prepare for clinching. Clinching, for me, is actually advantageous.
(I trained with Mark Hatmaker and Saekson Janjira in clinch fighting, they both taught me many things about clinch offense, defense, and takedowns.)
I watch his upper chest and throat area, as well as taking note of his eye movement. Eye movement can be so rapid and deceiving, that I am reluctant at watching his eyes period.. even if he has a weapon...
If he has a weapon and goes for a kick to short circuit me, I step to the outside of the leading foot that he has the weapon in and stomp it while going for the arm/shoulder that the weapon is in, and go in for a certain type of takedown that I will not explain here.
If he goes for a punch/shove/slap, i'll either slip, parry, or block (if necessary) while delivering a sharp, lethal, and forceful blow to short circuit him while delivering considerable damage(around the throat/trachea, eyes, groin, solar plexus depending on how conditioned the opponent is), so I can either finish him off, or open up more attacks to different areas of the body, or takedowns so that I may then finish him off.
If he goes for a kick, i'll generally block and close the distance so his kick will be useless, while delivering a high or mid lethal blow, while using his kick against him by taking his other leg out from under him while maintaining hold of his other leg, keeping him offbalanced.
If he kicks, he gives 50% of his balance to me.
If his kick is at the low section, i'll post or close the distance to either jam his kick into him, or to deflect his kick as best as possible.
Because I have experience in boxing and other forms, I have certain ways in which I would defend against punches and kicks.
My stand-up striking offensive arsenal includes 'mostly' the basics from Boxing, Muay Thai, San Shou, Kenpo, and a little Okinawan Karate.
For example of my stand-up striking offensive:
1)Lethal strikes such as eyerakes, eye gouges, trachea strikes/grips/chokes/crushes, groin strikes/rips/crushes/manipulation techniques, stomping at the knee or ankles/insteps.
2)Basic techniques from boxing, Muay Thai, and Karate such as kneeing, off-balancing strikes to the inner-thigh, kneeing in and out of the clinch, elbowing in and out of the clinch, hammer-fists, palm strikes, forearm strikes, backfists, ect.
I try not to go for mid-high section kicks, due to the fact that it's sacrificing my own balance, and my opponent could use it to his own advantage just as I would to him. When I kick, I try to go for the low area to either knock him off balance, or take out his mobilization.
I try my best to stay on my feet when taking my opponent to the ground.
I don't like ending up on the ground battling the "who's the better grappler/ground fighter" game.
I take my opponent down by using methods in Judo (mainly) with Jujitsu, Karate, and Aikido techniques. I believe some of the techniques i've learned are also from Hapkido. I also use techniques from the clinch that i'd learned from practicing under Mark Hatmaker and Saekson Janjira.. I'm not sure if it's just Muay Thai, Silat, or what; but the techniques are very good, and are very effective.
One thing that i've learned from certain techniques that require more precision (like in Jujitsu and Aikido) and wrist control, is that if you or your opponent is sweating (most likely WILL happen), it's going to be much harder to use those techniques when he's slipping out of your hand almost as easy as a bar of soap.
That's why i've incorporated a lot of Judo and Karate takedowns in my techniques.
Once I take my opponent to the ground, I try to heel stomp or kick him in the throat, ankle, knee, chin or nose, or the back in the head around the cerebrum (just below the knot) or neck. If I have hold of him while I take him down, I use this to my advantage as best as I can by holding onto his limb or using the leverage or position to deliver hard, fast, and lethal strikes while i'm still standing and while he's laying on the ground nearly helpless. An example:
Using the hip-throw technique, I'll hold on to his arm and execute fast, hard, and very sharp strikes to his carotid, trachea, temple areas, and/or break his arm by hyperextending or breaking his neck by a simple technique that I learned in the Army that I will not cover here.
I do not, and will not attempt to get on top of him unless he has a weapon. As I said before, I don't like playing the, "Who's the better grappler/ground fighter?" game.
Takedown techniques is one of my specialties.
I actually prefer "kicking a dog when he's down".
If he has a weapon, I will change my tactics and use a takedown that I can use to disarm him, or use Aikido/Aikijutsu/Jujitsu techniques that not only disarm him, but immobilize or destroy the limb while disarming him.
Closing the distance and grappling with an opponent with a weapon is probably the dumbest thing one can do, in my opinion.
If he has a gun, I'll use gun disarming techniques that I learned in the Army, and some that I learned in Krav Maga.
Not to brag;
But If I can get close enough, I will get him to the ground. I have not faced an opponent that has been able to defend against any of my takedowns, except for a very few that was in the 'high end' of the martial arts world.
One includes a Shaolin Kung Fu Grand Master out of Phoenix, AZ (my former master in the art) that used the 'horse stance' against my attacks.
I even took him down quite a few times, even though he was among those that gave me the most trouble.
I've even sparred with multiple ring/cage fighters that were exceptionally good; but even they have not been able to defend.
I believe the reason for this is because I have such an extensive arsenal on takedowns and techniques that have been derived from many different martial arts that I have used to blend in with each other.
My style of takedowns naturally flows into great technique no matter what stance or defensive posture the opponent is in.
I fight very dirty and have every motivation to either cripple, or kill my opponent. I do not fight fair; because I just don't believe in it.
With all of this being said, I still feel that I need to work on quite a few things.
As anyone knows, hand-to-hand combat is all close quarters. There is no shy way of putting it. The one who has the best close-distance techniques/skill and advantages, wins the fight (unless his opponent gets him good with a weapon, or one of his buddies' gets him with a weapon).
After closing the distance by striking or defending, I'll either use quick (non-sacrificial if multiple opponents) takedown techniques, heavy close-strike techniques like in Kenpo, Karate, and Muay Thai, quick clinch striking and takedown techniques (as long as there is no chance of weapons), and instantaneous crippling/lethal techniques such as neck breaking, taking out the knee and/or ankles, and hard groin shots.
If there are multiple opponents, I'll use this to their advantage by 'taking one hostage' and/or aligning them up in a row where i'll try to pick them off. If there are multiple opponents with guns, i'm going to surrender immediately; thinking one can defend against this situation is absolutely absurd.
Again, some would say that, I do not fight fair nor do I fight clean... but that is what survival is all about. No fight is fair, no fight is clean.
Ring or not, there's always a victor and someone is always getting their *** beat. If he's not going to show me any mercy; then why the Hell would I show him any? I won't. Yes, I do believe in Karma and understand that 'what comes around, goes around' which is probably why he got what he deserved. Just my beliefs..
This does not mean that I use what I know to bully others by any means, so exclude that notion right away.
I feel that I have some decent weapon defense, but that is one thing more than anything, that I feel I should work on.
My knife, rifle and bayonet skills are very good.
I'm looking for the right martial art or the right 'mix' of martial arts (MMA).
What i'm looking for in a martial art or 'mix' is:
1)Lethal techniques: eye rakes, gouges, trachea chokes, biting (if must), temple strikes, disabling and stunning techniques, limb breaking, and submissions
2)Good and powerful stand up techniques: kicking, punching, proper headbutting, elbows
3)Great standup defensive techniques against hand strikes/punches/ect, kicking, kneeing, clinching, headbutting, elbows
3)Great takedown techniques for offense and defense, with takedown defenses.
4)Great ground game; something I can use to gain the advantage just enough to get back up on my feet. The ground has it's hazards in real life.. such as gravel, rocks, pavement, ect..
4)Weapon defenses with disarms, lethal disarms, ect.
5)Lethal and non-lethal weapon offensive techniques. I prefer the knife.
" Keep in mind that i'm looking for something that's going to serve me well in the battlefield when i'm back in the Army as a frontline Infantryman, in law enforcement, and in the street. "
I have thought about doing the following:
Using my experience in traditional Jujitsu
Using my experience in Judo
Using my experience in Muay Thai
Using my experience in BJJ
Learning some more Karate (perhaps Shotokan?)
Learning more Kenpo
Learning more San Shou
Learning some more FMA (Kali/Escrima)
Learning some Aikido/Aikijutsu
I've also begun looking at Jeet Kune Do as well.. except the only thing i've seen on it are from Bruce Lee films.................
If I could find a style that has all of those same attributes blended in with it, or a few styles that are much like these that I can blend together, that will narrow down my search and I won't have to ask so many questions!
Finally, I will no longer be a noob, and I may begin my training!
Before anyone gives any input, take note of the hazards and certain reccomendations:
As everyone knows, street fighting mainly includes the dangers of weapons, multiple attackers, and the surrounding terrain (gravel, pavement, ect).
I'd like to work more on my stand up technique as well. I still don't have the best stand-up striking technique/defense, in my opinion.
I don't have to explain ALL of the dangers on the battlefield, although I will explain one thing:
On the battlefield, hand to hand combat is STILL a must have skill that our military is STILL not teaching our troops properly! Part of the reason for this, is because there is generally less of a need for it; but then again, there is STILL a great need for it!
There's still hazards that can present great dangers on the modern battlefield...
You're with your squad on a patrol. Your squad gets broken up due to mortar fire, IED blast, or RPG fire and you're a lone soldier who got stranded. You get rushed by a few local civilians or insurgents with or without weapons (knives and sticks) and your weapon was either destroyed or lost during the attack. You either get your *** killed, or you fight hand to hand.
Another example:
You somehow get caught off-guard and get 'snatched' by a group of insurgents who take you hostage. You either fight back or get shot in the head. They take you to an unknown location where they also strip you of your gear and your clothes. An opportunity presents itself where you can fight your way out hand to hand and escape. You either fight your way out, or become a POW for the rest of your life......
NOTE: These are both situations that DO happen on the modern battlefield, it isn't fictional. You have a choice to act, or die.
Hand to hand training is a skill and an attribute that can and most likely WILL save your life!
What do you do?
The primary advantages of hand to hand combat on the battlefield (given that your gear isn't stripped from you) are:
1. Body Armor - Body armor is a protectant against most ballistics, debris, and bullets. This can also be protectant against knives, sticks, thrown objects, kicks, and punches. Body armor can and will serve you well when defending most of your bodily organs.
2. Helmet/K-Pod/ACH - Your helmet can and will also serve you well, just as body armor would for the same reasons.
These 'advantages' can also be disadvantageous, due to the fact that they may slow you down.
The reason that they are so 'advantageous' is because again, they protect most of your bodily organs from most hand to hand and melee attacks. This reduces your enemies' amount of targets and opportunities for attack.
With all of this being said, I would like for all of you to make your professional assessment and give me your professional opinions on how I should be studying, how I should be practicing, and the different types of martial arts that you believe would be the right fit for me.
Simply saying, "just find the right one for you" doesn't make any sense to someone who isn't a "martial arts dictionary" and doesn't know what all is out there!
So please, I ask, help.
I apologize for such a long, drawn out, thread. It's very difficult to explain everything with little words in the way that i've tried before.
Perhaps it takes this much to get the results that i'm looking for:
an explanation on what exactly it is that i'm looking for; that specific style or mix of styles or martial arts.
Thank you for your time and consideration!!!
Best Regards,
Aries Kai