Seeking authentic Jujutsu

Brother John

Senior Master
Jan 13, 2002
Reaction score
Wichita Kansas, USA
Hi everyone.
I've been training in what I'd call "stand up, balistic" styles for right at 19 years now (started when I was Very young). I've always found the traditional, grappling-predominant, martial arts of Japan to be VERY interesting and I'd really like to begin training in...probably Jujutsu; but I've got some questions first. Answer however you may...
BUT: Before that, here's my stance on things.
1. I'm not a dojo hopper. Anytime I've changed arts it's been because my instructor moved (died once, cancer), I moved..etc. I'd like to find a Jujutsu (Aikijutsu) dojo, and CALL IT HOME.
2. I'm very into my current "striking-predominant" style of American Kenpo Karate, and I don't intend on giving it up whatsoever. To me training in Jujutsu would be rounding out my knowledge/skill base to reflect my training/fighting philosophy. I would like to be able to blend/merge and complement my Kenpo ability/knowledge.
3. I'm not into competition! I did that for some time, did it well. It's just not my thing anymore. Toe to toe with classmates in order to learn from a good session of sparing...GREAT. Not a competitor anymore, simply could care less; I've got enough little golden-plastic men with one leg in the air...don't need more. (PS: not into BJJ...I respect them...but there's that 'not a competitor' thing again.)

SO...having said all of that, can you help me out.
I've looked in my local phone book (Wichita Kansas) to try to find instruction. The only thing I can find is an Aikido club at the college campus (think you have to be a student there first, the college that is) and a karate guy who also teaches Judo classes on the side.

With much thanks
Your Brother
John: I did a Yahoo Yellow Pages search for Martial Arts Instruction in Wichita, KS...Man! I feel sorry for you! I hope your restaurant selection is better.

I think you should talk to the guy about Judo classes. You can do that without competing. Judo combines standup throwing with ground grappling. It is a good complement to Kenpo.

Good luck.
Old Fat Kenpoka said:
John: I did a Yahoo Yellow Pages search for Martial Arts Instruction in Wichita, KS...Man! I feel sorry for you! I hope your restaurant selection is better.

I think you should talk to the guy about Judo classes. You can do that without competing. Judo combines standup throwing with ground grappling. It is a good complement to Kenpo.

Good luck.
Thanks Bro.
I did find an Aikido class, but I'm not so sure about it being in line with the way I train/fight. I KNOW I've heard other people in Wichita talk about "back yard/basement Dojo" for Jujutsu. I'll keep holding out for that. I will check into the Judo bit too though.
Thanks man...
was worried that once one of my Kenpo-mates discovered I was looking outside our art for instruction I'd get branded a heretic. :rolleyes:
Your Brother
John, you heretic. Just kidding. Jujitsu seems like it would fit perfectly with Kenpo. In fact, a friend of mine practices a very effective combination of Jujitsu, Aikido, and AKKI Kenpo. Do what you like, I say.
was worried that once one of my Kenpo-mates discovered I was looking outside our art for instruction I'd get branded a heretic.

John: As long as you say that you haven't learned anything new from these other styles and that everything they do is really just a subset of Kenpo, then Kenpoists won't call you a heretic.
Old Fat Kenpoka said:
John: As long as you say that you haven't learned anything new from these other styles and that everything they do is really just a subset of Kenpo, then Kenpoists won't call you a heretic.
You are so bad Kenpoka!

Thanks for the encouragement guys.

Your Brother
Brother John,

I might be of assistance. What is it exactly that you are looking at Jujutsu for? I read your post but if you could enlighten me (privately if you wish) I believe that I can help.

Your friend in quiet little Abilene, KS.

Best Regards,
Bushigokoro9 said:
Brother John,
Dear broher john, I hope you are doing well. We have not spoken in some time, I do believe that I have some of the answers you speak/ looking for, I need to ask several questuions that you might want to answer off line???? I would have no problem communicating like this wth you in private or public . I beleive that I have some infomartion that can assist you with on your journey'

Your friend from quiet little abilene, KS

PS sorry about the spelling and grammer, I am 20 mintes past from being in bed after my Ambien.????????????????????????????????????????????????!
Bushigokoro9 said:
Bushigokoro9 said:
Brother John,
Dear broher john, I hope you are doing well. We have not spoken in some time, I do believe that I have some of the answers you speak/ looking for, I need to ask several questuions that you might want to answer off line???? I would have no problem communicating like this wth you in private or public . I beleive that I have some infomartion that can assist you with on your journey'

Your friend from quiet little abilene, KS

PS sorry about the spelling and grammer, I am 20 mintes past from being in bed after my Ambien.????????????????????????????????????????????????!

Hi Jeff-
Thanks for the reply. It's good to hear from you, it's been a bit. If I recall, actually, I owed you a reply e-mail some time ago... please forgive me. Life's been complex lately, but that's no excuse to neglect friends.

Specifically, my interest in Jujutsu is as old as my interest in Kenpo Karate. Around the same time that I gained a taste for Kenpo my father took me to a demonstration of several martial artists in which there were two Jujutsuka who impressed the socks off me. The reasons I'm seeking it out now?
To answer that fully I'll send you an e-mail. Simple answer? I feel that it will not conflict with my Kenpo training at all. It doesn't really strike that much, it's 'kingdom' if you will is (as you know...jeesh..look who I'm preachin too) grappling...which my base art of Kenpo has 'some' of...but not that much. It's the generally held belief that the Kenpo principles can be 'translated' into a grappling situation. This is true, they can. There are even joint locks and what Kenpoists call "contact manipulation" that lends it's self directly to grappling. But the 99.9% predominant perogative of Kenpo is balistic/stand-up striking. Jujutsu knowledge/skill will GREATLY complement Kenpo, I think, without interfering with the skills and body-sensitivity that Kenpo requires.

Hope I'm making sense, I don't even have any chemical reason...maybe too much coffee.
Please E-mail me Jeff. I think I have your address, but I don't know. If you feel you have some answers I seek, I'd love to hear them.

Your Brother
[email protected]
I also like the Japanese Jujitsu. I use a Wally Jay Small Circle mix. Awesome tapes from the 50's with Wally Jay and friends and it was rough and tumble with the goal getting back up to your feet fast (multiple opponents), and combined a lot more striking than I thought.

Combat Hapkido may have something to offer also. Lots of what we call contact manipulations (as does Kuk Sul Won), but not enough combination strikes for me, and lacks some sophistication, but that may have been the school I was visiting. The Kuk Sul is more shophisticated, generally speaking, in the schools I have visited. The hapkido throws & holds may combine nicely with your Kenpo. I like the Akijitsu if you can find it or even[font=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular] Kysho-Jitsu, or an equivalent.

Is there any Chin-Na in the area? That can be interesting to add to the mix. Learning Aikido is sorta weird, I like some of the blending, and have been known to throw some into my Kenpo parry drills or flow drills, you really "get" the concept of getting off the line and "feeding".

Judo is just always good. You have to be able to roll on the ground and like some pain, but obviously with your background, this is a non-issue for you. My age and catagories of prior injuries don't allow me to continue this, but the principles and "feel" you get for your own body, and your uke's is invaluable.

Keep up the great work,
Michael Billings said:
I also like the Japanese Jujitsu. I use a Wally Jay Small Circle mix. Awesome tapes from the 50's with Wally Jay and friends and it was rough and tumble with the goal getting back up to your feet fast (multiple opponents), and combined a lot more striking than I thought.

Combat Hapkido may have something to offer also. Lots of what we call contact manipulations (as does Kuk Sul Won), but not enough combination strikes for me, and lacks some sophistication, but that may have been the school I was visiting. The Kuk Sul is more shophisticated, generally speaking, in the schools I have visited. The hapkido throws & holds may combine nicely with your Kenpo. I like the Akijitsu if you can find it or even[font=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular] Kysho-Jitsu, or an equivalent.

Is there any Chin-Na in the area? That can be interesting to add to the mix. Learning Aikido is sorta weird, I like some of the blending, and have been known to throw some into my Kenpo parry drills or flow drills, you really "get" the concept of getting off the line and "feeding".

Judo is just always good. You have to be able to roll on the ground and like some pain, but obviously with your background, this is a non-issue for you. My age and catagories of prior injuries don't allow me to continue this, but the principles and "feel" you get for your own body, and your uke's is invaluable.

Keep up the great work,
Those are some great thoughts there Mr.Billings, thanks. I agree about Aikido, very interesting art but it's footwork is just too different from what I already do in Kenpo...just not a good blend I think. Aikijutsu is great! Just none of it around here..that I know of. Small Circle is also interesting, I've had his book for some time, though it's rather cursory. Interesting stuff, seems like he took some of the Jujutsu material and used some Chin-Na with it.
I'd love to study some Chin-Na. Same problem though, none of it around here.
Truth be known, I rather have my heart set on Japanese Jujutsu. It's a well rounded program that has lots of different aspects to it. I could make it a life-time study very easily; just like I am my Kenpo.

Your Brother
Original Okinawa Kempo did have jujutsu techniques in it. I did not know why American Kenpo does not. But to answer your question they both work very good with each other, Brother John.
Hello brother John. If you have time, try to find an authentic Wado-ryu Dojo, the ones which does not focus too much on sport Karate and still teach the old Shindo Yoshin-ryu Jujutsu techniques as taught by GM. Otsuka. When this style was registered in Tokyo Butokukai in mid 1930s, it was recognized as a Jujutsu Kenpo combination style (Shinshu Wado-ryu Jujutsu Kenpo), and it contains both Okinawan Kenpo Kata and paired Jujutsu Kata's (with all the joint locks, throws, chokes, knife defenses, etc).

I think my website has videoclips of GM. Otsuka showing his stuff (Jujutsu Kenpo techniques), the URL is

Hope this helps! :)

Ben Haryo
Brother John said:
Hi everyone.
I've been training in what I'd call "stand up, balistic" styles for right at 19 years now (started when I was Very young). I've always found the traditional, grappling-predominant, martial arts of Japan to be VERY interesting and I'd really like to begin training in...probably Jujutsu; but I've got some questions first. Answer however you may...
BUT: Before that, here's my stance on things.
1. I'm not a dojo hopper. Anytime I've changed arts it's been because my instructor moved (died once, cancer), I moved..etc. I'd like to find a Jujutsu (Aikijutsu) dojo, and CALL IT HOME.
2. I'm very into my current "striking-predominant" style of American Kenpo Karate, and I don't intend on giving it up whatsoever. To me training in Jujutsu would be rounding out my knowledge/skill base to reflect my training/fighting philosophy. I would like to be able to blend/merge and complement my Kenpo ability/knowledge.
3. I'm not into competition! I did that for some time, did it well. It's just not my thing anymore. Toe to toe with classmates in order to learn from a good session of sparing...GREAT. Not a competitor anymore, simply could care less; I've got enough little golden-plastic men with one leg in the air...don't need more. (PS: not into BJJ...I respect them...but there's that 'not a competitor' thing again.)

SO...having said all of that, can you help me out.
I've looked in my local phone book (Wichita Kansas) to try to find instruction. The only thing I can find is an Aikido club at the college campus (think you have to be a student there first, the college that is) and a karate guy who also teaches Judo classes on the side.

With much thanks
Your Brother
I was doing a search for you... Call this guy, not sure if he is jujistu but he was on a page with other jujistu schools.

Bell Martial Arts
Mr. Stephen K. Bell
11527 W. 14th Circle, Wichita, KS 67212
Home: (316) 721-3117
[email protected]
RevelationX said:
I was doing a search for you... Call this guy, not sure if he is jujistu but he was on a page with other jujistu schools.

Bell Martial Arts
Mr. Stephen K. Bell
11527 W. 14th Circle, Wichita, KS 67212
Home: (316) 721-3117
[email protected]
Strange thing is that I worked with Mr. Bell (back then he was just 'Steve') for two years...I knew he did Jujutsu. Since I've decided to seek out Jujutsu I've tried contacting NO avail. I've tried this number and got nothing but a day care.
I'll keep trying him.
Your Brother
RevelationX said:
Also here is a web page with many blackbelts in KS, but im not sure how close they are to Witchita. Hope it helps.

They aren't so close to my home town. Not close enough to study with them on any kind of a regular basis...
but I'll try my questions/seeking on them.

Your Brother
Brother John said:
They aren't so close to my home town. Not close enough to study with them on any kind of a regular basis...
but I'll try my questions/seeking on them.

Your Brother
Here is another page I found. Doesent have the phone numbers, but all of them are in Wichita (or used to be, lol) I sugest trying the ones that do not state that they are Karate.

Also I found a name from a WBA website (World Budo Assosiation, I believe it was) of a 4th Dan in Sento Taijutsu, he is from Wichita so you might what to investigate it further. It is Renshi Rob Diericks. He did not have a website that I could find as of yet, but Ill let you know if I run across something.

Take Care and Good Luck in your search.
Brother John: Have you considered looking into KAJUKEMBO? It's a really interesting style that is rooted in Kenpo, with the addition of techniques from other styles of karate with Judo, jujutsu and Chinese boxing (hence KA-JU-KEM-BO). Anyway, I don't know what might be in your area, but I suggest contacting Mr. John Bishop on this net - Martial

Mr. Bishop is a senior sensei in Kajukembo and also a moderator on the kenpo forums. Just a thought..........

Yours in Kenpo,

Actually I have met and trained with Steve Crawford he is a great gentleman. Him and Steve Dollins out of Topeka as well as myself used to train together about 3 or 4 years ago.

Mark E. Weiser