Seeking advice on starting club...


Green Belt
Hello all. For some time I have been considering this idea, and am now getting more serious about it. I would like to start a class in a local public park. It would meet once or twice a week, for 60-90 minutes. I would like it to be free (I'm not trying to earn a living with this). Or, since I know that people tend to be more dedicated to something that costs, I have also considered charging a low nominal rate, which would also help pay for other equipment. What are your thoughts/ideas on this? How can I cover myself legally, i.e. stay away from lawsuits? I don't have an insurance plan for this, but since it is not a commercial endeavor, do I really need it?

Thank you for your input.

my thoughts are since it's a public park i don't think you will need insurince, but i don't know.and doing it for a small amount is a good idea.but hay what do i know. i'd say check with an atorny, and go from their.

sweet Brighit bless your blade

Our school is only a little more formalized than that. My teacher does not do it as his primary source of income. We train at either a local fitness club or outside in various parks. We have to sign a waiver, which I would assume you could have a lawyer write up for you for a minimal fee. I would think that is about all you would need. Class fees could also go toward renting a room like my school does. I don't know were you live, but here, in Wisconsin, outdoor training is not all that feasible in the winter. Once in a while to practice on the ice or other place of unsure footing, but not all the time.

Edit: Never mind, in Cali you probably wouldn't need an indoor place to train, not most of the time anyway.
Hello, Always get approval from your Sensi/Teacher first. Public parks do not allow business to operate, so you may need to check with the local parks division.

Always get approval for classes on public parks from the right people. (free classes)

Free classes are OK maybe meet at least twice week at least. Advertise on bullentin boards and flyers....

Also you may have to think about ranks/or promotions for your dedicate students. Uniforms? if more formal style of training.

Also public parks will attract alot of attention, so be aware of trouble makers.

Insurance it worth looking into, one source is Black Belt Magazine/others for insurance companies ads.

My shotokan Sensi taught us free and use a private hall for training and he just paid the rent $15.00 per month ( included free for all the tenants and guest.

Teaching others is a big responsiblity, and you can be held liable for your students actions. Teach awareness and avoidance! (tongue fu/ Judo fu)

...........Just my thoughts............Aloha
ginshun said:
We have to sign a waiver, which I would assume you could have a lawyer write up for you for a minimal fee.

I did think about a waiver. There was a time when it would not have been neccesary, but now...

Edit: Never mind, in Cali you probably wouldn't need an indoor place to train, not most of the time anyway.
Right! It gets chilly for a couple months, but not too bad - the temp might drop below 32 a couple times at night, but daytime temps don't get much lower than the 40s normally! Gotta love Cali...

still learning said:
Hello, Always get approval from your Sensi/Teacher first.
Thank you for your response and advice. Yes, I have approval. None of my instructors live in the area anyway - no competition! But, my instructor wholeheartedly supports my teaching endeavors.

Also you may have to think about ranks/or promotions for your dedicate students. Uniforms? if more formal style of training.
Yes, I do plan to promote like a normal school. I just won't charge for it. They would just have to pay for their belt and uniform if they wanted it, but I don't think I'll require it - at least, not at this stage.

Also public parks will attract alot of attention, so be aware of trouble makers.
Hmm...Now here's something I hadn't thought of. The park I plan to use is in a good neighborhood, so I don't *think* I should have any problems, but there's always that chance!

Teaching others is a big responsiblity, and you can be held liable for your students actions. Teach awareness and avoidance! (tongue fu/ Judo fu)

...........Just my thoughts............Aloha
Yes it is. I have taught for about 5 years already, but it was always in a dojo or, currently, in a private school, so I haven't had to deal with these issues!

Keep the advice coming!!

I think that is a great idea. Being in a park will attract attention, maybe the news crew for some free publicity (or someone could tip them off ;) ). You probably will need permission from the parks dept. for regular meetings there. Check into community ed programs, in which they advertise your class and put it in their published class bulletin. I'm teaching a class like that for women to get started.

Rain in Calif. or those pesky Santa Ana winds (So. Cal.) is sometimes for weeks at a time, you might need an alternative indoor area. Uneven ground sometimes is difficult to do form on. I got blisters from my Adidas shoes. If any parks have cemented pavillion areas which are covered that would be better. You all might need sunglasses and sunscreen too. It's also too cold in the winter come October to do that here in M'sota and its too hot this summer outside but Calif. is mild and dry usually. Good luck! TW
thesensei said:
Hello all. For some time I have been considering this idea, and am now getting more serious about it. I would like to start a class in a local public park. It would meet once or twice a week, for 60-90 minutes. I would like it to be free (I'm not trying to earn a living with this). Or, since I know that people tend to be more dedicated to something that costs, I have also considered charging a low nominal rate, which would also help pay for other equipment. What are your thoughts/ideas on this? How can I cover myself legally, i.e. stay away from lawsuits? I don't have an insurance plan for this, but since it is not a commercial endeavor, do I really need it?

Thank you for your input.


I think that its a great idea. I suggest checking with the town or park & rec dept. to see if there is anything that you need to do. I also suggest that you consult with a lawyer, and draw up some sort of an agreement or contract for students to sign. Its not going to matter if you're teaching for free or a small fee, if someone gets hurt, they will hold you responsible.

Good luck on your endevor!

What do you all think about fees? Should I teach for free (I don't mind that at all - I teach because I love the art!)? Should I charge? How much? The going rate for martial arts instruction in my area is from $80-$120.

I would charge something, even the community ed program charges about $30 for 12 weeks but that's for one class a week. And then there is the misconception that if its free, its not worth much. Also, there is a commitment when someone signs up, and pays down the money upfront. Besides the fact you can use the money for equipment, focus paddles, pads, sparring equipment. TW
hay if you do this could you post it? i have family out their that i might visit, and cross training (even for a day) is great.

sweet Brighit bless your blade

The park idea is a good one for attracting potential students. Even if you start a comm. school later you should consider keeping a couple of classes per month in the park, it keeps new people coming. As for fees start low as you can always add. Check with parks and rec about getting a program working in conjunction with them. They may think it is a great idea and even help you get some extra places to hold classes. You will also want to check with all of the local fitness facilities. This has the advantages of them already having and providing waivers. Keep your options and mind open, the possibilities are limitless.
coungnhuka said:
hay if you do this could you post it? i have family out their that i might visit, and cross training (even for a day) is great.

sweet Brighit bless your blade


I will let you know.
searcher said:
the possibilities are limitless.

LOL - that's what I'm afraid of! Right now, I don't have the time to start a commercial school, plus, I'm a pastor, so it's not what I plan to do with my life! But, martial arts is a great part of my life, and I want to share it...

I will look into going through the parks and rec. department - I just hate dealing with the bureaucracy!

Thanks all for the input.

I suppose if you plan on always practicing at the same park, contacting the park and rec department might be a good idea. It has never happened while I was there, but my instructor has said that the police stopped in on them on a few occasions because they thought there were actually people fighting in the park. This is pretty easy to undersstand, especially if half the people are just in street clothes, as it sounds like they might be.

And I think if it were me, I would charge something. Even if it is only $20 bucks a month or something. Otherwise I think you are going to get people who are not serious about it and only show up every once in a while. If you end up with a few people like that I think it might detract from the training of the people who are serious about it.

Just a couple of extra thoughts.

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