Ive been thinking a lot about the concept of situational awareness. You hear all the time about stuff like criminals saying they look for people who look "unaware" etc... or guys like Tito Ortiz talking about fighting at a party and being so focused on the guy they were fighting that someone comes out of nowhere and hits em over the head with a bottle...
It made me think about somthing I learned in my Motorcycle Saftey class a couple years ago, and how it applies to our art as well... its called SEE.
Here is an excerpt from a site talking about the program:
I think that this series of skills could very easily translate into general daily use...
Scanning the environment so you are Staying aware of who and what is around you, evaluating that situation to decide if there are potential dangers, escape routes, etc... and if somthing happens or needs to happen, execute that action based on your evaluation...
Am I making any sense?
It made me think about somthing I learned in my Motorcycle Saftey class a couple years ago, and how it applies to our art as well... its called SEE.
Here is an excerpt from a site talking about the program:
You can learn to organise you thought processes and manage risk by
thinking strategy to help you. This thinking strategy forms the acronym
SEE is a decision making process that helps you manage risks and
comfortable ride. Each letter of SEE represents an action for the rider.
S Scan/search terrain and environment and identify hazards
E Evaluate and predict what may happen
E Execute your decision based on your skills and your Bike.
I think that this series of skills could very easily translate into general daily use...
Scanning the environment so you are Staying aware of who and what is around you, evaluating that situation to decide if there are potential dangers, escape routes, etc... and if somthing happens or needs to happen, execute that action based on your evaluation...
Am I making any sense?