Security Level moving to Orange

OK. You did bring up about 5-6 threads to analyze (out of my 300+ to date) but ya, the percentage is increasing. I would have to differ on how far of the thread they are but again, it's all relative and if I threw that much of a curve into the discussion for you, then I apologize.

As for the matter of using content in this Study Room to spout my Right Winged views, well, I think most of these threads lately are pretty political, so I spout here rather than in the Kenpo General room. I see it coming form the other end of the spectrum as well, but that does not seem to concern you.

I'm not going to pull a Clyde, but I am going to reserve my posts to the Martial Arts rooms from now on, or at least stay out of the political mumbo-jumbo.

I think I went from MT Blue to Purple belt on these silly topics alone.

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