second martial arts meeting


Senior Master
Today I went to the second martial arts meetin, basically a multi martial arts training session, I arrived at 9 am sharp to the budokan dojo owned by my good friend Mark. The training session began at 9:30 with karate do kata, we did tensho kata, the we porced with lima-lama with the first kata (beginers kata), afther that my good friend Omar gave us a lecture about american kenpo karate and show us delayed sword, we praciced this tecnike in a variety of atacks, next was my turn and following the trend I taught taeguk 4, afther every kata/form/taeguk we did bunkai so the taeguk was no exepcion, we finished training session with aikido and the iaido (just one iaido kata, the most simple but it was nice to use the boken following Mark's instructions).

Four continus hours of training in a tropical weahther and then everyone exchange impresions.

I liked tensho but I have to admit the aikido techs were nice, very nice, Iliked the way I did ikyo defending from katotedori and shomennushi and yokomenushi.

Yes I got exausted, breaking the falls and then stand up in the akido techs was very hard to me, but Iliked it alot.
