Learning to coordinate the arm movements with the stepping and the pivoting is very important in Chum Kiu.
Another major part of Chum Kiu theory is the application of multiple vectors of force at the same time.
For example If I were to try and latch your arm down with my Fook Sau you may resist me and try to hold it there , but if I were to pivot at exactly the same time as I begin to latch your arm down you will find it very difficult to resist me.
The reason being in the first example , if we take forward force out of it for a moment ( forward force is important because it causes him to push against my arm and commit himself ).
But forgetting that , in the first example he only has to deal with me pulling down which is one force.
In the second example when we add pivoting from Chum Kiu he not only is getting pulled down but also forward by the pivot which is two force vectors at once , making it hard for him to resist plus the pivot is powered by my whole body mass.
Or another way that Sigung explains it is this way , if you were to pick up a 100 kilo barbell and press it over your head you could probably do it no problem.
But if you were to try and pick up that same 100 kilo barbell and try and press it over head while I am pushing on your body from the side at the same time you would find it very difficult if not impossible to lift the weight.
But you wanted tips didn't you , not a shitload of theory.
I won't talk about the arm movements because as its already been said they vary widely from lineage to lineage.
Except to say when stepping make sure the arm movements are in synchronisation with the step so they both start together at the same time.
When stepping you want to be careful that you are not clawing yourself forward by using your front leg , just leave a slight bend in the front leg , put your weight on the back leg and initiate the movement forward from the waist.
To help you with this stepping so you do it properly you can get a partner to put his hand on your lower abdomen for resistance as you try to move forward , if you do it incorrect and you are trying to pull yourself forward with your front leg you won't be going anywhere.
With the pivoting keep your pelvis tilted forward so your upper and lower body stay locked in at the waist.
Finally when stepping make sure you keep the vertical up and down movement of your body to a bare minimum , practice your Chum Kiu stepping from side on in front of a large mirror , look at your eyes and make sure they scribe an imaginary horizontal line as you step past the mirror.
Should keep you busy for a while.