whilst introducing/teaching us newly graded students the first section of the second form, sifu commented how there were a few different versions of sections of the form and that none were wrong,they were just that.... different and as such had different applications of each said versions.
he then went on to comment on how many videos he had of different forms from his many visits to hong kong and how varied they were..... and that none were wrong.
they just had different applications and that if one lineage tried to incorporate every application within each form we would all be doing an individual form for hours....
consequently each lineage has chosen to emphasise a particular version for a specific application.... and none in effect were wrong..
he summized that actually the politics and bulls##t that has split wingchun for so long has been focused for so long on the differences within lineages INSTEAD of our commonalities...
and because we do not hold allegience to any one particular direction we can take the best-read most effecient in his mind from every single one and therefore take wing chun forward instead of holding it back by squabbling over how we hold our hand in a certain technique or a section of a given form.
i dont know why i have just typed all of this. after a glass of wine(large) i decided i would share, just in case it made someone.... anyone think differently about their wing chun.
........ ill shut the door on me way out lol
he then went on to comment on how many videos he had of different forms from his many visits to hong kong and how varied they were..... and that none were wrong.
they just had different applications and that if one lineage tried to incorporate every application within each form we would all be doing an individual form for hours....
consequently each lineage has chosen to emphasise a particular version for a specific application.... and none in effect were wrong..
he summized that actually the politics and bulls##t that has split wingchun for so long has been focused for so long on the differences within lineages INSTEAD of our commonalities...
and because we do not hold allegience to any one particular direction we can take the best-read most effecient in his mind from every single one and therefore take wing chun forward instead of holding it back by squabbling over how we hold our hand in a certain technique or a section of a given form.
i dont know why i have just typed all of this. after a glass of wine(large) i decided i would share, just in case it made someone.... anyone think differently about their wing chun.
........ ill shut the door on me way out lol