Back for Blood Special
As a transition from season one to season two, a special episode (titled
Back for Blood) was aired to pit the winning warriors from season one again one another. It was decided to make a distinction between ancient and modern warriors due to the advent of black powder changing the face of warfare.
For the ancient elimination block, the warriors assembled included the Apache, Samurai, Spartan, Shaolin Monk, and William Wallace. The Apache and Shaolin Monk were automatically removed from the running due to a lack of any form of armor and armor penetrating weapons. William Wallace was taken out of the running due to a lack of a formidable long range weaponry, as well as his easily penetrable chainmail. The team captains of the remaining teams made a return to retest their weapons against different adversaries.
Spartan representative: Barry Jacobsen (Spartan Historian and Weapons Expert)
Spartan weapons: Spear,
Short Sword,
Samurai representative: Tetsuro Shigematsu (Samurai Descendant/)
Samurai weapons: Katana,
Ancient match results
Commentator's Edge Spartan Kills Samurai Kills
Close Range Samurai Short Sword 10 Katana 15
Mid Range Even Spear 339 Naginata 141
Long Range Samurai Javelin 16 Yumi 175
Special Weapons Spartan Shield 162 Kanabo 142
Totals 527 473
- In short-range weapons the Samurai katana was tested against the Spartan's short sword, the Xiphos. Footage of the tests for both from previous episodes was reviewed. The edge was given to the katana for slicing through two pigs, while the xiphos barely got through one. The katana also had a length advantage over the xiphos.
- In mid-range weapons the Samurai's Naginata was pitted against a gel torso wearing a Spartan cuirass mounted on an "attack bot" to simulate an attacking Spartan. The Naginata failed to penetrate. The same attack bot was then outfitted with a Samurai cuirass and tested against the Spartan's Dory Spear, which also failed to penetrate. The weapons were declared even because neither could penetrate an enemies armour.
- In long-range weapons, both teams reviewed the footage of the Spartan's javelin and the Samurai's yumi. The javelin was deemed a weapon used against mass formations instead of a single enemy, while the Yumi had speed, killing power, and accuracy. The Yumi was unanimously (including the Spartan expert) given the edge because of its high speed and lethal accuracy.
- For special weapons, the kanabo and the Spartan shield were pit against each other. While the kanabo used in the testing did fair structural damage to the Viking shield earlier on in season one, in this test it was demonstrated by Shigematsu instead of Chan with a side swing rather than an overhead strike. The Spartan shield was too solid for the kanabo to damage and was unharmed except for a few dents. The Spartan sheild however was shown to be just as powerful a weapon as ever and therefore given the edge.
The modern elimination block included the Pirate, the Mafia, the Spetznaz, and the IRA. The Pirate was automatically eliminated due to his weapons being deemed too "primitive" in comparison to his modern counterparts. The Mafia was eliminated from contention due to the group not being "professionals", as well as much of their weaponry being improvised. The Spetsnaz were chosen hands down as the most disciplined warrior of the modern era, while the IRA was deemed the most "unpredictable" of the group. The IRA versus the Spetsnaz was the most one sided match-up to date, with the Spetsnaz being the first warrior to ever receive a kill score in the 700s.
Spetsnaz representative: Sonny Puzikas (Former Spetsnaz Operative)
Spetsnaz weapons: Saiga Shotgun,
RGD-5 Grenade,
Ballistic Knife,
AK74 Carbine,
Dragunov Rifle,
Makarov Pistol
IRA representative: Skoti Collins
[9] (IRA Descendant (
Michael Collins' grand-nephew)/Historian)
IRA weapons: LPO-50 Flamethrower,
Nail Bomb,
AR-15 ArmaLite,
Webley Revolver,
HK G3 Sniper Rifle
Modern match results
Commentator's Edge Spetsnaz Kills IRA Kills
Close Range Spetsnaz Makarov Pistol 20 Webley Revolver 8
Mid Range IRA Saiga Shotgun 92 LPO-50 Flamethrower 11
Long Range Even Spetsnaz AK74 Carbine Dragonov Rifle 472 120 AR-15 ArmaLite HK G3 Sniper Rifle 175 47
Special Weapons Spetsnaz Ballistic Knife 6 Slingshot 3
Explosive Weapons IRA RGD-5 Grenade 7 Nail Bomb 20
Totals 717 264
- ^ The actual total of the combined scores is 717, but was shown on the show (1:02:52) as 736 for an unknown reason.
- For long range automatic rifles, the footage of season one reviewed the AR-15 Armlite and AK-74 Carbine. It was agreed that the Armlite was the more accurate weapon, but the AK-74 was the more durable weapon; hence, the result was a draw.
- For mid range weaponry, footage for season one reviewed the IRA's LPO-50 Flamethrower against the Spetsnaz's Saiga Shotgun. While the Saiga was quick and deadly, the LPO-50 Flamethrower brought a psychological advantage. Additionally, burn injuries were deemed to be far worse than gun shot wounds, giving the IRA the edge.
- For long range sniper rifles, the IRA's the HK G3 was paired against the Dragonov. While both weapons had high kill ratios, the Dragonov was deemed faster and more accurate in terms of execution and given the edge.
- For special weapons, season one footage reviewed the IRA's sling shot and Spetsnaz's ballistic knife. The ballistic knife was determined as having the advantage due to the weapon's killing power.
- For explosives, the nail bomb and RGD-5 Grenade were reviewed from the season one footage. While the RGD-5 was powerful at a wide range, the Nail Bomb (despite being an improvised weapon) was given the advantage due to the high killing power of its shrapnel.
- For short range weapons, the Makarov was pitted against the IRA's side arm, the Webley Revolver. Despite the Webley being a more powerful pistol, the Makarov was given the advantage due to the pistol carrying more ammo than the six bullets in the Webley.