search function?


Blue Belt
Dec 13, 2023
Reaction score
Michigan, USA
If i put a subject in the search and then hit go, Does it search for subject in titles only, threads or individual posts?

I am now very good with computers...or typing without errors. thanks.
If i put a subject in the search and then hit go, Does it search for subject in titles only, threads or individual posts?

I am now very good with computers...or typing without errors. thanks.
You can search by title or member. There is a little box to click to search titles, and below that is a search bar that says by member.
so there is no way to search the content of individual posts?
Just type in a keyword into the search bar and select everywhere, or with the member name if you know it.
Is your keyword search ‘gi’ 🤨 😉
actually, I was searching for a post I read but could not remember where I had
read. Someone was looking for a branf of GI that their father wore in the 1960, HSK, which apparently is no longer made. I recently purchased one, no surprise there, and was going to offer it to them. But I could not find the post and HSK GI was not in the title of the thread. So I was trying to figure out how through the search function was.

Recently, when searching for something else I came across the post. See, HSK 1980s GI.

But, it was old and I think that forum is no long functing as I tried to post there and could't. So I have not been able to contact the individual.

here is link: Looking for vintage karate and judo gi

It may just be my skills lacking. I just noticed that there have been recent posts on that forum that I did
not see before. If you want to try and conact them I certaintly have no objection, it is a public post.
If you’re pretty sure about some keywords and maybe who posted it, just google searching the site is pretty good. Just add “” to your search.