Script Frenzy


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
Reaction score
In Pain

As of midnight it on:
Write a 100 page script for any kind of format, alone or with friends.

Not sure if I can come up with something. I have plenty of stories, but no idea how to put it in to a script.

It's a fun exercise though. Even if the result is utter garbage and never gets past the hint of an attempt. I had a great time last year during NaNoWriMo.
Make sure you post a link to yours so we can see what you came up with.
Granfire, thank you for sharing this. I've been having a blast coming up with ideas, writing up log lines and beat sheets and as of this morning, I banged out 6 pages of dialogue for the opening couple of scenes.

I'm stevebjj on scriptfrenzy, so be sure to add me as a writing buddy! :) Also, if you would like critique, I'd LOVE to help you out and would welcome your feedback, as well.

My Script Frenzy profile:
Granfire, thank you for sharing this. I've been having a blast coming up with ideas, writing up log lines and beat sheets and as of this morning, I banged out 6 pages of dialogue for the opening couple of scenes.

I'm stevebjj on scriptfrenzy, so be sure to add me as a writing buddy! :) Also, if you would like critique, I'd LOVE to help you out and would welcome your feedback, as well.

My Script Frenzy profile:
Show us yours too.
Show us yours too.
LOL. I'll show you mine if you... err... nevermind. :D

Seriously, I'll be happy to share it with anyone who asks. I'm not overly concerned about theft. But I've been advised that, while I shouldn't be paranoid, posting the entire script online would be ill advised.

If you (or anyone else I know around here) is interested, I'll be happy to share it with you. Just fire me a PM. I'd love to hear from you.
I've made several attempts to write a script based on a sci-fi novel and one based on a fantasy novel that I love but time and having resources (computer) to do it...
Then also the imagery involved with both those novels could only NOW be done thanks to CGI by either Weta or ILM
Ah well...
A bit from my NaNo last year:
“Riders” a guard yelled.
The General hurried out, weapon in hand, closely followed by the old mage. From another tent Lady Lyriana emerged with her staff ready for battle.
A small group emerged on the road ascending to the camp. Slow at first but as soon as they recognized the standards of the camp they spurned their horses to a gallop. General Wulf counted four riders.
“It can’t be…” astonished he watched as his Princess and her companions charged up the hill with big smiles on their faces. While the children pulled up their mounts the princess rode up to the general were she slit out of the saddle and without thinking threw her arms around him. Overjoyed he swung her around while his lips found hers for a kiss. To the roaring cheers of the troops the general set her down. With a sigh the princess nestle her head on his shoulder, but the moment was brief as Lady Lyriana whisked her away to her tent along with Selma. Paul and Felix had to help Master Theoderius to guide the stunned general to his tent laughing along the way. Then Paul and Felix greeted the old mage with hugs while the general, pale as a ghost, sunk in his chair.
“Chin up, son” the old mage laughed patting him on the back. “tsk tsk tsk” Felix shook his head in a mocking way and Paul couldn’t help but laugh out loud. Furious the general jumped up and marched out of the tent. “I go and check on him” Felix volunteered with a grin. He found the general a little outside of camp sitting on a rock overlooking the valley below them. Felix couldn’t help himself “mo ghrᔠhe whispered in the generals ear before he sat next to him on the ground. Instead of the growl Felix had expected the general simply sighed. “since when?” the general finally interrupted the silence. “oh, not long” Felix stretched his legs out. “since about the attack” the general nodded. “but I think everybody else has been waiting for this for years” Felix added with a big grin as the general’s head flew around the eyes wide in shock. “Now what do I do” the general ran both hands through his hair.
“what does a guy normally do after he kissed a girl?” Felix wondered. “no, you don’t understand” the general objected forcefully. “She is not just a girl” “true enough” Felix agreed though he wondered if the general had ever seen his princess the way he had in the past few weeks. “But you are not exactly a regular guy either” The general shook his head, “that’s not true” he looked Felix in the face “she descended from a long line of nobles” he added in a whisper “and I don’t”. Felix shook his head. Here two conundrums met neither of which he could fathom. He did like Selma well enough, but he’d rather flick a booger at her before planting a kiss on her, and the business of nobility eluded him completely.
I've written a total of 37 pages so far. While the writing is rough... it is a first draft after all, the story is coming together well. I feel very good about who the characters are and that they're acting consistently. I like the story, too. So far, I'm pretty stoked and looking forward to writing some more. I'm sticking a little bit at this point. The b-story involves a romantic relationship that I'm struggling a little bit with. I can watch some romantic comedies, but I'm not an expert, so getting the protagonist together with his love interest without being cheesy is proving difficult. It's important to the plot, so one way or the other, I'm going to have to muscle through it. :)

Summary: Mike Jenkins is an out of shape, pre-diabetic 30-something who's spent the better part of the last decade trying hopelessly to repair his relationship with his ex-wife and his son. His ex-wife, Sue, uses her custody of their son like a weapon, and uses Mike like a free, on-call babysitter. His son, Dave, considers Mike a loser, aimless and alone.
When Mike sees a group of older boys harassing his son, he intervenes, using Brazilian Jiu Jitsu skills he'd learned long ago. Instead of being the hero, Dave's embarrassment at being rescued by his dad only makes the situation worse. Mike returns to the mat and begins training again in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu hoping to compete in the sport he loves. Along the way, he discovers that to be the father he wants to be and earn the respect of his teenage son, he must first learn to respect himself.

First excerpt is about 15 or so minutes into the movie. Mike went to pick up his son from school and found him getting beaten up by a larger kid. His eye was swollen shut and he was having difficulty walking when Mike got him to the car and drove him to the ER. This is the first real development of the step mom. She's scared, but the idea is that she (and everyone else) believes that she is the parent, while Mike is... just the dad.

Formatting isn't translating quite right, but hopefully you guys get the idea.

Mike sits, head in hands. A child is crying in the background. It’s a busy ER. Sue finds Mike and approaches.

Doctor says he’s got a mild concussion. They’re keeping him overnight. Want to keep an eye on him.
Sue, I’m sorry.
He’s worried about the eye. The doctor said it could be bad. Won’t know more until the swelling comes down, but… he seemed worried, Mike. I mean. It’s bad when the doctor seems worried. Right?

A long pause.

I’m sure you’re just reading too much into it, Sue. It’ll be okay. Dave will be fine. What’d that caseworker want?
Nothing. It was routine. Just want to make sure Dave’s okay at home

Another long pause. Neither one can look the other in the eye. Mike studies the floor while Sue looks intently out the window.

Can I see him?
He’s sleeping… He’ll be on a sleep schedule all night… For the concussion… Thank you, Mike. Seriously. Thank you. I’ll call you if anything changes.

Sue’s cell rings, breaking the tension. Sue turns, talking on the phone, leaving Mike standing alone.
Another excerpt, this one a nod to a Seattle area tradition of including a rubber duckie with devil's horns in the script. This is the morning after Mike returns to class for the first time to train. About 25 minutes into the movie.
The sun is coming through the blinds on Mike, sleeping awkwardly on the couch in the same position he settled into last night. He tries to move, but…

Pain… every muscle in his body is screaming at him. He struggles to stand, cottonmouth, hungover from dehydration, he moves into the kitchen and drinks two large glasses of water…

And now in a hot shower, trying but ultimately failing to wash his face… arms unwilling to bend.

Mike sits, headset on, xbox controller in hand, on the couch with his feet up on the coffee table, the sleeves on his t-shirt rolled up and his arms visibly slathered with muscle ointment. He has an icepack on the back of his neck, and one balanced on each thigh. The only things that are moving are his fingers, his eyes and his mouth.

… and that’s all that happened. I don’t think I can do it.
Come on, OG. You have to do it. Seriously. This is, like, the coolest thing I’ve ever seen. You’re like a superhero. Pitiful loser by day… warrior by night.
You sound awful. What did they do to you?
Well, there were sprints and we did some agility drills. Then, they had this rubber duckie... a devil duckie. The guy running the warmups would fling that duckie at people, and if he hit you, you’d have to do 10 burpees.
What’s a burpee?
you should have posted some of your romantic troubles. Maybe a second eye can give you a pointer on how to muscle through it? (you might be able to find pointers on the forums, too, or ask the SO in your life)
The romantic thing will work itself out. The story marches on and I'm 52 pages in, fully immersed in the b-plot, anticipating the crash that signifies the move into Act 3. I'm trying very hard to honor the goal of not editing anything prior to finishing the complete first draft, but it's tough. I have changed the story a bit, and made significant changes to the supporting characters as I get to know them better.

As I write the story, the characters are becoming more three dimensional, so in the rewrite, I'll be able to strengthen the first act significantly. Overall, I'm pretty happy.

Thank you again for bringing this up on the boards. I had no idea it existed.

So, I'm doing it this year. Granfire, are you on board? I haven't heard any updates from you. And is anyone else going for it this April? I'd love to hear your ideas.
I am still drawing a complete blank

but I loved how things went for NaNo. I reread it and still liked it.
I am still drawing a complete blank

but I loved how things went for NaNo. I reread it and still liked it.
I came up with the logline for the next screenplay I'm going to write:

A middle aged mailman decided years ago that hiding mail in his garage was a lot easier than actually delivering it... until one of the letters contained something that would end the lives of millions of people, or save them.
I came up with the logline for the next screenplay I'm going to write:

A middle aged mailman decided years ago that hiding mail in his garage was a lot easier than actually delivering it... until one of the letters contained something that would end the lives of millions of people, or save them.

Sounds like 'Going Postal'

(don't read it before you write it though...)
I came up with the logline for the next screenplay I'm going to write:

A middle aged mailman decided years ago that hiding mail in his garage was a lot easier than actually delivering it... until one of the letters contained something that would end the lives of millions of people, or save them.

Hello, Newman. ;)
Just a quick update. I'm at 67 pages, wrapping up Act 2. Looking forward to finishing it up so I can start writing the climactic ending!
82 pages today. My protagonist got fired from his job. I didn't see that coming.