Your making big 'mathematical' assumptions here.
Not at all. In fact, it is the reverse.
The first thing to note it that 'vaccine' is being used here in an inappropriate way. It does not vaccinate anyone against anything. It turns your blood into poison that kills (supposedly) mosquitoes.
The second thing to note is that the only mosquitoes it kills is the ones that bite you - and now you may be exposed to Denque Fever, the same as anyone who gets bitten by a mosquito in that geographical area, whether they have taken the 'vaccine' or not.
The third thing to note is that once the mosquito bites you, it dies - but you have no way of knowing two important things:
1) Are you the first person it ever bit, or the 133rd?
2) Would it have bitten anyone else after it bit you, if you hadn't killed it with your poisonous blood?
Now, this is no assumption - these are facts, as stated by the person who proposes creating this 'altruistic vaccine'. There is nothing here to dispute. I am stating what he is stating - but I am stating it clearly, and without the buzzwords. No assumptions at all.
In fact, I'm even going along with him and presuming that it actually works and does turn your blood into poison that kills mosquitoes.
I would think it would be better to see evidence of whether or not this kind of effort works rather than assume based on surface logic whether or not it could.
I am presuming it works as intended, and pointing out that it is a flawed mathematical model. There is nothing 'surface level' about it - I'm presuming from the assumption that it works exactly as described.
You read the word 'vaccine' and you presume that means it confers something in the way of protection on you or your friends and family. It is not a vaccine, the word is being used improperly.
It would be precisely the same if I encouraged everyone to swat mosquitoes on sight. If they did that, the mosquito in question could not bite anyone else, and would thus reduce the incidence of Dengue Fever. Would it? Do you suppose people do NOT swat mosquitoes when they catch them? Has it been working to reduce the incidence of Dengue Fever transmission?
All this is - in essence - is a super mosquito swatter. It 'swats' by poisoning every mosquito that bites you. Swatting mosquitoes is a crap-shoot - there is no mathematical model that can solve for X with X being the number of people who WOULD have been bitten if the mosquito in question had not been 'swatted' by your blood poison.
I'm sorry, this is really basic stuff. The Gates Foundation is moronic if they could not see the flaw in this one on paper. What a waste of money. As to taking the 'vaccine' myself, no way. It's not a question of waiting to see if it works - it can't - by their own logic.