Schools with webpages+e-mail


White Belt
I have some advice for any MA schools that maintain a web presence and have e-mail links on the page.

I have contacted about 5 different schools about their programs and fees by e-mail and have had zero replies even after 2 weeks which is very frustrating when you want to find a school to study at.

I would rather communicate via e-mail about the basic info and when they give e-mail addresses and don't reply for a few weeks, it reflects badly on their commitment to prospective students.

This is a just a little rant about a small detail, but if you post an e-mail address on your webpage, be sure to at least check it for inquiries or don't use it and put your phone# in it's place.

Sorry, I am just annoyed a lil bit.
Great post. If you cannot monitor your email 24/7 at least set up an autoreply for all incoming email. A website can be the best dource for new students.
Understand why you're annoyed. Most schools would much rather have you show up in person, than give that information to someone they've never seen before. That said they, at the very least, should have replied and asked you to visit the school in person.
I agree with you completely. If you run a webpage, you have to answer your email daily.
You are a prospective student and should be answered fast and curtiously. It is unprofessional and tacky to do otherwise.

I wil agree with the opening statement in this thread.
I have a web page and an email there and the email account got hacked . Now I get about 50 emails a day saying that something has been returned that I never sent out and about 50 spam messages a day. I would suggest if you email a school you say in the subject indicating you want to study or indicate some way that you need information on the school
I have some advice for any MA schools that maintain a web presence and have e-mail links on the page.

I have contacted about 5 different schools about their programs and fees by e-mail and have had zero replies even after 2 weeks which is very frustrating when you want to find a school to study at.

I would rather communicate via e-mail about the basic info and when they give e-mail addresses and don't reply for a few weeks, it reflects badly on their commitment to prospective students.

This is a just a little rant about a small detail, but if you post an e-mail address on your webpage, be sure to at least check it for inquiries or don't use it and put your phone# in it's place.

Sorry, I am just annoyed a lil bit.

I think thats a good point.
I usually respond same day. Within 24 hours is a must!
Many clients will not wait longer than a day or two and will simply look elsewhere.
Ditto. I also ran into that a lot when I was searching for schools. If I didn't get a reply then I moved on. My thinking was, if they can't even respond to email, then how responsive are they to their students?
I usually respond within 24 hours or sooner. The only exception is if I am on vacation but usually I try to monitor it as well. Sorry to hear about your frustration.
Completely agreed - and if you DON'T have a website...GET ONE. If you don't know how to make one, hire a web designer. In this day and age, people use the internet as a decision making tool. You can sell a student before you've ever met them.

But if you have a great website and don't answer'll lose them.

And if you don't have a website, you may never get them.

I live in Korea right now. I am moving home soon. There are two schools in the area I'm moving to. One has a website with an e-mail address and answers the e-mails I send. One does not, on either count.

Guess which one I chose........
Completely agreed - and if you DON'T have a website...GET ONE. If you don't know how to make one, hire a web designer. In this day and age, people use the internet as a decision making tool. You can sell a student before you've ever met them.

But if you have a great website and don't answer'll lose them.

And if you don't have a website, you may never get them.

I live in Korea right now. I am moving home soon. There are two schools in the area I'm moving to. One has a website with an e-mail address and answers the e-mails I send. One does not, on either count.

Guess which one I chose........
indeed! For a few bucks a month you can generate alot of interest. Costs alot less than other forms of advertising. Can give a brief overview of what you do. A great advertising medium :)

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