School Patch


MTS Alumni
Aug 15, 2006
Reaction score
West Melbourne, FL
I was asked to design a school patch by my instructor. I'm looking for some feedback and ideas. We are a Tang Soo Do school in Korea. The Wolf's head is the symbol of our military base. The Hangul says "Kunsan Air Base" and "Tang Soo Do."

Please let me know how this looks and if you have any ideas! Thanks!!!


  • $patch.jpg
    37 KB · Views: 147
I like the design except for the wolf head can you makeit coming staight out with the full face view and his fang looking real nasty would be better in my view, those side views just don't do it for me,
I don't particularly like the graphic either....but that is the orientation used by the base. It is kind of the base symbol. Basically you see that graphic EVERYWHERE you go. Even on paperwork....Very few people use any other graphics than this one - unfortunately.
I don't particularly like the graphic either....but that is the orientation used by the base. It is kind of the base symbol. Basically you see that graphic EVERYWHERE you go. Even on paperwork....Very few people use any other graphics than this one - unfortunately.

Then if this means anything than I believe you have done a fine job.
That looks sharp!
Actually, I prefer the side view of the wolf's head.
Great work. I don't think you should change anything.

Good design - one thing I'd shore up a bit are the two kickers - they're a bit grainy, but well placed.
First off. Thanks for serving our country.

Second the patch is great. I like it. It captures everything you're about. I understand about the military graphics. My wife was AFN. Just one thing, it looks as if the Wolf is sniffing the person's croutch. Don't mean to affend, just something I saw.
First off. Thanks for serving our country.

Second the patch is great. I like it. It captures everything you're about. I understand about the military graphics. My wife was AFN. Just one thing, it looks as if the Wolf is sniffing the person's croutch. Don't mean to affend, just something I saw.
That was my first thought. I think I would alter the positioning a little.
... Just one thing, it looks as if the Wolf is sniffing the person's croutch.

Initially I didn't think anything about a wolf sniffing a crotch in the logo, but on 2nd viewing, yeah maybe you can get that impression. Might be better if the wolf is facing forward instead of a profile view. JMHO...
First off. Thanks for serving our country.

Second the patch is great. I like it. It captures everything you're about. I understand about the military graphics. My wife was AFN. Just one thing, it looks as if the Wolf is sniffing the person's croutch. Don't mean to affend, just something I saw.

That was my first thought. I think I would alter the positioning a little.

Initially I didn't think anything about a wolf sniffing a crotch in the logo, but on 2nd viewing, yeah maybe you can get that impression. Might be better if the wolf is facing forward instead of a profile view. JMHO...

Actually, that was my first reaction as well, but it looks more like it's sniffing the leg.
Oooo, good point. Thanks! I didn't notice the wolf's nose position. I'll have to change that.

Those were the best copies of kickers that I could find. I was thinking of trying to sharpen them up a bit in paint - unless someone knows where I can get similar graphics that look good....

Donald - So far, I was planning to keep the colors as they are. They can make ANYTHING in this country, so it isn't an issue to add more or less to it.

Thanks for all of your great input so far!
Someone posted a link to MA clip art he had created, but I can't find it right now. There are some nice images in Microsoft Word's clip art file - the attached is one of them; if you want it to be an outline only, filling in the image with black would be easy in any graphics program.

Wait, here's the link I was looking for (in the post).


  • $clip_image002.gif
    1.5 KB · Views: 117