IMO, its not the schools job to hit anyone. If they can't get the message of discipline across, via a detention or suspension, theres some issues. And yes, like this kids mother said..
When Tyler Anastopoulos got in trouble for skipping detention at his high school recently, he received the same punishment that students in parts of rural Texas have been getting for generations.
Tyler, an 11th grader from Wichita Falls, was sent to the assistant principal and given three swift swats to the backside with a paddle, recalled Angie Herring, his mother. The blows were so severe that they caused deep bruises, and Tyler wound up in the hospital, Ms. Herring said.
IMO, its not the schools job to hit anyone. If they can't get the message of discipline across, via a detention or suspension, theres some issues. And yes, like this kids mother said..
“If I did that to my son,” she said, “I’d go to jail.”