School Paddling Lives On In 20 States


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When Tyler Anastopoulos got in trouble for skipping detention at his high school recently, he received the same punishment that students in parts of rural Texas have been getting for generations.
Tyler, an 11th grader from Wichita Falls, was sent to the assistant principal and given three swift swats to the backside with a paddle, recalled Angie Herring, his mother. The blows were so severe that they caused deep bruises, and Tyler wound up in the hospital, Ms. Herring said.

IMO, its not the schools job to hit anyone. If they can't get the message of discipline across, via a detention or suspension, theres some issues. And yes, like this kids mother said..

“If I did that to my son,” she said, “I’d go to jail.”
good, when the schools beat kids asses, the kids behaved

Well, yeah, I see your point. When I was growing up, the teachers didn't hit any of the students, however, I'd get a whack or two on the *** from my parents, if I misbehaved. IMO, theres a huge difference between a slap on the ***, and leaving bruises. Kids dont have any respect for teachers, and sadly, in many cases, for their parents. How many times have we heard about a kid threatening to call the cops if their parents hit them?
Proverbs 13:24 NIV

24 Whoever spares the rod hates their children,
but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.

You can always tell a child who was disciplined accordingly and the ones whose parents didn't.
Having been on the recieving end of both effective corporal punishment and outright physical abuse, I will simply contribute that the line between the two is very fine, and very easy to step over, and stepping over it will only magnify the problem.

If you are going to institutionalize a punishment of any kind, it has to be a forewarned, rigorous conseqence for clearly forewarned deeds, and done without malice. And the person who administers it has to be aware of the limits of what they can do to inflict pain without causing unnecessary damage. It is, after all, possible to paddle a person to death. This guy obviously failed at his job.
the fear of the embarrassment of getting paddeled in front of everyone was worse than the licks

Dunno, but from what I've heard the paddling happens in the office...

That does not mean there is no collective gasp running through the school when the paddle is picked up...
i went to both kinds ofschools, where the principal did it in the office, and where the teacher could in class.

the latter was worse

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