School bus violence

I don't know about security, but having an adult on the school bus besides just the bus driver might have helped. Actually, getting that kid the psychiatric help he obviously needs would probably have prevented this in the first place.
Sigh. This occured in my city.

Hope they send him to Sharpes. The kids in the juvie unit will have fun with that kid.

Damn. I only hear about stuff like that happening - actually seeing it is pretty scary. What I'm most annoyed about is that bus driver who did virtually nothing to restrain the obviously dangerous kid in any forceful manner.
1) I believe it was a female bus driver, and it's very likely she thought she'd also get beaten if she tried to intervene. She can be heard calling for the police over the radio, though.

2) They don't get paid enough to risk grevious bodily harm.

Originally posted by Eldritch Knight
Damn. I only hear about stuff like that happening - actually seeing it is pretty scary. What I'm most annoyed about is that bus driver who did virtually nothing to restrain the obviously dangerous kid in any forceful manner.

That is kind of sad, but I bet if asked about it, he probably will claim he was afraid of a lawsuit. I've personally heard of cases where teachers and other school employees have "looked the other way" during a fight on school property - the reason often given for this is that if either of the participants are hurt in any way while the adult is breaking up the fight, the adult could be responsible for any damages that result. To my knowledge, in NJ, where I live, nobody has successfully sued a teacher/school employee for not acting, but unfortunately, there have been lawsuits pursued when they did act, even when their acting resulted in likely prevention of a major injury. In many cases, it seems that many people are now more worried about covering their own posterior than anyone's safety. Evidently this is a consequence of the hyper-litigous society in which we now live. Personally, I'd rather be sued than see a kid beaten to death in front of me, but evidently not everybody feels that way.
The strange part is after, what was appearantly, a pretty sound schelacking, the kid (victim) still just got up and walked off the bus. I would've thought that after a beat down like that he would have trouble walking if he was even conscious.
The most shocking thing about this is that none of the other kids did anything.

Without replaying the video, there were about 7 other kids on that bus as well as the driver, and they just stood there either watching or shouting! If there's a physical fight going on, from what I've seen, shouting for them to pack it in generally isn't going to get much done, you need to physically drag people apart.

If it's two people mutually squaring up to each other, fair enough, it's their decision to fight, but that poor kid was clearly attacked and it looked pretty much one sided to me.

Presumably the other kids on the bus would have known the people involved, didn't they care about their friend enough to drag off the guy beating him senseless?

Originally posted by Cthulhu
1) I believe it was a female bus driver, and it's very likely she thought she'd also get beaten if she tried to intervene. She can be heard calling for the police over the radio, though.

2) They don't get paid enough to risk grevious bodily harm.


Not only that, but I'm fairly certain that bus drivers aren't allowed to leave their seats while children are on the bus.
Originally posted by satans.barber
The most shocking thing about this is that none of the other kids did anything.

Without replaying the video, there were about 7 other kids on that bus as well as the driver, and they just stood there either watching or shouting! If there's a physical fight going on, from what I've seen, shouting for them to pack it in generally isn't going to get much done, you need to physically drag people apart.

If it's two people mutually squaring up to each other, fair enough, it's their decision to fight, but that poor kid was clearly attacked and it looked pretty much one sided to me.

Presumably the other kids on the bus would have known the people involved, didn't they care about their friend enough to drag off the guy beating him senseless?


Unfortunately, I think that attitude is prevalent in the United States. People are more apt to stand by and merely watch a spectacle like that rather than interfere or intervene. In fact, with most grade school kids, chances are they'd start cheering for the fighters rather than break them up.

Chalk it up to parents letting the TV teach their children morals, or assuming they'll learn ethics and morals from their teachers. Sorry, but that's not what the teachers get paid to do!

Yeah. That's crazy. Kids are more willing to stand by and watch while a fight goes on...ever see one in school? Huge crowd, and the only ones trying to break the kids up are the teachers. Everyone else is egging them on.

I've never seen crap like that on the bus before. Wost I've seen is that one kid got shoved and his butt cracked the window (hard shove or a really bony butt!), and someone got on the bus and outta no where punched the guy who was my boyfriend at the time and gave him a bloody lip. Probably cuz he had a lisp and was teased about being gay. Accusations weren't true.

Grade school kids have lots of anger. It's kinda sad.
Originally posted by OULobo
The strange part is after, what was appearantly, a pretty sound schelacking, the kid (victim) still just got up and walked off the bus. I would've thought that after a beat down like that he would have trouble walking if he was even conscious.

Plus, the kid ended up with a broken nose, and the other idiot was arrested, for assult.:(
moral of the story: sometimes a preemptive attack is necessary to prevent you from getting hurt.
from the advancers body language it was fairly apparent that he was going to attack. hell, i probably would've attacked after he missed that sloppy hook in the beginning of the video.
Originally posted by albert
moral of the story: sometimes a preemptive attack is necessary to prevent you from getting hurt.
from the advancers body language it was fairly apparent that he was going to attack. hell, i probably would've attacked after he missed that sloppy hook in the beginning of the video.

Absolutely true. Sometimes a pre-emptive attack is your only choice. But you must remember that you are a martial artist, and the person who was attacked very well may not have been. If you have no training, and are attacked, panic and confusion are natural reactions. Reaction to the strike would have been tough enough; to sense an impending attack and launch into an attack of your own, well I don't know if that's even an option to the untrained. I'm sure the kid is now running through a million things in his head that he "could have done", but the fact may have been that he wasn't prepared for what happened. That is one of the reasons why we train in the first place - we can all think of different approaches we might have tried based on the arts we study - the ground grapplers may have shot in at the legs under that hook and did a takedown, the standup guys might have intercepted with a punch or a kick, the aikidoka might have blended with the attack and executed a joint lock or throw, and the close combat guys would have just stabbed or shot him ;) ; however, the one thing we all have in common, if our training has taken well, is we would have at least tried to do something, because we would have hopefully been able to overcome the panic that is a natural part of the situation. Dissecting the attack purely as a martial artist, I feel that is the real lesson to be learned here. Train train train. And when you're done, train some more. When your actions are instinctive, your at least part of the way there.
i agree mostly. but he should've definitely known an attack was coming, even untrained, after the first punch was thrown. since the bully was advancing it should have been obvious that he was going to punch again.
constant training is indeed the key.
Originally posted by satans.barber
The most shocking thing about this is that none of the other kids did anything.

Without replaying the video, there were about 7 other kids on that bus as well as the driver, and they just stood there either watching or shouting! If there's a physical fight going on, from what I've seen, shouting for them to pack it in generally isn't going to get much done, you need to physically drag people apart.

If it's two people mutually squaring up to each other, fair enough, it's their decision to fight, but that poor kid was clearly attacked and it looked pretty much one sided to me.

Presumably the other kids on the bus would have known the people involved, didn't they care about their friend enough to drag off the guy beating him senseless?


I don't know all of your guys' ages, but having just got out of high school, let me explain some of the regulations. First off, if I'm in a fight, and by being in a fight I mean a kid punched me in the face, I fell down and that was the end of it, I'm going to get suspended. That's right, I was just jacked in the face and now I'm suspended, something that goes on my permanent record. The regulations of school are so ridiculously unfair nowadays, under the title "Safe Schools Act" which is complete ********.

Secondly, it's not the kids job to get the two apart. A few of the kids on the bus were girls. And the bully was obvioulsy bigger than most of the kids. In an adrenaline situation like that, how can we even expect probably untrained children to break apart a fight. And then when the school board gets it, it's not going to be seen as them breaking it apart, all the kids who were involved are going to be in big trouble, trust me.
I've seen many fights in school, and not once have I ever seen friends help their buddy and break it apart. This I'm no exactly sure why. I don't think we can presume that kid had friends on the bus, so I won't specifically comment about that. But in my real-life experiences I have never seen it happen, maybe it's a matter of pride, or maybe these people need to get new friends. If my friend was getting pounded I sure wouldn't stand idly by yelling at them to stop.

In conclusion, I think what we saw was a horrible reality, and yet a wake up call. Let us presume that the kid did have his best friend on the bus, and he did nothing. Those situations can show you who you're true best friends are, it's a grim reality, but we have to face it nonetheless.
Originally posted by littleyahiko
I've seen many fights in school, and not once have I ever seen friends help their buddy and break it apart. This I'm no exactly sure why.

This is actually very common. The greater number of people involved in a situation like this (it can be someone having a heart attack, a fire, or a fight) the less likely any one of them will respond to it. That's why if you respond you should specifically point to someone and tell them what to do. Then it's not just "someone's" responsibility, but it's "mine."

It's the bully's fault that this happened and no one else's. I wouldn't be too down on anyone else involved because of the nature of group mentality. In this situation, the bully should be arrested and charged with assault.

Does anyone know what the end result was with this situation? What happened with these two kids?

- Ceicei