The student did a good thing getting on the phone and calling someone and also should be commended for calming the younger children down who were obviously getting very upset at the whole mad scene going on around them.Chaos on board drunken school bus ride
As Thompson went out of control, kids take control
Updated: Tuesday, 05 Jan 2010, 7:00 PM EST
Published : Monday, 04 Jan 2010, 10:25 PM EST, N.Y. (WIVB) - She was drunk behind the wheel with more than three dozen kids aboard her school bus. Now she's going to spend a lot of weekends in jail.
One student on the video screamed, "Put on the brake!"
This is surveillance video of the dangerous school bus ride last May in the Alfred-Almond school district in Allegany County. 55-year-old Martha Thompson had a blood alcohol content of .15. At the time, she thought the children were overreacting.
>>>To watch the incredible full-length video from the bus ride, click this link
In the video, you can hear Thompson say, "Will you guys stop?"
To which a student replies, "Well, you're not okay and I know it."
The bus hit high speeds, ran over a mailbox, and started rolling backwards downhill.
A student shouts, "Turn the bus off!" "No," says Thompson. "You're backing into the freaking ditch, you're making the little kids cry...Stop!" screams another student.
The bus driver's attorney had this to say...

Oh so it's okay to ignore the warning labels on drugs that say do not drink alcohol while taking this drug. Sheesh... Mixing alcohol and drugs is dangerous, stupid and shouldn't be done at all when interacting with, transporting children.Her attorney blames her behavior on a little alcohol having a bad reaction with Thompson's medication.
I hope she gets her license suspended permanently. It's one thing to be DUI and to have license suspended for 6 months or so... but to be this careless with children on board deserves permanent suspension and IMO lengthy (minimum security) jail time with intensive alcohol counseling and being forced to watch the video over and over and over again til she realizes just how much danger she put those children in.