Saw marks found on body of ten year old murder victim

While I will maintain the idea that the individual who does this kind of thing is below everything moral, or even human; I feel for BOTH families involved in this tragady. I'm sure nobody raises their child thinking "Oh boy, the family name will become infamous when little Billy finally snaps." Granted my view has changed over the years, 4 kids of my own saw to that. I can only imagine the horror both families felt at hearing the news, both families have to be wondering why they never saw anything that could have led them to stop this from happening. His family are thinking back his whole life looking for indications, while her family is looking back over their time in the neighborhood.

Fry him!
Pray for the families!
This tragedy is not only taking a toll on the family of that poor girl, but also the residents in that community. I saw on the news today, a man, who went to the court house with a rope and bucket. He stated that he was ready to string the guy up himself! Needless to say, he was quickly removed from the bldg.
MJS said:
This tragedy is not only taking a toll on the family of that poor girl, but also the residents in that community. I saw on the news today, a man, who went to the court house with a rope and bucket. He stated that he was ready to string the guy up himself! Needless to say, he was quickly removed from the bldg.
There's undoubtedly a number of people across the country who'd be happy to help him out too. 125 years ago there'd been nobody to stop them. Forget about a 10-20 year wait on death row.
Sick s.o.b.'s like this shouldn't have to wait! I say, Let the Lynch Mob have him!
Granted my view has changed over the years, 4 kids of my own saw to that.

I agree. The phrase I sometimes ask is "I wonder what Hitler's mom thought?"
What is always heard probably. "He was such a good kid" or "He kept to himself, never would've suspected".
bydand said:
While I will maintain the idea that the individual who does this kind of thing is below everything moral, or even human; I feel for BOTH families involved in this tragady. I'm sure nobody raises their child thinking "Oh boy, the family name will become infamous when little Billy finally snaps." Granted my view has changed over the years, 4 kids of my own saw to that. I can only imagine the horror both families felt at hearing the news, both families have to be wondering why they never saw anything that could have led them to stop this from happening. His family are thinking back his whole life looking for indications, while her family is looking back over their time in the neighborhood.

Fry him!
Pray for the families!

I have to agree with the above. The parents probably did their best, but sickness at this level is probably physical (i.e. chemical imbalance or something like that) and not treatable or subject to influence by how he was raised.

But the parents will always wonder if they could have done something different. That is just the way a parent thinks. The good ones blame themselves for everything. The scum parents don't.

This guy is scum. The parents will probably be beating themselves over the fact even though his condition was beyond their control and he was a legal adult living on his own. The number of victims this scumbag has hurt is not limited to the ones he has hurt with his hands. The town he lived in, the people who cared for him, the people who knew and loved his victim- all of them are hurt.

It is sad. But I can feel no sympathy for this guy even if he was not fully competent. My mind refuses to believe that someone who could do this could be called fully sane, but the father in me says to put this guy to death just like any other mad dog. Pray for his soul, his victims and his family. But take this blight out of our world as soon as humanly possible.
Just curious if anyone has heard any updates on this? I haven't seen anything in the paper or on the news recently.

this is a tragidy that guy should be killed but instead he will get off on life in prizn or insanity but i cant spell so im goin to get off hehe
Oh my gosh...that is so horrible. My heart goes out to the family of the little girl. :( I agree that there has to be some source for the man's behavior, whether it is a chemical inbalance or some kind of psychological trauma. But regardless of the source, the first priority should be to make sure he doesn't commit the same crime again. Even if it means putting him to death.

As a side note, if he somehow winds up with a lifetime prison sentence instead of the death penalty, he probably isn't going to last very long behind bars. Even prisoners think that those who abuse or kill children are the lowest scum on the planet. Remember what happened to Jeffrey Dahmer? He got beaten to death in prison.
Swordlady said:
Oh my gosh...that is so horrible. My heart goes out to the family of the little girl. :( I agree that there has to be some source for the man's behavior, whether it is a chemical inbalance or some kind of psychological trauma. But regardless of the source, the first priority should be to make sure he doesn't commit the same crime again. Even if it means putting him to death.

I agree. This animal should never see freedom again! I'm in agreement with the death penalty, however, it'll probably be many years before that happens. Between the appeals, people saying he shouldn't be put to death, etc. it'll be a long time.

As a side note, if he somehow winds up with a lifetime prison sentence instead of the death penalty, he probably isn't going to last very long behind bars. Even prisoners think that those who abuse or kill children are the lowest scum on the planet. Remember what happened to Jeffrey Dahmer? He got beaten to death in prison.

i've heard different from some people who would know (notably child activist andrew vachss -- but he may be biased), and i've heard supporting evidence from more people who would know a little less.

anybody have any hard (not anecdotal) evidence on this: comforting urban legend or true story?

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