SAVE The Sea Kittens!!

One of their sayings is "A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy." That is, they believe in a complete moral equivalence between all four.

If this were true they'd have no problem with people eating other animals. Carnivores and omnivores eat animals all the time. It's how they survive. Now, if someone could just explain to PETA what those cute little canine teeth they have are for they could shut up and we could all go back to enjoying our bacon cheeseburgers in peace.

Funny how no members of PETA are standing in the way of a Geat White about to devour a helpless fish or a tiger catching its prey. And yet, if they really believed their own hype that's what they would do. But they don't because there is no moral equivalence between man and the other animals and their very actions bear that out. Animals simply are not moral agents like humans are.


PETA should try the all air diet for a few weeks. It will greatly improve the human gene pool.
I can't help but think it is just more of their naked models line of thinking, people will see "Sea Kittens", which is one letter off from "sex kittens" and many will read that, do a double take and read a little more...

Then roll their eyes and carry on.
After my letter to PETA about protecting cartoon animals I got this:

Thank you for writing to PETA and for sharing your ideas with us. We have passed your suggestions on to the appropriate staff people here, who always appreciate a fresh perspective!

The main focus of our work is to stop the suffering of live animals, but we do recognize that artistic depictions of animals may resonate with young people as well. We offer several “cartoon” features, and hope you’ll find the following links of interest:
I guess I will have to save Bugs myself.
I guess I will have to save Bugs myself.
Bugs has and always will be able to take care of himself... he's always came out on top... it's that poor Coyote and Barnyard Dog (Foghorn Leghorn) and the animals that try to match wits with Bugs (Daffy) that we need worry about.
I can't help but think it is just more of their naked models line of thinking, people will see "Sea Kittens", which is one letter off from "sex kittens" and many will read that, do a double take and read a little more...

Then roll their eyes and carry on.

Free The Puppies!