

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Jun 20, 2003
Reaction score
Cleveland, OH
Does anyone know of a good seller of Indonesian men's sarongs. I have only found one place online. Also does anyone know how to tell the differance between men's and women's.
I only know of one and they state they are out of stock right now. Plus I don't know how the selection is. If you want you can check at
Thanks, I'm always looking for another outlet just in case.
I was gonna make a crack about it being a Man Dress but then I remembered two things 1. My instructor occasionally wears one and they have some interesting uses 2. My ancestors wore kilts....which knowing my family was probably just for the expediency of getting to the Sgian Dbhu underneath
A "man dress?" People really think that? It never occured to me that my sarong was a form of transvestism. Maybe that's why I feel so complete when I wear it. could something sarong be so right?


hardheadjarhead said:
A "man dress?" People really think that? It never occured to me that my sarong was a form of transvestism. Maybe that's why I feel so complete when I wear it. could something sarong be so right?
he's at it again!...there should be a limit to the amount double entendre and puns allowed per day...:ultracool

Anyways, I couldn't find a Sarong I liked online, so I just made my own. Well, I bought the material. Had someone sew/hem it. :D
OUMoose said:

Anyways, I couldn't find a Sarong I liked online, so I just made my own. Well, I bought the material. Had someone sew/hem it. :D

Dude, a standard sarong on you would look like a mini-skirt on a grizzly bear. What did you use to make your personal one, a bed sheet. J/K
OULobo said:
Does anyone know of a good seller of Indonesian men's sarongs. I have only found one place online. Also does anyone know how to tell the differance between men's and women's.
The proper Indonesian spelling is "Sarung".. it is an indispensable part of our training in the style of Pencak Silat Paseban.

This is the men's version.

The women version has the same shape but different motif.. too bad I don't have pictures of it right now.

Hope this helps! :)

Ben Haryo
OULobo said:
Dude, a standard sarong on you would look like a mini-skirt on a grizzly bear. What did you use to make your personal one, a bed sheet. J/K

Hey... Don't be knockin my Sarong with the superman print... :D
Marvin said:
i've got one I bought at an Inosanto seminar, what will you give me for it?

Sorry, too late. My original posting was almost exactly a year ago and I have since secured three fine men's sarongs. Still there may be someone else here interested.