San Miguel/Balintawak

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rocky
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I see Steve Lemade (sp) is on this list, thats great. I have made it my new years resolution to get involved with San Miguel Eskrima. I want to see the link between it and Balintawak, Tom Bisio told me a few years back that it is basically what The Saavedra Brothers taught Momoy Canette and possibly Anciong Bacon in his early days. For those of you who might have read my artical in Karate international a few years back you might of read that originally Great Grandmaster Bacon was taught stick and dagger from the Saavedra brothers, but they took the dagger away from him because he was constantly poking fellow students with it, thus began his training in the solo boston that is now called Balintawak!!

I have a few tapes on San Miguel put together from some friends, I really think its time to move and learn this intricate part of our Balintawak liniage.

Tom taught a seminar here last year and could probably be convinced to return again. Let me know if you're interested.


Steve Lamade
Originally posted by bart

Does your Balintawak have espada y daga? San Miguel does, but I know that most Balintawak doesn't. The subject came up in another thread:

No Bart the Balintawak which I allighn myself with is the Original Method as instructed by GM Ted Buot. When Great Grandmaster Ancion Bacon originally started training under the Saavedra brothers, he was tought with the dagger, but the brothers took it away from him. And since GM Buot has no other Eskrima influence other than Anciongs, it is kept pure, and I made GM Buot a promise 10 years ago that I would never change they way its tought. I think in some of the other Modified Balintawak's they do teach it. I teach it as part of Cuentada De Mano

Tuhon McGrath is teaching a year of Pekiti Tirsia espada y daga seminars at his Fishkill location. The seminars are generally the 2nd Saturday of each month, excluding June, July, and August.
I enjoyed attending the first one last Saturday.


Steve Lamade