Sam Pai Kenpo (eXtra Spicey)

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Sifu DangeRuss


We teach fairly traditional Sam Pai Kenpo with a liberal spicing of Animal Gun-fu and the filipino arts. My primary Kenpo instruction was under Mr Joe Dimmick, who was a first generation Parker student. He broke away in the 60's to form the Sam Pai Kenpo branch. I have also studied the Animal styles of Gun-fu and an ecclectic mix of Arnis. We have developed our own unique style of Arnis that we believe takes a much more "Kenpo-esque" approach to weapons fighting.

"We're all just brothers from different mothers."
A quote from your web-page

"I have also studied Modern, Combat, Largo Mano & Balintawok Arnis . . ."

Is this one system or many?

Could you explain further?

Originally posted by Rich Parsons
"I have also studied Modern, Combat, Largo Mano & Balintawok Arnis . . ."

Is this one system or many?

They're different arnis styles.
Originally posted by Kenpomachine
They're different arnis styles.

Could you give me a quick post or e-mail on with whom you trained and with which of these arnis styles.

I like to study FMA's and always interested to learn more. :)
I have swung sticks under the careful scrutiny of many over the years. Foremest among them would be...(in no particular order and eliminating titles with no intention of disrespect) J Cui Boca (Combat Arnis), Dave Bird (Combat Arnis), Kelly Wardon (Combat Arnis & Modern Arnis), Remy Presas (Modern Arnis), Cesario Rochetta (Largo Mano or Long Range Fencing) and Bobby Taboada (Balintawok Arnis). Although these are not the only illustrious stick swingers I've worked with, they were certainly the most influential in my training. Together with a long term colleague of mine, Damien Romero we have established our own approach we call Compositional Arnis. Mind you, I am sure that very little we do is in fact "Brand New" or totally unique. I am sure that someone, somewhere has travelled similar paths and came to similar conclusions. However the material we now teach is of our own devising, based upon the principals of the aforementioned systems of Arnis as well as heavily influenced by a lifetime of Kenpo. If you are interested in learning more, please feel free to contact me at
Could you tell me the similarities and differeneces between teh Combat Arnis and Modern Arnis?

Same basic principals? Angles? etc., ... .

Originally posted by arnisador
Perhaps the discussion on arnis styles would be better in the Filipino Martial Arts--General forum.

-MT Admin-

My Apologies Arnisador, I know that many of the Kenpo practitioners also do some form of FMA. ANd since this thread was started here, I just got curious and asked.


So sorry. I'll just respool my thread. *...rewinding like crazy to get it back on the spool....*