Russian Sabre rattling, or drawing the sword...


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
Here are a couple of bits of info. on Russian military movements...

Russia's military press are mentioning the 76th Pskov airborne division, the 15th army brigade from Samara, as well as GRU special forces from the South Military District (SMD - the Caucasus) manned by servicemen from Chechnya and the Black Sea marine brigade as being among the units preparing for expeditionary engagements outside Russia’s borders.

In a related matter, Russia's Army General Nikolai Makarov spoke to a Finnish audience in Helsinki, Finland, and stunned his audience by announcing that a possible Finnish entry into NATO “would constitute a military threat against Russia” and that “closer military cooperation between Finland and NATO” is also a “concern.” Makarov warned Finland to cease military exercises “in the East” (near Russia’s border). He also presented a PowerPoint slide with a map of NATO’s ballistic missile defense plans in Europe that the Finns interpreted as depicting their nation and the Baltic republics inside Russia’s sphere of influence.

Would this be happening if the "Cowboy," was in charge?
Russia and Finland have long been at enmity with each other. Whatever caused the war between them before WWII, the Russians lost. They aren't going to feed them sugar now.

As to a division, a brigade, and SPECOPS being ready for outside deployment, who knows? Where would they go? Who right now wants to invite a large Russian military into their country?
Here are a couple of bits of info. on Russian military movements...

Would this be happening if the "Cowboy," was in charge?

Perhaps even more so. Russian maneuvers at their border with China reached a peak during the Reagan administration, as well as a near-continuous buildup in Eastern Europe. That was, of course, before the fall of the Soviet Union. Afterward, the Russians had joint maneuvers with the Chinese.......during the "Cowboy" administration, when the Russian Navy had joint maneuvers with Venezuela-well within striking distance of the southern U.S.
Ssshhh ssshhhh. Historical data and facts are not wanted, just a condemnation of Obama as president. ;)
Isn't drawing a sabre a lot quieter than rattling one? Why are we using the British spelling of saber?
If Russia was an actual democracy, the NATO alliance would be expanded to include them too.
If Russia was an actual democracy, the NATO alliance would be expanded to include them too.

Should that happen, there would no longer be a valid justification for NATO's existance.

All of a sudden the idea appeals to me.