Rush Limbaugh's theory of Liberal Anti-semitism!

michaeledward said:
Maybe he is just honoring the contract to talk about what the Administration wishes he talk about. You know ... visa vie Armstrong.
reputation points said:
When left comments, free thought: comment from the right=puppet

Is it just me?

Is anyone else getting comments about threads in their Reputation area?

Congratulations to the unsigned debator. You have pushed enough buttons to earn a comment in the public area.

If you want to join the discussion, please join us out here. If you don't understand the reference, ask.

Armstrong Williams, a conservative commentator was on the payroll of the department of Education. I can't understand your negative points when I draw a parallel between Armstrong Williams payolla deal, and Rush Limbaugh's rantings.

Come on out and debate.
MisterMike said:
You probably can't. Left wing talk radio is a flop becuse they can't win on any of the issues.

Unless you want an example of shifting debate by the left. Just tell them you are against affirmative action and they call you a racist.
Actually, according to the ratings systems, Al Franken is beating Rush Limbaugh in New York City.
Al Franken takes on Rush Limbaugh.

Proof enough that if you listen long enough you can hear it all.
michaeledward said:

Is it just me?

Is anyone else getting comments about threads in their Reputation area?

Congratulations to the unsigned debator. You have pushed enough buttons to earn a comment in the public area.

If you want to join the discussion, please join us out here. If you don't understand the reference, ask.

Armstrong Williams, a conservative commentator was on the payroll of the department of Education. I can't understand your negative points when I draw a parallel between Armstrong Williams payolla deal, and Rush Limbaugh's rantings.

Come on out and debate.

Yes, in response to the first post, I recieved a "typical".

Typical of what?
michaeledward said:
Is it just me?

Is anyone else getting comments about threads in their Reputation area?

Congratulations to the unsigned debator. You have pushed enough buttons to earn a comment in the public area.

If you want to join the discussion, please join us out here. If you don't understand the reference, ask.

Armstrong Williams, a conservative commentator was on the payroll of the department of Education. I can't understand your negative points when I draw a parallel between Armstrong Williams payolla deal, and Rush Limbaugh's rantings.

Come on out and debate.
I got this treatment on another thread topic as well. I agree with you Mward, join or stay out.

As I said in the other thread, throwing stones at the glass house as you walk by but don't take the time to look is a bit childish IMO.
Let me also say, there are many times I make statements, that I firmly believe someone in good faith could give me a negative reputation point for a position I take. Sometimes, I am a bit in the extreme.

But, some of the negative points I am getting are on my less controversial statements. <shrugg>

michaeledward said:
Let me also say, there are many times I make statements, that I firmly believe someone in good faith could give me a negative reputation point for a position I take. Sometimes, I am a bit in the extreme.

But, some of the negative points I am getting are on my less controversial statements. <shrugg>

Know what you mean. It is obvious at times that the pos/neg rep hits are intended to target the person and not the post/thread/position you have taken on a topic - which is a real shame because that is when it starts to get 'personal' instead of 'topical.'

I have been an advocate of getting rid of the rep point system all together personally, as in your example, it is really set up to be used as a 'popularity measuring device' more than a way to give pos/neg 'respect' to the topic being discussed. Therefore, it contributes to things like sniping, personal attacks.

Now if it was set up so that you were scoring/evaluating the topic/individual post....and the thread/topic was being scored...I would say it was a positive tool to keep threads from getting personal.
loki09789 said:
Know what you mean. It is obvious at times that the pos/neg rep hits are intended to target the person and not the post/thread/position you have taken on a topic - which is a real shame because that is when it starts to get 'personal' instead of 'topical.'

Exactly. I almost never get negative repuation points for actual behavior -- as in treating people poorly here -- which I think is justified when it's happened in the past.. Instead, people who disagree with my points of view, and who are unable/unwilling to debate, drop off anonymous negative rep points for things like "agenda" or "typical" or "liberal".

I just smile and shake my head when it happens.
PeachMonkey said:
Exactly. I almost never get negative repuation points for actual behavior -- as in treating people poorly here -- which I think is justified when it's happened in the past.. Instead, people who disagree with my points of view, and who are unable/unwilling to debate, drop off anonymous negative rep points for things like "agenda" or "typical" or "liberal".

I just smile and shake my head when it happens.
Hi PM,

If you do the math and figure the amount of supporting members and the amount of green on some of the moderators and others who are the favored.

Again if you do the math and divide the amount of posts and the amount of green you will get an idea as to who has the clout.

Again if you do the math and divide the amount of post by the number of red on some you will get the, 'where I am coming from'.

Rank and time in grade has to do with the amount (points) for and against.

All has to do with big brother. (Hint it is not the government but the controllers on the board.) Again do the math and check out what I am saying.

I believe it is just a way for the moderators, and some of the ones with clout to keep you on an even keel. That is if your are in tune with there Behavorial Modification.

Some are all the time, some are some of the time and some are not some of the time, but if you are not all the time then you are going to go away.

Easy way for them to control the board.

I think it is just a good way of handling the board. But make no mistake it is a tool and it works pretty good.

Regards, Gary
If there are concerns over possible abuse in the rep system, please contact Seig and myself. ( or PM us. We will look into it and take action as needed. We do not require people comment or sign. We can see who left what. We don't have the time to "sit around chuggin beers and readin rep comments" as 1 person suggested to me privately.

Some people use the rep system as another PM system. Some use it to push positions, some use it for politics, and some for fun. Some folks will simply cruise looking for folks to 'rep' so that they can rep someone else again. It is why we have limits in place.

As to "Behavioral Modification", that is not the intent, but, yes, it can work that way. I have used it to nudge, or give an 'atta boy' , etc. But singling out someone and 'beating them down' is not it's purpose. When we are informed of abuse, we will deal with it.

As to the rest, read the rules, follow them, and everythings smooth. Have a problem/question, etc on those rules, post the question in the Support Forum and we'll look into it.

The high posters, the more visible, will get 'hit' more often.
The contributors, the ones that move things forward, will be in the green.
The controvercial, the "crap-stirers" tend to be in the red.
The majority of our last years "Bans" were in the red, some significantly.
1. Is that what those green and red things are in the upper right hand corner? Well, damn.

2. So first the claim was that nobody listens to Rush et al, and now the claim is that Rush et al are vastly more popular than "liberals." One can only stare in awe at the way right-wing ideological contractions have to be duct-taped together.

3. There's no gettting around the fact that there IS such a thing as, "liberal anti-semitism," just as there's "liberal," racism, and "liberal," snobbery about working-class people. There's also no getting around the fact that guys like Nixon and Henry Ford--not exactly liberals--ranted about "Jews," at every opportunity. Curiously, Rush doesn't mention, say, Pat Buchanan. Huh.

4. Among the things animating Rush: a) the Religious Right's wacko support for Israel..."wacko," because they want Israel to expand, rebuild the Temple, fulfill Biblical prophecy, and kick off Armagedddon--during which the Jews will convert or die; b) the fantasy that at the extremes, liberalism turns into fascism.

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