RUSH fans!!!!!!


Senior Master
Mar 6, 2006
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Rumor has it (actually confirmed), the boys have 9 songs completed for the next RUSH album. They are planning to have 12-13 and should be done next month!!!!
Rumor has it (actually confirmed), the boys have 9 songs completed for the next RUSH album. They are planning to have 12-13 and should be done next month!!!!

Sweeeeeet!!!!! That is AWESOME!! I will really be lookng forward to that. I am glad they are going to record again :) :)
Hopefully they continue the trend of their last album. It was a nod back to their harder rocking roots, and a step away from the art rock trash of the last few albums before that.
Always great to get a new album from the best band in the universe.

They said they are not concentrating so much on the technical aspect of their music, but letting stuff just come out. Basically, having a jam session and seeing what they come up with.
I just counted the times I've seen 'em in concert. Up to 12 times now. Probably be 13 next summer.

I saw them for their Roll the Bones tour in Saint Louie, I also saw them for Counterparts at the Dean Smith Center in Chapel Hill North Carolina. I saw Duke and Chapel Hill play games that week. Great time.
Anyone remeber the Presto Tour. The huge inflatable top hat that had the rabbit come out of it?!!! :)
THey had one on either side of the stage.

To quote Geddy, "Everyone loves the bunnies".
