Running Mate for Kaith?




Are you interviewing for the job yet?
Can we start submitting names to join the ticket?

I find your platform highly refreshing, but I am with you on only about 80% of the issues. Not sure I could throw my hat in the ring, but I still might vote for the ticket if you add the right man or woman!

Could you expand somewhat on healthcare? What abuses are you talking about (ie. your last point)? Also, do you have an opinion on the malpractice crisis and how that could be resolved, if in fact you believe it needs resolved.

And it would be refreshing it if were a woman candidate...but please don't say Hillary. I nominate Feisty... she needs a diversion. (good reason)

Oh, I'm about 80% too, and undecided about the others, arrgghh!
So this ticket looks pretty good. TW
Submitting names is fine.
I'm completly impartial on gender or race for a running mate, and would actually prefer it if we did disagree on a few points. It would bring a nice balance and force me to continue to research things, rather than rely on what I already may know or believe.

Just not Hillary. I'm still waiting for those 200,000 jobs she promised to create in my area to show up. I've called but they aren't hiring yet.


I'll try to revisit the health care issue in that thread shortly. :)
TigerWoman said:
And it would be refreshing it if were a woman candidate...but please don't say Hillary. I nominate Feisty... she needs a diversion. (good reason)

Oh, I'm about 80% too, and undecided about the others, arrgghh!
So this ticket looks pretty good. TW
:asian: How kind!

I will read up on this platform and see if it would be a good idea to throw my sunbonnet (ha ha) into the ring....

Would I fit into your campaign plans as a possible close but not quite the same person with different points?

Hmmmm, I think we need a serious list of names including FM, and others that Bob thinks might be a good addition to his platform.

Then maybe a poll to choose the final, based upon points of views, and or a chat debate?

I second the nomination for Feisty Mouse.

I want to schmooze in the "Halls of Power". I want to be "connected". I want to go to State Department dinners and meet celebrities.

Can I be Secretary of Defense? How about just a secretary? I'd settle for intern as long as Kaith doesn't make me do odd things with Cuban cigars.


hardheadjarhead said:
I'd settle for intern as long as Kaith doesn't make me do odd things with Cuban cigars.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Personally, I'd settle for a night in the Lincoln bedroom.

Feisty Mouse is my choice! :partyon: Smart and she's can really crack the whip! :whip1: