Running and/or Swimming

I've been using swimming for my primary cardio for years, am also in my thirties and while i do run occaisionally I find the lack of impact from swimming ideal. Swimming arms only can build your upper body strength/hand speed and it's just as easy to do interval training in the pool. Go for it.
I'm considering taking up swimming as my primary form of cardio. Right now I run because it's convenient and all I need is a pair of shoes. However, on my way home from work, I have the ability to hit a pool and, if I keep a swim bag, I could make the switch pretty easy. On one hand, swimming would definitely help with my new passion other then then martial arts, surfing, but I am wondering if it will be enough. Does anyone have any experience with this? Does anyone swim for their cardio and do very little running? Maybe a combo would be good?

Either are great
but BOTH is AWESOME!!!!!!!

I dated a girl who would run 1 1/2 miles to the gym/pool
swim LOTS of laps, do some crunches, pushups, chin ups
then run the 1 1/2 miles. She did this every other day, religiously.
AMAZING Shape / Amazing body!!!!!!

I highly recomend doing both. From what she said, doing the swimming gave her a more "over all" physical response (both aerobic and anaerobic), and when combined with running and what little 'strength' moves she did.... gave her great response.

Your Brother
I think running is less than ideal. There are better ways to get your workout. Swimming is one of them, but for doing sun salutations worked best. Try doing them for an hour, or 108 of them.

Some say spot reduction does not work, but with workouts who work out the whole body I have always been lean all over.

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