Had to steal your line, Bill.Run. A. Better. Candidate. Next. Time. What part of that is unclear to you? GOP; so much fail.
We ran a better candidate this time than we did last time. In 2008 McCain somehow, despite less than lackluster support among republicans, got the republican nomination. Obama didn't run against McCain in 2008, he ran against George W. Bush, who, by the way, WAS NOT RUNNING.
In 2008 Obama also ran as, "Vote for me, I'm black, it will be historic" and somehow, voting for the Black guy, BECAUSE he is black, isn't racist...
In 2008 Obama ran on "Hope and Change", Well, things have changed, the US's credit rating was downgraded. In a single term he managed to accrue more national debt than in Bush's two terms, nearly double the amount Obama declared "Unpatriotic". He alienated our Israeli allies while sucking up to and even bowing to people, like the Saudi King, whose nation won't even allow women to drive, and still, he got the majority of women's votes.
This year the republicans Nominated Mitt Romney, a genuinely nice person, which, IMHO, is partly responsible for his loss last night.
While the Obama campaign, its surrogates and supporters claimed Romney was 1 A felon, 2 Killed a woman with cancer, 3 Cruel to animals, 4 out to ban contraceptives and all but, bring back chastity belts. What was the response of the Romney campaign? Did he "Hit back twice as hard?"
Nope. He took it.
He spoke about policies and his vision for our nation. He acted as the kind, honest man he is, and lost the presidency.
The name of this website is Martial Talk, most of us are martial artists of one stripe or another.
How many fights have ever been won without utilizing an offense?
Many of you are Football, or Basketball or Soccer fans. How many games have been won by a team that doesn't strive to win?
Admiral Halsey, in WWII had it right,
Governor Romney's campaign didn't follow Bull's sage advice, and they lost.When in a fight, hit first, hit hard and hit often!
Until the Republican party runs a candidate who not only speaks about principles and ideals, but, is also willing to brawl, the Democrats will win.
Obama's reelection guarantees one thing, above all others: Four more years of blaming everything on Bush.