Rules regarding violence when you are a bouncer or security guard?

yup that's part of the course that i did - full background checks and then training takes 3 months cos you gotta know the parts of the law that apply to the job you're going to be doing.

doorstaff are not security guards although their clothing may say security on it.

security staff are trained to look after commercial / private premises whereas doorstaff are there to look after the premises and to ensure the safety of the people using that establishment.

The difference is almost non existent here. And security crowd control is basically interchangeable.

You still get to py for 2 licences though.

3 months?
i did a door security course --- basically it's all about talking it down and only scrapping as a last resort. and all doorstaff -- they're not called bouncers --- are registered by law and have to take refresher courses every 3 years to make sure that their skills are up to date.

Depends on who in the job you are talking too. The Bouncer term is one that has labeled some of us as thugs. It is more about what the Doorman's state of mind is and what they convey to an aggressor. I know which one I would want on my door. Also you are incorrect on the refresher thing every three years. All you have to do is a half day course on the new control and restraint techniques, which in themselves are pathetic and would not be easily applied against an aggressor. The SIA dropped the proposal for Doorstaff to modules on the law and such.
wasn't aware of the changes - thankyou for the info on that one :)

the firm that i did my course through covered all aspects of the job so i can only go by what i've been taught and the firm runs refreshers on the whole lot every 3 years --- they do restraint and handling packages as an extra but they test every 6 months inhouse --- there is no requirement by law for them to do this.
The difference is almost non existent here. And security crowd control is basically interchangeable.

You still get to py for 2 licences though.

3 months?

Agree. Most of my ex colleagues still work the door and work in security. We leave the SIA Guard licence to those who like to building sites and such like. Most of go for the Door Supervisor just because it allows slightly more leeway when dealing with premises. We do not have powers of ejection, but can stand by and assist management. We can blag it though and that often works because of the badge. The Licences have to be renewed every three years, but you get a healthy discount with a send badge. I hold the Door Super obviously, plus the CCTV one as well. The training for the Door Super can be done in 2 - 4 days, depending on the quality of the trainer. The CCTV is accomplished in 4 day's. The other badges maybe, but 3 months I would think would be the Close Protection, that I could see being 3 months.
wasn't aware of the changes - thankyou for the info on that one :)

the firm that i did my course through covered all aspects of the job so i can only go by what i've been taught and the firm runs refreshers on the whole lot every 3 years --- they do restraint and handling packages as an extra but they test every 6 months inhouse --- there is no requirement by law for them to do this.

Maybe not, but you will still need the new techniques before a renewal. But seriously, they are lame and factor in two doorman. Yeah SIA are pretty dumb about the realities of Doorwork.
Maybe not, but you will still need the new techniques before a renewal. But seriously, they are lame and factor in two doorman. Yeah SIA are pretty dumb about the realities of Doorwork.

Please it is well known that with gooseneck no can defend.

Those courses drive me crazy.

Actually yours look worse.

This is my theory on why bouncers hit people. You are going to try that once get hurt and then give up on the concept.
Please it is well known that with gooseneck no can defend.

Those courses drive me crazy.

Actually yours look worse.

This is my theory on why bouncers hit people. You are going to try that once get hurt and then give up on the concept.

Quite, but unfortunately that would be an illegal lock over here. Yeah an assailant has got a colleague in a hold and your approaching from the rear. Jeez Louise, how much of a target is that lol etc etc..
Violence is a part of the business, anyone telling you otherwise is living in Hilary's touchy-feely village.

Sometimes violence comes for you, othertimes you have to seek it out. In my experience, putting one man in the hospital can serve as a deterrent so you don't have to hospitalize ten more.

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