Rules are for only Kukkiwon people

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Brown Belt
3- Please Keep it clean. Hateful, racist or slanderous comments and messages about other persons, fellow members or others Martial Arts will NOT be permitted. You may voice your opinion, but again keep it clean. "Flaming" (the trashing of anothers post) will not be permitted. VIOLATORS WILL HAVE THEIR MESSAGES DELETED, ACCESS REMOVED, AND BANNED WITHOUT WARNING.

If you study KKW TKD these rules are for you only! I found this out today!
But feel free to post things such as this if you are not!

Please refer tothe following:
1.yeah, cuz we ALL know that a KKW cert means quality....

anyone that told me that would be told exactly which part of my butt they could start kissing
2.get this straight, other than KKW schools, NO ONE KNOWS OR CARES WHAT THE KKW IS's toilet paper
4.congrats, you are the martial arts equivilent of a frat boy
If you read my posts up to then, there was no problem. I have read alot of negitive this about the person who wrote these things.. Yet he has been posting for some time now. I did read the rules. He should have been made to stop long before my comments were made.
Or maybe most of you fell the same way? I don't know.

This will probably (mob) be my last post. We'll see......
I know I've gotten into a little trouble here, while others have posted MUCH worse.

I don't know what all the fuss is about KKW? It seems like a good organization to me. Better then a certificate from "Big John's Martial Art Garage Sale", which is a representation of all these FBN places... (Fly By Night).
With all due respect, NPTKD, you do have a history of name calling and ad hominem attacks. I usually disagree with you on most topics we've discussed here, but I'd like to think I have maintained a level of civility when responding to your comments or arguments. I don't believe you've extended me the same courtesy.
Admin Note

Thread Closed!

Please allow me to address the issue here.

1) The forum rules that are in place, are in place for everyone. This includes members and forum mods.

2) EVERYONE who joins up for this forum, agrees to the forum rules. If anyone has failed to read them, and then complains about them later, that is not my issue. It is yours for agreeing to something that you failed to read.

3) The forum mods here on this forum, do not get paid. We give our time for free. That being said, we all have regular, real world jobs, with varying hours. There are things, such as hot threads, problem members, problem posts, etc. that will be missed. However, if a member comes across a hot thread, a problem member, is having issues with another member, etc., there are ways to bring this to the attn. of the staff. Those ways are as follows:

A) PM a staff member.
B) Use the RTM (Report to Mod) feature, which is the little red triangle in the upper right hand corner of each post. It will generate a ticket that will be reviewed by staff, who will address the problem.

4) If anyone is having an issue with another member, again, use the RTM. Instead, many times, the member who is having the issue, will fire back at the other person, thus making two people in the wrong. Then the member will complain when they too, get warned they are violating the rules. I've said it before, I'll say it again....use the RTM.

5) Apparently some people who are offended by the posts in the now closed thread, failed to report any posts, or bring them to the attention of the forum staff, but instead, continued to post in that thread. Well, if it was that offensive, why continue to post and then complain later? If you're that offended, don't post, and bring the problem thread to the attn. of the forum staff.

6) Some people seem to think that when a warning gets posted, its directed at a certain person. Let me clarify. A warning that gets posted in a thread, is due to a rule violation. It is a general warning. It is not the policy of this forum, to discuss with members, action that is taken on other members. In other words, just because you may have been warned, dont assume that you were the only one.
Let me add here:

If you have gone through the proper steps to discuss your concerns with our staff and still feel the matter needs discussion, my phone number and contact information are all over this site. Our goal is to be as even and fair as possible, regardless of affiliations, organizations, and how many levels of black you claim around your waist.
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