Ruined date


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Some minor backstory... Because of my current assignment, I collect a lot of the weird, complicated, and just plain PITA cases, especially if there's a possibility for any gang involvement. Well, a little while back, a case gets passed along to me for some follow up. The case came out from a couple of disturbances at the local fair which got kind of mixed up... and might have involved gang members.

So, I'm doing my follow up. Talking to folks, finding out what happened, and where the lines were drawn. Part of it turns out to be pretty typical jr. high drama... until someone mentions how these older guys (18 to 21) are always following the jr. high girls around. Not good... Not good at all. Especially as I learn that one particular young lady and one guy regularly disappear together...

Well, one thing leads to another, and charges are issued against the creep. So... we start looking for him. Figure out his address, and knock on the door. Mom answers; he's not home. She just took him to the coffee shop to meet a girl and is due to pick him up soon. H'mmm... We're nice, helpful guys. We'll give mom a ride, and pick him up.

So... off we go to the coffee place. Get there, and as luck would have it... he's sitting at the tables outside. We approach, ID him, and hook 'em there in front of his date. On a Friday night. Going into a holiday weekend... meaning that he won't get a bond hearing until Tuesday.

Think we kind of ruined his date and weekend? :D
Ahahahahahaha! I'd given a dollar for a front row seat, bought coffee and snacks all around just to have seen that !


You know, I always feel bad for these people. It must be really hard to stay out of trouble....I can't imagine how SO MANY PEOPLE manage to never get arrested or go to jail. They must just have bad luck or lead hard lives.

Personally, I've never been to jail or been is amazing.

The same stupid thing in the military, it isn't that hard to stay out of trouble! Dont' be a jerk, don't break any rules!! The dumbass deserves it. Do something wrong, go to jail. Get a job and don't be a deadbeat.
He was over 18. She was well under. Jr. High, in this case, is grades 7 & 8... so an average age range would be 13 to 15. Their relationship was of an adult nature... and she was too young to consent under VA law.
He was over 18. She was well under. Jr. High, in this case, is grades 7 & 8... so an average age range would be 13 to 15. Their relationship was of an adult nature... and she was too young to consent under VA law.

Ok, so statutory rape.

So how over 18 was he? And she's about 14 or so? And you have something more than the rumors of other 14 year old girls as probable cause for the arrest? Do you have evidence as to whether or not he used violence to coerce her to have sex with him?

I'm just trying to understand the situation better.

I'm deliberately not going into the details, or naming the charge, for multiple reasons. Similar charges are made in every state, every day. Each should be (and this one certainly was!) the result of thorough and extensive investigation, often coupled with medical exams or other direct evidence.

I thought that the circumstances of the arrest were amusing (getting momma to take us to the kid, and busting him on a date), which is why I shared it. Wouldn't have mattered, though maybe been slightly less amusing, if the charge was simply for petit larceny or some other offense...
I thought that the circumstances of the arrest were amusing (getting momma to take us to the kid, and busting him on a date), which is why I shared it.

That is kind of funny. Stupid really is genetic, isn't it?

And bravo for not getting into too many details. The victim has every right to her privacy.
Ok, so statutory rape.

So how over 18 was he? And she's about 14 or so? And you have something more than the rumors of other 14 year old girls as probable cause for the arrest? Do you have evidence as to whether or not he used violence to coerce her to have sex with him?

I'm just trying to understand the situation better.


Wouldn`t matter one way or the other. Statutory rape means that according to statutes on the books, she`s not old enough to concent to sex. Even if it was all concentual, heck even if she pursued him, it`s illeagal for an adult to have sex with her.

If teh cops are willing to charge him, (and I don`t know what he was charged with, or if he was charged with more than one crime) I`m betting they think they have evidence that will stand up in court. Nobody likes to start a case they can`t win, let alone risk getting sued for false arrest.
I'm deliberately not going into the details, or naming the charge, for multiple reasons. Similar charges are made in every state, every day. Each should be (and this one certainly was!) the result of thorough and extensive investigation, often coupled with medical exams or other direct evidence.

I thought that the circumstances of the arrest were amusing (getting momma to take us to the kid, and busting him on a date), which is why I shared it. Wouldn't have mattered, though maybe been slightly less amusing, if the charge was simply for petit larceny or some other offense...


You know, I always feel bad for these people. It must be really hard to stay out of trouble....I can't imagine how SO MANY PEOPLE manage to never get arrested or go to jail. They must just have bad luck or lead hard lives.

Personally, I've never been to jail or been is amazing.

The same stupid thing in the military, it isn't that hard to stay out of trouble! Dont' be a jerk, don't break any rules!! The dumbass deserves it. Do something wrong, go to jail. Get a job and don't be a deadbeat.

Well, the things I did as a youth would have me in trouble in the US. Getting into trouble is a matter of locality :)
Specifically underage drinking. And while it didn't happen to me, I don't think an 18 year old having sex with a 17 year old should be classified as statutory rape. It's ridiculous actually. Many European countries have sliding age limits that would allow sex between a 17 year old boy and a 16 year old girl, while disallowing sex between a 25 year old male and a 16 year old girl. Those laws are created with the idea that there should be no imbalance in the consent.

Mind you, this does not mean that the parents should allow it or not care, but just that it is not a criminal act as far as the judicial system is concerned. I don't believe in the common US 'all or nothing approach'.
This is distracting from what I'd hoped would just be a funny story...

First: The US is a prudish nation. The rest of the world simply has to deal with that.

Second: Underage drinking is a status offense; it becomes legal when you cross the magical threshold of 21. Status offenses, pretty much by definition are really pretty minor offenses... and the punishments are often aimed heavily at other privileges, like driving.

Third: Sex offenses are very complicated. Rape is fairly straightforward (except when it's not...) Statutory rape laws very state by state, but are built on the premise that a person below a certain level of maturity (as measured by age, since we don't have adulthood tests -- though that could be an interesting idea) has sex, they don't have the tools and understanding to honestly consent. We can discuss it till the cows come home -- but that's the law. Most states also recognize that there are different situations as kids age, and based on the relative ages. For example, an 18 year old having consensual sex with a 16 year old is facing, at worst, contributing to the delinquency of a minor in Virginia. And it's rare to push it there unless there are other circumstances that suggest it's appropriate. Two 15 year olds having consensual sex with each other face different legal circumstances than an 18 or 20 year old having sex with one of those 15 year olds.

It ain't simple. But there are good reasons behind those laws. Especially if you've seen more than a few cases of their violation and dealt with the victims.

Folks, this thread was meant as a War Story and a laugh; that's why it's in this particular forum... If you want to really get into the issues of status offenses or sex offenses and the age of consent -- let's go over to The Study and start a thread for that.

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