Royalty free?


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
Reaction score
In Pain
But why does it have a price tag?

I am in need of a shot of the Abbey Road crossing, THE Abbey Road crossing.

I found one shot perfect for my vision. (It's a vision so far, since my abilities are pretty limited still)

alas...why is there a price tag on the thing when it says 'royalty free'

(In that case it actually had no price tag, since it's only authorized for certain uses, but even when I tried to narrow it down to said use I could not figure it out...)
royalty free just means you don't have to pay for each use. It's a flat-rate use fee.
the education continues....

now If I could only find the price on that thing...

dunno, but 150$ and up, depending on a number of application...I don't consider that royalty free...a bit misleading if you ask me.

But I am amazed that there are no more shot like that on the net, or am I not looking in the right place?
Your alternatives are:
1- take shot yourself.
2- pay a per use fee on top of a licensing fee. Think $5 per shirt, or $2 per poster 'royalty". Advertising is even more entertaining, in that you can be billed based on expected # of eyeballs seeing it.

You aren't paying a royalty, but a licensing fee.
A quick google search doesn't turn up anything, but try istock and other microstock sites. They are often cheaper than shops dealing with professionals.
Your alternatives are:
1- take shot yourself.
2- pay a per use fee on top of a licensing fee. Think $5 per shirt, or $2 per poster 'royalty". Advertising is even more entertaining, in that you can be billed based on expected # of eyeballs seeing it.

You aren't paying a royalty, but a licensing fee.

hell, at those prices it would be cheaper to fly to London, seriously.
The description said for 'editorial use' and then still all of the other 'options show up' I went with the smaller option and ended up with 300 smackers...gong with the bigger options, I am afraid to look! :eek: definitely worth going myself.
heck, I might just end up drawing it myself with a pen...

But thanks, I will check those other options.

(I mean, the idea is hardly original, but the highschool is playing the Beatles this fall...we have 8 seniors, 9 counting the loaner flag girl, you can see where I am going with this, right!) :lol:


  • $u15034623web.jpg
    55.3 KB · Views: 186
did I mention I LOVE you! :)

Now I need to learn the GIMP...