Rounded shoulders from boxing and work


White Belt
Dec 7, 2023
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How can I fix rounded shoulders? My shoulders are put under a lot of strain, especially in the front area. If I do a lot of jab, it burns unpleasantly and even hurts. Even at work, the front side is always stressed. I also notice that I'm becoming more and more tense when I hit. How can I solve this so that I can stay looser again? There are many boxers who have round shoulders but also boxers who don't have it, do you have experience with that?
How can I fix rounded shoulders? My shoulders are put under a lot of strain, especially in the front area. If I do a lot of jab, it burns unpleasantly and even hurts. Even at work, the front side is always stressed. I also notice that I'm becoming more and more tense when I hit. How can I solve this so that I can stay looser again? There are many boxers who have round shoulders but also boxers who don't have it, do you have experience with that?
It's a posture and muscle imbalance thing. Spend more time doing things that work out the upper back an back of your shoulders. More pulling exercises than pushing exercises and wor on maintaining good posture when you Stan ND when you sir. If you have a gut then that should be priority. Build up a strong core.

Tense punching can be fixed by punching for speed. Tie a string to a ball and punch in between the swings don't hit the bal. The goal should be to punch without the string or ball hitting your punching arm.

Tense punching often occurs when people focus too much on punch hard. Hard punches are best when the arm is relaxed.
Do the following daily.

- Try to hold a pencil with your back muscle.
- Bend your body backward for 60 seconds.
- Bend your body forward and let your hands to touch the ground for 60 seconds.
- Swing 1 arm forward and 1 arm backward at the same time.
- Swing both arms behind your head.
- Rotate both arms forward and then backward.
- ...

Also do this drill (loose up 3 joints).

1. Drop your right hand from your right ear to the left of your left knee (loose shoulder joint).
2. Throw your right hand from your left knee to your front about face level (loose elbow joint).
3. Throw your right hand 45 degree upward to the right side of your head (loose wrist joint).
4. Repeat 1, 2, 3 for your left hand.

Try to move your arm 1, 2, 3 so fast that you can only see a blur.
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I used to think hiking, martial arts, and riding my bike were sufficient exercise. They were better than nothing but you can end up a little lopsided. For the past year I've invested in myself by hiring a great personal trainer. She is careful to work opposing sides and never neglects my back muscles. It's a combination of high intensity interval training, resistance bands, cardio, and free weights. It's been a real game changer for me, I look better and feel better.
Do you mean they’ve rolled forward? This can be associated with inflexibility of the thoracic cage. This can help but takes regular, daily practise.