Ron Collins; Shorin-Ryu -- info wanted


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Lifetime Supporting Member

Bob Maxwell, a good friend and teacher of mine, is looking for information regarding Ron Collins, a master of Shorin Ryu Karate from College Park, Maryland. To quote Bob, "He was probably the finest ShorinRyu practitioner I ever knew, and a gentleman in every way." If you have any memories or info to share, please post them here or PM me if you have contact info I can pass along.

My name is wayne davis and I studied under Ronnie in his basement for about a year immediately after he returned from Vietnam and his
studies under shimabuku in Okinawa. After I returned from the military in 1970 I studied in his studio for a while. As far as I know he is
living in Las Vegas and running a boxing class.

Wayne Davis wdavis4014@ol.