Ron Chapel

OK Shrfu!!! It's been 24 hours. You planning on sleeping all day????

Glad to hear you came through "relatively" unscathed and I wish for you a very speedy recovery.

Looking very forward to October. %-}
My prayers are withy you Doc. God Bless and take care. You will be up on your feet in no time.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"
Adding my best wishes to those here - although obviously I have been aware of the dates and keeping you firmly in my thoughts.

Been sending positive vibes over the Atlantic.

Take care, and I'll be over in a week!

your English daughter,

Claire x

Just read Mr Parkers' comments on your recovery process over on Kenponet. I would like to add my Wish to those here for a possitive journey on your road to full recovery.


Mr. Parker's update on Kenponet:

He had a surgery that could have left him a quadrapalegic, but so far he is recovering day by day with no effects of the negative. He is in extreme pain and the healing process is going to be a long process.

However, all is not over he still has one more to go. So your thoughts and prayers are still needed and encouraged.

hank you for all of your kind words and notes, I read some to Ron and it lifted his spirits a small bit. Keep the notes posting he will be reading them in the days ahead.

Once again thank you kenpo community...

We wish you well,

Glad to hear the surgery went well & best wishes for a speedy recovery, Sir! While reading the earlier posts about your condition, the following quote from one of the "Infinite Insights" books came to mind:

"So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit,
It's when things seem worst that you mustn't quit."

Gin-Gin :asian:
I ve never met you in person but I do appreciate your input on things here, and especially since you know what you are talking about having experienced a lot of MA history first hand. God Speed and a Speedy Recovery.
Thanks to all of you who expressed such kind words and well wishes. It really has meant a great deal to me. Although I am not up and around, the first surgery seems to have been successful and with the help of vicodin, I can at least watch some football on the road to recovery.

Many of you have been so very kind to me with your emails and thoughts. I really, really appreciate it, and once again my sincere thanks to all who expressed such positive and heart warming sentiments. You're the best.

God Bless you all

Ron Chapél

NOT THE RAIDERS AGAIN! :xtrmshock I have enough to contend with having to chase that kid in the Raider's jersey off my lawn! :D

Glad to hear you are doing a little better. You mentioned that the first surgery went well, do you need to have another surgery? I sure hope not.

Feel good,
MJ :)
mj-hi-yah said:

NOT THE RAIDERS AGAIN! :xtrmshock I have enough to contend with having to chase that kid in the Raider's jersey off my lawn! :D

Glad to hear you are doing a little better. You mentioned that the first surgery went well, do you need to have another surgery? I sure hope not.

Feel good,
MJ :)
It seems vicodin and the Raiders are a natural combination.
Glad to hear you are doing better Doc. Once you are completely back on your feet again maybe we can talk about bringing you up to the Great White North for a weekend.