Roll call and what's your practice?


White Belt
Oct 2, 2009
Reaction score
Portland, OR
I was looking around a seeing a lot of old inactive posts. So, I thought a sound off might boost the board.

Who's out there reading and what's your personal practice (favorite form, training time, etc.)

For my bit:

I practice yichuan every day and tai chi (sun style) 1x through the form. I work a variety of different qigong forms though one of my favorites is a classic, the baduanjin.

Yichuan is the core of what I do. The simplicity of it and the intensity of the challenge provided by long stands are appealing.

Northwest Internal Arts
I practice chi power, which is a fairly new style, and is only just out there.

It is really cool and effective in developing your chi energy.
I just recently started doing Qigong. My school is not that big on styles but we are working on a form but I'm not sure what it is called. :/
Reiki I attuned in 1990.

Reiki III and Seichim attuned.

10+ years Ninjutsu.

Never received any real Ki training from Karate.

I have one good Qi Gong training program which is exceptionally effective(though I rarely do it).
I practice chi power, which is a fairly new style, and is only just out there.

It is really cool and effective in developing your chi energy.
I looked at thr website and saw:
Telekinesis is the ability to move an object without physically touching it. For most people out there this may seem like a really out of this world ability, but in fact, it is really quite a realistic thing to be able to do.

In order to actually move an object without physically touching it, you will need to use your chi energy. The stronger your chi is, the greater the mass of the object you are able to move. When people first get started with chi training, they may not be able to move anything at all, which is normal, because you do not have enough energy or control over your energy to be able to do it, which is why it may take some time to actually perform this ability.

It is through the chi meditations and exercises that you develop more chi and more control over your chi, which will in turn lead you to actually moving an object. The two meditations in particular which are great, are, the lying down meditation and the standing meditation which I have gone over in the forum.
Do you believe these guys can do that?