Rock Climbing?


2nd Black Belt
Apr 11, 2002
Reaction score
Missoula, Montana
Just got back from the gym. Wow, I've missed it! Anyone else out there find this a good outlet too? It's good to see all that conditioning is paying off. Need to work on my shoulders though!
As my name suggest I am a caver and have been for the last 25+ years. I've found that the work out in one of my state's hardest caves really opens up and loosens muscles that otherwise would've gone ignored. Swimming, rock-climbing, and other sports that utilizes muscles not ordinarily used in day to day activities are excellent to maintain tone and flexibility...particularly to the martial artist.
As a vertical caver I use two different types of rigs to get me in and out of deep caves. A frog system which uses two ascenders and a "sit-stand" motion to move up the rope. Another is the rope-walker/double bungee system which uses all of the lower body muscles to achieve the same effect.
My MA training taught me the importance of balance and how I can minimize the energy output and still achieve the desired motion to get me outta that deep dark hole in the ground. Caving helps keep me in top MA condition. But that's just me... :D

Spelunking is cool until you get behind someone that is claustrophobic. Then you might as well be a sewer worker.
Well I've had that happen before but that's a whole other thread entirely...;)