Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time Series

Gaah! You people need spoiler alerts! I'm on Lord of Chaos (book 6), but devouring as fast as I can. I like the Aiel - what are they, Irish ninja fremen, or what?
I'm astounded that there have been negative comments about Nynaeve al'Meara :puzzled:.

I know it's hard to put into words sometimes why you don't like someone (especially a fictional character) but I hope those who've expressed an anti-preference will take their time to say why.

As you may have gathered, I think she's great (as does a certain Warder ... move along, no spoilers here :D). That may, however, be because she reminds me very much of a woman I nearly married (a long time ago now and of course without the magically stuff to complicate matters).
I know it's hard to put into words sometimes why you don't like someone (especially a fictional character) but I hope those who've expressed an anti-preference will take their time to say why.

Because Nynaeve is an arrogant little ****. She is completely convinced that she alone knows the right and correct answer to everything. Everyone else is a little too dumb for their own good at best, or malicious at worst. Her idea of being strong is being stubborn to a fault, and dominating anyone else that disagrees with her. Unfortunately for almost everyone else, Nynaeve has the raw power to back her arrogance up.

That said, as the series has progressed Nynaeve has actually learned a little bit of humility, and she isn't quite as unbearable. Egwene was the same way, but also learned some humility and limitations from her time with the Aiel. Only Elayne has managed to be the same insufferable jackass without learning anything along the way.

For that matter, Jordan's idea of a "strong" woman in the entire series is a stubborn, dominating control freak, like Faile and Siuan. Makes me wonder about the women in his life.
Because Nynaeve is an arrogant little ****. She is completely convinced that she alone knows the right and correct answer to everything. Everyone else is a little too dumb for their own good at best, or malicious at worst. Her idea of being strong is being stubborn to a fault, and dominating anyone else that disagrees with her. Unfortunately for almost everyone else, Nynaeve has the raw power to back her arrogance up.

That said, as the series has progressed Nynaeve has actually learned a little bit of humility, and she isn't quite as unbearable. Egwene was the same way, but also learned some humility and limitations from her time with the Aiel. Only Elayne has managed to be the same insufferable jackass without learning anything along the way.

For that matter, Jordan's idea of a "strong" woman in the entire series is a stubborn, dominating control freak, like Faile and Siuan. Makes me wonder about the women in his life.

DANG! What he said!!!!
Because Nynaeve is an arrogant little ****. She is completely convinced that she alone knows the right and correct answer to everything. Everyone else is a little too dumb for their own good at best, or malicious at worst. Her idea of being strong is being stubborn to a fault, and dominating anyone else that disagrees with her. Unfortunately for almost everyone else, Nynaeve has the raw power to back her arrogance up.

That said, as the series has progressed Nynaeve has actually learned a little bit of humility, and she isn't quite as unbearable. Egwene was the same way, but also learned some humility and limitations from her time with the Aiel. Only Elayne has managed to be the same insufferable jackass without learning anything along the way.

For that matter, Jordan's idea of a "strong" woman in the entire series is a stubborn, dominating control freak, like Faile and Siuan. Makes me wonder about the women in his life.

Many people feel like you do on that, but he has some normal women in there as well. I have been in love with Min every since I read about her. Also Elayne is very uppity, but not a control freak.

Because Nynaeve is an arrogant little ****. She is completely convinced that she alone knows the right and correct answer to everything. Everyone else is a little too dumb for their own good at best, or malicious at worst. Her idea of being strong is being stubborn to a fault, and dominating anyone else that disagrees with her. Unfortunately for almost everyone else, Nynaeve has the raw power to back her arrogance up.

That said, as the series has progressed Nynaeve has actually learned a little bit of humility, and she isn't quite as unbearable. Egwene was the same way, but also learned some humility and limitations from her time with the Aiel. Only Elayne has managed to be the same insufferable jackass without learning anything along the way.

For that matter, Jordan's idea of a "strong" woman in the entire series is a stubborn, dominating control freak, like Faile and Siuan. Makes me wonder about the women in his life.

All too true. But what I like is that right after Nynaeve expresses a thought about something in her "it's too obvious to mention" manner, Jordan will write about something going on elsewhere that totally contradicts what she just said. She would be insufferable if she was like that and was right all the time; by showing her to be fallible makes her somewhat comical and a little more real. That said, I would never have anything to do with a woman like her IRL.
Many people feel like you do on that, but he has some normal women in there as well. I have been in love with Min every since I read about her. Also Elayne is very uppity, but not a control freak.

I agree that some are worse than others. Even the "normal" women however still have these troubling tendencies that we tend not to tolerate in real life, from men or women. Moiraine was probably the best of them, and even she would "lie" or manipulate with abandon to get what she wanted. Elayne is also a control freak - look at her attempts to exert her authority over all, even before *SPOILER*she becomes queen of Andor*SPOILER*. Min probably is the best of them, but she still has the attitude that she knows what is best for Rand, and will have him do it no matter his feelings.

The women that don't exert these controlling impulses in the book, OTOH, are usually portrayed as weak.
But what I like is that right after Nynaeve expresses a thought about something in her "it's too obvious to mention" manner, Jordan will write about something going on elsewhere that totally contradicts what she just said.

I like it when that happens. :D

That said, I would never have anything to do with a woman like her IRL.

No kidding! Man or woman, that is an unattractive person. That is what makes me wonder about Jordan though, in that most of the major female protagonists are like this. ISTM that his view on women must be pretty screwed up.
I agree that some are worse than others. Even the "normal" women however still have these troubling tendencies that we tend not to tolerate in real life, from men or women. Moiraine was probably the best of them, and even she would "lie" or manipulate with abandon to get what she wanted. Elayne is also a control freak - look at her attempts to exert her authority over all, even before *SPOILER*she becomes queen of Andor*SPOILER*. Min probably is the best of them, but she still has the attitude that she knows what is best for Rand, and will have him do it no matter his feelings.

The women that don't exert these controlling impulses in the book, OTOH, are usually portrayed as weak.

There's another possibility I've considered, though I don't know if it's what Jordan intended. The men have not been able to use the One Power since it was tainted by the Dark One. Since that time, women have pretty much been in control as they are the only ones who can channel. And what happens? They are arrogant. They are control freaks. They make kings and queens dance on their threads.

We hear people opine that things would be so much different if women were in charge. Jordan, whether intentionally or not, seems to suggest that it's not true.

Well it just goes to show that one of the great strengths of a written work of fiction is that people can view the words with their own 'lenses'. I trully approve of the fact that, reading the posts above, I wonder if I've read the same books as some others :).

I wont go into the why's and wherefore's now (too tired to be eloquent) but suffice it so say that I don't recognise the Nynaeve as others have her depicted above. 'That' woman sounds more like Moiraine to me.

Regardless, that requirement for reader interpretation is why a book will always be superior to a film :tup:.
I just recently started on book one. I tried my best to not see all the spoilers in this thread, and just get the reviews.

12 books in the series . . . damn. This is going to take me a while.

I'm on chapter ten now or so, and it's starting to get interesting.

I first picked it up because the synopsis on the back read like a list of heavy metal album titles! :D
Well, I finally finished Book Five and, of the ones I've read so far, it definitely has the best ending, IMO. Great book!

** Spoiler Alert **

Even though I knew it would occur, not every post on every forum has spoiler alert warnings, it really was a shock to see Moraine taken out.
I know.

IMO, the not to Thom is probably about his nephew. Moraine promised him the full story if he escorted Elayne and Nynaeve out of Tear.
Well, the contents of the note aren't revealed until Book 11, although you get a hint of sorts towards Moiraine's fate a book or three before that. :p
[qote=Kreth;751944]Well, the contents of the note aren't revealed until Book 11, although you get a hint of sorts towards Moiraine's fate a book or three before that. :p[/quote]

I just went out and bought book six today, but I'm not excited about 7-10. The Crossroads of Twilight is supposed to be particularly bad, I've heard.

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